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* Introduction - a player's first conversation with the villager in full; variants include different times of day, introductions within the villager's house, and introductions with a villager who has recently moved from another town
* Introduction - a player's first conversation with the villager in full; variants include different times of day, introductions within the villager's house, and introductions with a villager who has recently moved from another town
* Salutation - the first part of a player's first conversation with the villager that day, starting at 12 a.m.; leads to segue; variants include different times of day, different types of weather, and salutations within the villager's house
* Salutation - the first part of a player's first conversation with the villager that day, starting at 12 a.m.; leads to segue; variants include different times of day, different types of weather, and salutations within the villager's house
* Greeting - the first part of a player's conversation with a villager in regular circumstances; leads to segue; variants include different times of day, different types of weather, greetings within the villager's house, greetings when the villager is in a happy mode, and greetings when the villager is bothered by repeated interactions but still willing to converse
* Greeting - the first part of a player's conversation with a villager in regular circumstances; leads to segue; variants include different times of day, different types of weather, greetings within the villager's house, greetings when the villager is in a happy mood, and greetings when the villager is bothered by repeated interactions but still willing to converse
* Re-introduction - a type of salutation that occurs after the player has gone 2+ weeks without speaking to the villager; leads to segue; variants include different times of day
* Re-introduction - a type of salutation that occurs after the player has gone 2+ weeks without speaking to the villager; leads to segue; variants include different times of day
* Segue - the part of the conversation following the salutation or greeting leading into the player's choice of asking for an errand, asking to chat, or canceling the conversation
* Segue - the part of the conversation following the salutation or greeting leading into the player's choice of asking for an errand, asking to chat, or canceling the conversation

Revision as of 22:47, November 16, 2021

The following is a collection of dialogue spoken by the lazy personality in Animal Crossing. Box breaks and expressions/reactions are not recorded. This list is highly incomplete.

The following terms are used:

  • Introduction - a player's first conversation with the villager in full; variants include different times of day, introductions within the villager's house, and introductions with a villager who has recently moved from another town
  • Salutation - the first part of a player's first conversation with the villager that day, starting at 12 a.m.; leads to segue; variants include different times of day, different types of weather, and salutations within the villager's house
  • Greeting - the first part of a player's conversation with a villager in regular circumstances; leads to segue; variants include different times of day, different types of weather, greetings within the villager's house, greetings when the villager is in a happy mood, and greetings when the villager is bothered by repeated interactions but still willing to converse
  • Re-introduction - a type of salutation that occurs after the player has gone 2+ weeks without speaking to the villager; leads to segue; variants include different times of day
  • Segue - the part of the conversation following the salutation or greeting leading into the player's choice of asking for an errand, asking to chat, or canceling the conversation
  • Topic - any of a great number of responses to the player's request to chat; includes many types of interactions
  • Nevermind - the villager's response to the player canceling the conversation
  • Bee sting - dialogue for the first interaction with the villager after the player has been stung by bees; variants include different times of day
  • Bothered - dialogue where the villager has been talked to too many times in a short period; the villager's voice tone becomes agitated, and the conversation will not continue into a segue or allow further interaction by the player
  • Net - dialogue after the player has hit the villager with a butterfly net three times
  • Pushed - dialogue after the player has continuously pushed the villager
  • Sad - dialogue if the villager is in a sad mood; the villager's voice tone becomes depressed, and the conversation will not continue into a segue or allow further interaction by the player
  • Angry - dialogue if the villager is in an angry mood; the villager's voice tone becomes agitated, and the conversation will not continue into a segue or allow further interaction by the player
  • Woken up - dialogue if the player speaks to the villager while they are asleep outside; does not lead into segue
  • Asleep message - Text that appears at the villager's door when the villager is asleep
  • (Morning) - 5 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  • (Afternoon) - 12 p.m. - 5 p.m.
  • (Evening) - 5 p.m. - 12 a.m.
  • (Night) - 12 a.m. - 5 a.m.

Introduction (afternoon) 1: Waaa!!! Wha-What is it! Don’t scare me like that! Sheesh! I don’t even know you! Do you just go around scaring total strangers!? That’s mean, <catchphrase>! I’m <name>. Nice to meet you, but next time, don’t scare me like that…<player>! Introduction (afternoon) 2: Boy howdy! Do you live here in town, too, <catchphrase>? This place is so rad. I moved here after my folks booted me. You say your name is <player>? I can dig it. I’m <name>. I’m always doing this or that outside, so come talk to me whenever you see me, <catchphrase>! Introduction (evening): Hi! Top o’ the evening to ya! Did you come to deliver me a nice, tasty dinner? Yuk yuk! …No? You don’t say. You just stopped by to say hello? Wow. That sure is neighborly of you. Your name’s <player>? Uh, nice to meet you, <catchphrase>. Even if you don’t come bearing snacks. Introduction (night) 1: Why are you awake at this hour, <catchphrase>? Do you only feed at night? Do you fear the sun’s rays? And do I know you? Because…I don’t think I do. But then, I’ve got issues. Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of sleepwalking. And I’ve been really forgetful… Is that bad, <catchphrase>? …Now that I think about it, I haven’t introduced myself. C’mon, brain! Be more smart! Use a different lobe! My name’s <name>. I’ll try to remember your name, <player>. Well, sleep time, <catchphrase>.

Introduction (night): You’re probably wondering why I’m running around so late at night, aren’t you, <catchphrase>? Do you think you know why? Would you tell me? …No, of course not. How could you possibly know? I’ve been really forgetful lately, and sometimes, I just forget where I’m going. I thought you might know. You know, come to think of it, I forgot to introduce myself, <catchphrase>! I’m <name>. I’m not always like this, I promise, <catchphrase>! Re-introduction (afternoon, indoors?): <player>? You’re <player>! Whoa, <catchphrase>! Man, what a relief! You haven’t been over here for like

Salutation (morning) 1: Hey, good morning! You remember my name now, right, <catchphrase>? Remember? My name? Yup, I’m <name>. Listen, this is embarrassing, but I was freaking out. I often forget my own name.

Greeting (morning) 1: Morning, <player>. Again. <catchphrase>.

Salutation (afternoon) 1: <player>, it seems like you normally come talk to me about this time… Right, <catchphrase>? Hey, no, it’s not like I mind or anything, <catchphrase>. Knock yourself out.

Salutation (afternoon) 2: I’m starving, <catchphrase>! If I don’t get some food in me, I’m gonna flip my wig! I’m so serious right now! Huh?! Whuzzuh?! Oh, man, you’re just in time, <catchphrase>! You brought me… You brought me…something to eat! … No, of course you didn’t.

Greeting (afternoon) 1: Hey, <catchphrase>.

Greeting (afternoon) 2: I’ve grown a powerful hunger since I saw you last, <catchphrase>.

Greeting (afternoon) 3: Ah. <player>.

Greeting (afternoon, indoors) 1: Hey, <catchphrase>.

Greeting (afternoon, indoors) 2: My pad is pretty darned cool, huh, <catchphrase>? Cooooooooooooool.

Greeting (afternoon, indoors) 3: <player>! You can hang out all day, but I’m not going to serve you lunch, <catchphrase>!

Greeting (afternoon, snow) 1: Huh? Are you here again? I feel like I’ve spoken to you a dozen times today already, <catchphrase>!

Greeting (afternoon, snow) 2: Cold day, huh, <catchphrase>? Must be tough, running errands in the snow.

Greeting (afternoon, snow) 3: Hello, <player>. Look at this… It’s already afternoon, and it just keeps snowing, <catchphrase>.

Salutation (evening) 1: Huh? Hey, how weird. What a coincidence, right, <catchphrase>? Spooky, running into you like this. Where are you off to at this weird hour, <catchphrase>?

Greeting (evening) 1: Hey, <player>.

Greeting (evening) 2: Any news, <catchphrase>?

Greeting (evening) 3: The sun’s about disappeared, hasn’t it, <catchphrase>?

Salutation (evening, indoors) 1: Hey, what’s up this evening? You have any trouble finding my house in the dusky twilight? You gotta be careful. I even miss my house sometimes, <catchphrase>!

Greeting (evening, indoors) 1: Hey, how’s the evening been going, <catchphrase>?

Greeting (evening, indoors) 2: Oh, hey, <catchphrase>!

Greeting (evening, indoors) 3: So, how is it, huh? How does it feel to walk on the carpet of champions, <catchphrase>?

Greeting (evening, rain) 1: Good evening… except for the rain, <catchphrase>.

Greeting (evening, rain) 2: Oooh, I was hoping the rain would let up a little before I went to bed, <catchphrase>!

Greeting (evening, rain) 3: I don’t mind the rain, but I can’t stand getting wet, <catchphrase>!

Greeting (night) 1: Nice night, huh, <catchphrase>?

Greeting (night) 2: Hey, <catchphrase>…

Greeting (night) 3: Good morning… Good evening… Whatever it is, <catchphrase>…

Salutation (night, snow) 1: <player>. Evening. You probably came out thinking it had stopped snowing, didn’t you? Man, you’re naive! From my long experience, I say it’ll snow for another 19 (<number>?) hours, <catchphrase>! Although, I wouldn’t exactly count on that prediction, if you know what I mean. I’m not, you know, perfect.

Salutation (night, snow) 2: Bluugh… Evening. I’m really cold and tired. I think I’ll head home soon. Don’t you think you oughta as well, <catchphrase>?

Greeting (night, snowing) 1: Well, looks like it’s about time to nab me a little shut-eye, <catchphrase>!

Greeting (night, snowing) 2: I’ll betcha it gets pretty cold tonight! Be sure to bundle up, <catchphrase>!

Greeting (night, snowing) 3: Hey, good evening, <catchphrase>.

Greeting (bothered) 1: Maybe it doesn’t look like it, but I’ve got stuff to do too, you know…

Greeting (bothered, indoors?) 2: Look, it’s great that you’re here and everything, but do you think you could maybe leave now, <catchphrase>?

Greeting (bothered) 3: Can’t you just leave me alone? I’m tired, and I don’t want to talk, <catchphrase>.

Segue 1: So, what do you need, <catchphrase>?

Segue 2: Yeah, so what did you need me for, <catchphrase>?

Segue 3: Umm, what’s up, <catchphrase>?

Topic (summer): Wow, look at me sweat! We’re deep in summertime now, <catchphrase>. The weather changes so quickly sometimes. I feel like the seasons passed me by while I was asleep…

Nevermind 1: Oh, <catchphrase>.

Nevermind 2: That’s fine, <catchphrase>.

Bothered 1: Oh, wow… Why are you hassling me? I just want to be alone for a while, <catchphrase>.

Bothered 2: Hmph… You know, I think I’m feeling a little antisocial. I want to be alone, <catchphrase>.

Bothered 3: Oh, give me a break… Seriously, who do I have to see about getting you to leave me alone, <catchphrase>!

Net 1: That’s starting to hurt, <player>! {SAD MOOD}

Net 2: I hate you, <player>! I hate you tons! {SAD MOOD}

Net 3: <player>! I can’t believe I used to think you were cool, <catchphrase>! {SAD MOOD}

Bee sting (afternoon): Oh, man! You look terrible! I almost didn’t recognize you! Seriously, not to bum you out, but you look tenderized! It is <player>, right? It took me a while, but I got you pegged now, <catchphrase>! Wow, you look so miserable. And no small wonder. Anyway, I hope it gets better soon, <catchphrase>.

Sad 1: Sigh… I envy you. You always look so happy, <catchphrase>. You’ll never understand what I’m going through.

Sad 2: Please, I don’t want to talk to anyone, <catchphrase>…

Sad 3: I don’t feel like talking right now. Please, just leave me alone, <catchphrase>.

Woken up: Yawn! …Who are you? What am I doing…outside? Hey, <player>! Why didn’t you wake me up sooner, <catchphrase>? Man, I did it again, <catchphrase>…

Asleep message: Sleeping now. Come back when I’m awake.