User:Piranhapete/Sandboxes/Lazy Dialogue (AC)

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The following is a collection of dialogue spoken by the lazy personality in Animal Crossing. Box breaks and expressions/reactions are not recorded. This list is highly incomplete.

The following terms are used:

  • Introduction - a player's first conversation with the villager in full; variants include different times of day, introductions within the villager's house, and introductions with a villager who has recently moved from another town
  • Salutation - the first part of a player's first conversation with the villager that day, starting at 12 a.m.; leads to segue; variants include different times of day, different types of weather, and salutations within the villager's house
  • Greeting - the first part of a player's conversation with a villager in regular circumstances; leads to segue; variants include different times of day, different types of weather, greetings within the villager's house, greetings when the villager is in a happy mode, and greetings when the villager is bothered by repeated interactions but still willing to converse
  • Re-introduction - a type of salutation that occurs after the player has gone 2+ weeks without speaking to the villager; leads to segue; variants include different times of day
  • Segue - the part of the conversation following the salutation or greeting leading into the player's choice of asking for an errand, asking to chat, or canceling the conversation
  • Topic - any of a great number of responses to the player's request to chat; includes many types of interactions
  • Nevermind - the villager's response to the player canceling the conversation
  • Bee sting - dialogue for the first interaction with the villager after the player has been stung by bees; variants include different times of day
  • Bothered - dialogue where the villager has been talked to too many times in a short period; the villager's voice tone becomes agitated, and the conversation will not continue into a segue or allow further interaction by the player
  • Net - dialogue after the player has hit the villager with a butterfly net three times
  • Pushed - dialogue after the player has continuously pushed the villager
  • Sad - dialogue if the villager is in a sad mood; the villager's voice tone becomes depressed, and the conversation will not continue into a segue or allow further interaction by the player
  • Angry - dialogue if the villager is in an angry mood; the villager's voice tone becomes agitated, and the conversation will not continue into a segue or allow further interaction by the player
  • Woken up - dialogue if the player speaks to the villager while they are asleep outside; does not lead into segue
  • Asleep message - Text that appears at the villager's door when the villager is asleep
  • (Morning) - 5 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  • (Afternoon) - 12 p.m. - 5 p.m.
  • (Evening) - 5 p.m. - 12 a.m.
  • (Night) - 12 a.m. - 5 a.m.

Introduction (afternoon) 1: Waaa!!! Wha-What is it! Don’t scare me like that! Sheesh! I don’t even know you! Do you just go around scaring total strangers!? That’s mean, <catchphrase>! I’m <name>. Nice to meet you, but next time, don’t scare me like that…<player>! Introduction (afternoon) 2: Boy howdy! Do you live here in town, too, <catchphrase>? This place is so rad. I moved here after my folks booted me. You say your name is <player>? I can dig it. I’m <name>. I’m always doing this or that outside, so come talk to me whenever you see me, <catchphrase>! Introduction (evening): Hi! Top o’ the evening to ya! Did you come to deliver me a nice, tasty dinner? Yuk yuk! …No? You don’t say. You just stopped by to say hello? Wow. That sure is neighborly of you. Your name’s <player>? Uh, nice to meet you, <catchphrase>. Even if you don’t come bearing snacks. Introduction (night) 1: Why are you awake at this hour, <catchphrase>? Do you only feed at night? Do you fear the sun’s rays? And do I know you? Because…I don’t think I do. But then, I’ve got issues. Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of sleepwalking. And I’ve been really forgetful… Is that bad, <catchphrase>? …Now that I think about it, I haven’t introduced myself. C’mon, brain! Be more smart! Use a different lobe! My name’s <name>. I’ll try to remember your name, <player>. Well, sleep time, <catchphrase>.

Introduction (night): You’re probably wondering why I’m running around so late at night, aren’t you, <catchphrase>? Do you think you know why? Would you tell me? …No, of course not. How could you possibly know? I’ve been really forgetful lately, and sometimes, I just forget where I’m going. I thought you might know. You know, come to think of it, I forgot to introduce myself, <catchphrase>! I’m <name>. I’m not always like this, I promise, <catchphrase>! Re-introduction (afternoon, indoors?): <player>? You’re <player>! Whoa, <catchphrase>! Man, what a relief! You haven’t been over here for like

Salutation (morning) 1: Hey, good morning! You remember my name now, right, <catchphrase>? Remember? My name? Yup, I’m <name>. Listen, this is embarrassing, but I was freaking out. I often forget my own name.

Greeting (morning) 1: Morning, <player>. Again. <catchphrase>.

Salutation (afternoon) 1: <player>, it seems like you normally come talk to me about this time… Right, <catchphrase>? Hey, no, it’s not like I mind or anything, <catchphrase>. Knock yourself out.

Salutation (afternoon) 2: I’m starving, <catchphrase>! If I don’t get some food in me, I’m gonna flip my wig! I’m so serious right now! Huh?! Whuzzuh?! Oh, man, you’re just in time, <catchphrase>! You brought me… You brought me…something to eat! … No, of course you didn’t.

Greeting (afternoon) 1: Hey, <catchphrase>.

Greeting (afternoon) 2: I’ve grown a powerful hunger since I saw you last, <catchphrase>.

Greeting (afternoon) 3: Ah. <player>.

Greeting (afternoon, indoors) 1: Hey, <catchphrase>.

Greeting (afternoon, indoors) 2: My pad is pretty darned cool, huh, <catchphrase>? Cooooooooooooool.

Greeting (afternoon, indoors) 3: <player>! You can hang out all day, but I’m not going to serve you lunch, <catchphrase>!

Greeting (afternoon, snow) 1: Huh? Are you here again? I feel like I’ve spoken to you a dozen times today already, <catchphrase>!

Greeting (afternoon, snow) 2: Cold day, huh, <catchphrase>? Must be tough, running errands in the snow.

Greeting (afternoon, snow) 3: Hello, <player>. Look at this… It’s already afternoon, and it just keeps snowing, <catchphrase>.

Salutation (evening) 1: Huh? Hey, how weird. What a coincidence, right, <catchphrase>? Spooky, running into you like this. Where are you off to at this weird hour, <catchphrase>?

Greeting (evening) 1: Hey, <player>.

Greeting (evening) 2: Any news, <catchphrase>?

Greeting (evening) 3: The sun’s about disappeared, hasn’t it, <catchphrase>?

Salutation (evening, indoors) 1: Hey, what’s up this evening? You have any trouble finding my house in the dusky twilight? You gotta be careful. I even miss my house sometimes, <catchphrase>!

Greeting (evening, indoors) 1: Hey, how’s the evening been going, <catchphrase>?

Greeting (evening, indoors) 2: Oh, hey, <catchphrase>!

Greeting (evening, indoors) 3: So, how is it, huh? How does it feel to walk on the carpet of champions, <catchphrase>?

Greeting (evening, rain) 1: Good evening… except for the rain, <catchphrase>.

Greeting (evening, rain) 2: Oooh, I was hoping the rain would let up a little before I went to bed, <catchphrase>!

Greeting (evening, rain) 3: I don’t mind the rain, but I can’t stand getting wet, <catchphrase>!

Greeting (night) 1: Nice night, huh, <catchphrase>?

Greeting (night) 2: Hey, <catchphrase>…

Greeting (night) 3: Good morning… Good evening… Whatever it is, <catchphrase>…

Salutation (night, snow) 1: <player>. Evening. You probably came out thinking it had stopped snowing, didn’t you? Man, you’re naive! From my long experience, I say it’ll snow for another 19 (<number>?) hours, <catchphrase>! Although, I wouldn’t exactly count on that prediction, if you know what I mean. I’m not, you know, perfect.

Salutation (night, snow) 2: Bluugh… Evening. I’m really cold and tired. I think I’ll head home soon. Don’t you think you oughta as well, <catchphrase>?

Greeting (night, snowing) 1: Well, looks like it’s about time to nab me a little shut-eye, <catchphrase>!

Greeting (night, snowing) 2: I’ll betcha it gets pretty cold tonight! Be sure to bundle up, <catchphrase>!

Greeting (night, snowing) 3: Hey, good evening, <catchphrase>.

Greeting (bothered) 1: Maybe it doesn’t look like it, but I’ve got stuff to do too, you know…

Greeting (bothered, indoors?) 2: Look, it’s great that you’re here and everything, but do you think you could maybe leave now, <catchphrase>?

Greeting (bothered) 3: Can’t you just leave me alone? I’m tired, and I don’t want to talk, <catchphrase>.

Segue 1: So, what do you need, <catchphrase>?

Segue 2: Yeah, so what did you need me for, <catchphrase>?

Segue 3: Umm, what’s up, <catchphrase>?

Topic (summer): Wow, look at me sweat! We’re deep in summertime now, <catchphrase>. The weather changes so quickly sometimes. I feel like the seasons passed me by while I was asleep…

Nevermind 1: Oh, <catchphrase>.

Nevermind 2: That’s fine, <catchphrase>.

Bothered 1: Oh, wow… Why are you hassling me? I just want to be alone for a while, <catchphrase>.

Bothered 2: Hmph… You know, I think I’m feeling a little antisocial. I want to be alone, <catchphrase>.

Bothered 3: Oh, give me a break… Seriously, who do I have to see about getting you to leave me alone, <catchphrase>!

Net 1: That’s starting to hurt, <player>! {SAD MOOD}

Net 2: I hate you, <player>! I hate you tons! {SAD MOOD}

Net 3: <player>! I can’t believe I used to think you were cool, <catchphrase>! {SAD MOOD}

Bee sting (afternoon): Oh, man! You look terrible! I almost didn’t recognize you! Seriously, not to bum you out, but you look tenderized! It is <player>, right? It took me a while, but I got you pegged now, <catchphrase>! Wow, you look so miserable. And no small wonder. Anyway, I hope it gets better soon, <catchphrase>.

Sad 1: Sigh… I envy you. You always look so happy, <catchphrase>. You’ll never understand what I’m going through.

Sad 2: Please, I don’t want to talk to anyone, <catchphrase>…

Sad 3: I don’t feel like talking right now. Please, just leave me alone, <catchphrase>.

Woken up: Yawn! …Who are you? What am I doing…outside? Hey, <player>! Why didn’t you wake me up sooner, <catchphrase>? Man, I did it again, <catchphrase>…

Asleep message: Sleeping now. Come back when I’m awake.