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m (Piranhapete moved page User:Piranhapete/Sandboxes/Dramatic Dialogue (AC) to User:Piranhapete/Sandboxes/Ditzy Dialogue (AC): after further examination decided ditzy is a more accurate term for the personality as a whole)
(dramatic -> ditzy)
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== Dramatic Islander Dialogue ==
== Ditzy Islander Dialogue ==
The following is a collection of dialogue spoken by the [[User:Piranhapete/Sandboxes/Islander_Personality_Descriptions|dramatic]] [[Islander]] personality in [[Animal Crossing]]. Box breaks and expressions/reactions are not recorded. This list is mostly complete but still missing some dialogue such as potential holiday salutations and topics dealing with remembered actions by other players. If you have accurate transcriptions of this dialogue, please feel free to add it.
The following is a collection of dialogue spoken by the [[User:Piranhapete/Sandboxes/Islander_Personality_Descriptions|ditzy]] [[Islander]] personality in [[Animal Crossing]]. Box breaks and expressions/reactions are not recorded. This list is mostly complete but still missing some dialogue such as potential holiday salutations and topics dealing with remembered actions by other players. If you have accurate transcriptions of this dialogue, please feel free to add it.
=== The following terms are used: ===
=== The following terms are used: ===

Revision as of 07:22, November 30, 2021

Ditzy Islander Dialogue

The following is a collection of dialogue spoken by the ditzy Islander personality in Animal Crossing. Box breaks and expressions/reactions are not recorded. This list is mostly complete but still missing some dialogue such as potential holiday salutations and topics dealing with remembered actions by other players. If you have accurate transcriptions of this dialogue, please feel free to add it.

The following terms are used:

  • Introduction - a player's first conversation with the islander in full; variants include different times of day
  • Salutation - the first part of a player's first conversation with the islander that day, starting at 12 a.m.; leads to segue; variants include different times of day
  • Greeting - the first part of a player's conversation with an islander in regular circumstances; leads to segue; variants include different times of day
  • Re-introduction - a type of salutation that occurs after the player has gone 2+ weeks without speaking to the islander; leads to segue; variants include different times of day
  • Segue - the part of the conversation following the salutation or greeting leading into the player's choice of asking to chat or canceling the conversation
  • Topic - any of a great number of responses to the player's request to chat; includes many types of interactions
  • Nevermind - the islander's response to the player canceling the conversation
  • Bee sting - dialogue for the first interaction with the islander after the player has been stung by bees
  • Net - dialogue after the player has hit the islander with a butterfly net three times
  • Pushed - dialogue after the player has continuously pushed the islander
  • Sad - dialogue if the islander is in a sad mood; the islander's voice tone becomes depressed, and the conversation will not continue into a segue or allow further interaction by the player (Note: No method currently found for this personality)
  • Angry - dialogue if the islander is in an angry mood; the islander's voice tone becomes agitated, and the conversation will not continue into a segue or allow further interaction by the player
  • Asleep message - Text that appears at the islander's door when the islander is asleep
  • (Morning) - 5 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  • (Afternoon) - 12 p.m. - 5 p.m.
  • (Evening) - 5 p.m. - 12 a.m.
  • (Night) - 12 a.m. - 5 a.m.


Introduction (morning): Oh! Gee! Hi! Morning! Hey, you know, I don’t think I’ve seen you around before. So, um, who are you? Ohhh, [player], huh? I’m [name]. So, OK, [catchphrase].

Introduction (afternoon): Oh! Hey! Wow! Hello! I’ve never seen you before! So, um, who are you? Ohhh, [player], huh? I’m [name]. Hi! It sure is really nice meeting you, [catchphrase].

Introduction (evening): Oh! Wow! Gee! Hello! I don’t know you, do I? I’m really sorry if we met and I forgot you! Oh, we HAVEN’T met! Whew! I’m [name]. Hi! And you are…? Ohhh, [player], huh? Cool, [catchphrase]!

Introduction (night): Wow, I didn’t think ANYBODY came over to the islands at this time of night! You’re a wild child! So I’m [name]. Who are you? Should I just call you “mysterious stranger”? Ohhh, [player], huh? Well, nice to meet you, [catchphrase]!

Salutation (morning): Oh, morning, [player]! My head feels like it’s stuffed with cotton candy in the morning…

Greeting (morning) 1: Oh, [player], huh? What’s up, [catchphrase]?

Greeting (morning) 2: Oh, hi, [player]! Um, what’s up with you, [catchphrase]?

Greeting (morning) 3: Oh, wow! It’s you! Wow, [catchphrase]!

Salutation (afternoon): Ohhh, [player], hi! This afternoon feels so… sluggish, don’t you think? Or maybe, is it just me, [catchphrase]?

Greeting (afternoon) 1: Ohhh, [player]! You sure are peppy today! Is there a reason or are you being you, [catchphrase]?

Greeting (afternoon) 2: Ohhh, [player]! Maybe I’m just being silly, but don’t you think you’re kinda hyper, [catchphrase]?

Greeting (afternoon) 3: Sometimes animals tell me I babble, but I think maybe you babble even more! Seriously, [catchphrase]!

Salutation (evening): Ohhh, [player]. Today just seemed to blip right by without me even noticing, [catchphrase].

Greeting (evening) 1: Ohhh, [player]! The night’s just begun, huh? Or no, wait. Has the day just ended, [catchphrase]?

Greeting (evening) 2: Ohhh, hi, [catchphrase].

Greeting (evening) 3: Huh? Ohhh, [player]. How’re you, [catchphrase]?

Salutation (night) 1: Ohhh, [player]! It’s you, all right! Y’know…I had a feeling you’d be crossing over to the island to visit me… So I didn’t even take off my makeup! I just decided to stay up, [catchphrase]!

Greeting (night) 1: So you’re up late, too! Interesting, [catchphrase]!

Greeting (night) 2: Oh, my! [player]! I bet you’re tired. Aren’t you? ‘Cause if I were you, I’d be tired, [catchphrase].

Greeting (night) 3: Ohhh, it’s you!

Re-introduction (morning): Huh? Oh, who are you again? …Yeah, [player]! Wait, are you serious? This is the first time you’ve come here in [time period]? Wow, I am such a space.

Re-introduction (afternoon): Oh, wait, don’t tell me! Are you [player]? Yeah! Wow! It’s been awhile! How’re you, [catchphrase]?

Re-introduction (evening): Ohhh, [player]! I feel like it’s been really, really long since I saw you, [catchphrase]. Really long! I mean, I figured you’d just gotten bored of the island… …And of me…

Re-introduction (night): Ohhh! [player]! You frightened me! What are you doing out in the middle of the night? I was just thinking about how it’s been [time period] since I saw you, and now you come back just to scare me?

Segue 1: So, ummm… What was it you wanted, [catchphrase]?

Segue 2: So, yeah. Did you wanna maybe talk about something, [catchphrase]?

Segue 3: Did you want to ask me something, [catchphrase]?

Nevermind 1: Fine, [catchphrase].

Nevermind 2: What’s THAT all about, [catchphrase]?

Nevermind 3: Oh, really? OK, I guess, [catchphrase].

Topic (relaxing): You know, [player], when I’ve had a rough day and I just can’t take the stress anymore… …I sit on the beach, close my eyes, breathe deeply, and listen to the soft sound of the waves breaking. Doing that always seems to make me feel better.

Topic (food): I swear, I’m feeling so hungry right now. I’m getting so tired of filet of sole, too… Maybe I’ll try making [food] tonight…

Topic (tanning) 1: You should never forget that this IS a tropical island. The sun is REALLY strong here, [catchphrase]. Without sunscreen or an umbrella, you’d be lucky to last five minutes here without getting sunburnt to a crisp! Not that it matters to me! I would look beautiful pale, bronze, crispy, or whatever! That’s just how hot I am!

Topic (tanning) 2: If you don’t wanna get an icky sunburn from this tropical sun, you’d better find yourself a nice parasol! ‘Course, I’m used to it. I don’t really have to worry. Unless…the sun sneaks out some time when I’m sleeping!

Topic (mail): It’s pretty difficult to have many worries, living on a deserted island like I do. Yeah, this is the life. The one exception, though, is the stupid mail service. It’s so completely horrible. Who? Pete…? Hmm…no. Never heard of him. Well, why doesn’t he get his feathers together and fly on over with the mail more often? I mean, really!

Topic (planting coconuts): Hey, I thought maybe I oughta tell you… If you take coconuts back to the mainland to plant… …You’ve gotta remember, they’re only happy next to the ocean, so you have to plant them on a beach!

Topic (fruits): Apples, peaches, cherries, pears, and oranges. I’m talking fruit here! I doubt you know this, but when you have trees of every kind, something really cool happens… Know what it is? You can eat any type of fruit whenever you want! Hee hee hee hee hee! And that’s really cool! Coconuts? Yeah, eat all you want. Freak. Personally, I’m not a fan. I just like looking at palm trees, [catchphrase].

Topic (Kapp’n, to male) 1: What’s up, [player]? You may not have noticed because you’re a guy, but Kapp’n says some really sketchy things sometimes. That guy just creeps me out, if you don’t mind me saying. And what is he, anyway? Some kind of freak turtle? I swear, one of these days, I’d like to keelhaul that scurvy dog, [catchphrase]! Yarrrrrrrrr!

Topic (Kapp’n, to male) 2: You’re probably OK because you’re a boy and all… …But when that Kapp’n gets a girl on his boat, he says some pretty gosh-darn weird things! He’s a bit dingy.

Topic (Kapp’n, to female): What’s up, [player]? Hey, don’t you think Kapp’n acts really nervous when he has a girl on his boat? Have you noticed that? He’s certainly no romantic “beast of the sea!” I’d like to stuff his green mug into Davy Jones’s locker!

Topic (bugs): Ugh! I really hate your town! The flowers and the trees… They all have those nasty little bugs all over them!! Just thinking about those creepy-crawlies makes me break out in ugly hives! Ew! Ew! Ew ew EW! At least here on lovely [island name] I don’t have to deal with that grossness. Unless, of course, I don’t clean my house often enough. It seems like I always space doing that!

Topic (song): [SINGING] That melody was a song I learned long ago from this good friend of mine. Really nice, wasn’t it? I think so, [catchphrase]. {GOOD MOOD}

Topic (personal opinion solicitation): All right, [player]. Time for a pop quiz, hotshot! Look into my eyes… How would you describe me? And you’d better be honest, [catchphrase]! Or else!

  • “Awesome!”: Well, aren’t we the smooth talker? A little too smooth. Well, don’t expect any favors from me, sweetheart! Hee hee… {GOOD MOOD}
  • “So-so…”: Ohhh, is that a fact? Well, let me tell you, you’re no prize catch yourself. Meanie!
  • “Lame!”: Hee hee hee! Oh, please!! Come off it! Playing like you’re cool isn’t going to work with me, lame-o! I always suspected you were an immature little baby! What a joke, [catchphrase]! {ANGRY MOOD}

Topic (catchphrase solicitation): Oh, hi [player]. Hey… Do you think it’s stupid of me to always say [catchphrase]? You look like you’re kind of smart, so could you maybe think up a phrase that sounds more…I don’t know…mature?

  • “Sure!”: Oh, really? How sweet of you. Seriously, I appreciate it. {CATCHPHRASE ENTRY} …! [catchphrase]?! Hmm…interesting. “[catchphrase],” huh? That just might do the trick! Yeah! I actually like it! Thanks a bunch! You’re the greatest, [catchphrase]!
  • “That’s fine!”: Oh, really? You mean you’re a fan of “[catchphrase]”? I was positive it was sort of played, [catchphrase]. Hmm…yes. You know what? Now that I’m hearing myself say it, I remember how cool it makes me sound. I guess I’ll just keep wowing everyone with this catch-phrase for a while longer, [catchphrase].

Topic (guest book solicitation): Hey, [player]! Will you sign my island guest book? It’s OK if you’re not, you know, into it at all.

  • “Sure!”: Oh, really? Neat. Well, just don’t, like, write anything completely dumb, [catchphrase]. {GUEST BOOK ENTRY} I promise I’ll read it later. Thanks sooooo much!
  • “Don’t have time!”: Awww… That figures… I guess I don’t care all THAT much, [catchphrase].

Topic (guest book display): Hey, [player], look at this. {GUEST BOOK DISPLAY} You wrote me this, right? Don’t you remember? Oh. Or are you just a little embarrassed, [catchphrase]?

Topic (guest book display, other player): Here, why don’t you take a look at my guest book. {OTHER PLAYER GUEST BOOK DISPLAY} Recognize the handwriting? That human [other player] from [town name] was the one who wrote it. How can I describe it? It’s so…not-exactly-cool, maybe, [catchphrase]?

Topic (furniture request): Hey, [catchphrase]. I want to ask you something. Have you ever seen a [furniture]? I’ve been looking for one for what seems like forever, but I haven’t had any luck. I’m so emotionally crushed. So, if you see one, you’ll get it for me, right? RIGHT, [catchphrase]?

Topic (non-request furniture solicitation): Well hey, check YOU out! What have you got there? Yeah, THAT. What is THAT? Can I see that? Hmmm… Wow, awesome! A [furniture], huh? That’s so snazzy! Sooo, [player]. I’m dying to have that. Can you maybe give it to me, for, say, [number] Bells?

  • “OK!”: Wow, really? No kidding! I guess it IS always worth asking, huh? Mom was right! Let’s see… Here’s [number] Bells. Thanks, [catchphrase]!
  • “No way!”: Huh? Did you just refuse me? Whatever. See if I care! I just wanted to see how your business sense was… And it’s pretty bad, I guess. Have a nice life.

Topic (request furniture solicitation): Well, I’ll be! Gosh! That’s a really nice item you’ve got there! I never thought YOU’D have something like this, [player]. Wow! I mean, really, WOW! You know, I’ve aaaalways wanted a [furniture] exactly like that! Would you give it to me, for, say, [number] Bells? Pretty please, [catchphrase]?!

  • “Sure!”: No way! That’s fabulous! Can I really, truly have it? Wow, you are sooo gullible… I mean NICE! So NICE! {TAKES FURNITURE} Hooray! Oh yeah! Score! Here’s the money! Thanks, [player]!
  • “No way!”: Grrr! So that’s how it is. …Well… You’re just a big stinker, and that’s all there is to it…

Topic (furniture approval): Thanks again for that nice [furniture] you gave me. It really brings the room together. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciated it. I truly will treasure it, [catchphrase].

Topic (furniture return): Ah, young [player]! Thank you so much for the [furniture] you gave me the other day. But…I don’t think it fits my room, you know? I hate to do this, but would you please take it back? I’m really sorry. Really! Please don’t think I’m one of those snotty animals you meet sometimes.

Topic (furniture approval, other player): Did you know that I had a [furniture] in my room? That’s right! Isn’t it great? [other player] gave it to me. I guess I know who my REAL friends are!

Topic (furniture return, other player): So, uh, [other player] gave me this nice little [furniture] the other day… Nice gesture, I guess… But it doesn’t go with my design scheme at all! It sticks out like a sore claw! I’d decided to throw it away, but I guess you can have it. I mean, it’s better than junking it, I guess. {GIVES FURNITURE} But don’t tell [player], OK? I don’t like to bum anyone out, especially when they’ve been generous.

Topic (furniture sale): Hey, [player]. Any chance you want this [furniture]? It’s [number] Bells. “Sure!”: Oh, you’ll buy it? Fantastic. Here you go! {FURNITURE SALE} Thanks, [catchphrase].

Topic (clothing solicitation): Oooh, that’s a very nice item! Which one? Why, that [clothing]! Duh! It would look amazing on me! I shouldn’t say this, but you should limit your wardrobe to outfits you can actually pull off, know what I mean? So why not give it to me? Well? How about it?

  • “I guess…”: Really? It’s OK with you? You must have recognized how silly it looked no you… Good call, [player]! {TAKES CLOTHING, CLOTHING CHANGE} All right! Yay me!
  • “Absolutely NOT!”: Awwww… …You selfish old hog.

Topic (clothing gift, other player): [other player] gave me this outfit for some reason. I wasn’t going to ask why! Free clothes are free clothes! You know what I realized? I look great in anything!

Topic (net, player): I heard once that there’s a lot of suspicious characters who live on the mainland. Is that true? I could believe it, ’cause whenever someone’s hitting someone else with a net, it’s always a mainlander.

Topic (net, other player) 1: [other player] hit me with a net the other day! I thought I had a bug on me, but now I don’t think I did! What a complete barbarian! I hate dumb people like that. They should be kept on a leash or something.

Topic (net, other player) 2: I really hate people who keep doing annoying things just to get an animal’s attention. I mean, grow up, people! Like, take that weirdo [other player], for instance. [name] keeps hitting me with a net! I hate it!

Topic (crushed flowers, player): Hey, you really crushed those flowers over there! Be more careful, OK?

Topic (crushed flowers, other player): When [other player] was here last time, that stupid-head stepped on all these flowers! That’s minus 5 points for [other player], I’ll tell you that much right now! Dumb old flower-stomper!

Topic (Gracie clothing?, other player): [other player] came by here the other day, looking much cuter than usual. I wish I could look that good, too…

Bee sting: Whoa! What’s with that face, [player]? It’s icky! Why would you like looking like that? I mean, that gross face kinda makes you look dumb, [catchphrase]. And looking dumb isn’t smart.

Pushing 1: You know something? I don’t understand what you think you’re doing, but it really makes me angry!!

Pushing 2: What do you think you’re doing?! Don’t touch me! You’re grossing me out!

Pushing 3: Hey, just quit it already!!

Net 1: What are you doing?! I… I hate you!

Net 2: You’re so immature! I don’t have time for this…

Net 3: Hey, what’s your problem? Are you trying to make me cry or something? It won’t work. It won’t!

Pitfall 1: What IS this? Stop doing that, you stupid trap thingie! This isn’t fun! You hear me? I am NOT having any fun right now!

Pitfall 2: Wait right there! Did you do this, you jerk? I don’t know what you’re thinking, but this is NOT funny at all! This is just plain mean! Hey, are you even listening?

Pitfall 3: By the way… If you insist on playing these stupid little childish pranks, keep them to yourself! Don’t get me involved, got it, [catchphrase]?

Angry 1: That’s it! We’re through!

Angry 2: You know what? I don’t think I can trust you anymore, [catchphrase].

Angry 3: I’m not talking to you anymore…[catchphrase]!

Asleep message: Good night. Please don’t wake me up.