Page values for "Lulu (anteater)"
From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki
1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
villager | String | Lulu (anteater) |
islander | Boolean | Yes |
game | List of String, delimiter: , | DnMe+ |
interior_image | String | House of Lulu DnMe+.png |
interior_image_url | String | |
exterior_image | String | PG Exterior Islander.png |
exterior_image_url | String | |
wallpaper | String | Rose Wall |
wallpaper_image | String | Rose Wall_PG.png |
wallpaper_image_url | String | |
flooring | String | Birch Flooring |
flooring_image | String | Birch Flooring_PG.png |
flooring_image_url | String | |
music | String | K.K. Tango |
music_note | String | |
items | Text | [ {"name": "Pineapple Bed", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""} ] |
request_items | Text | [ {"name": "Classic Hutch", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Phonograph", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Classic Cabinet", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Aloe", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Cabana Bed", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Rubber Tree", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Classic Sofa", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Vibraphone", "count": 1, "img": "Vibraphone DnMe+ Model.png", "note": ""} ] |
notes | Wikitext string | |
1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
villager | String | Lulu |
villager_jp | String | ルル |
game | String | Doubutsu no Mori e+ |
series | String | |
number | String | 054 |
image_front | String | Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 2-054 (Lulu).png |
image_back | String | Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 2-054 (Lulu - Back).png |
gender | String | Female |
species | String | Anteater |
sign | String | Pisces |
sign_jp | String | 魚座 |
clothes | String | red aloha shirt |
clothes_jp | String | あかのアロハ |
clothes_jp_t | String | red aloha |
phrase | String | ara ara |
phrase_jp | String | あらあら |
description | String | When a person who initially gave you a bad impression is then kind to you, you may think they are actually a very nice person. However, it is not advisable to intentionally make a bad first impression. |
description_jp | String | 最初の印象が悪かった人から親切にされると、逆にすごくイイ人に思えたりします。だからと言って、ワザと印象悪くするのはオススメできませんけどね。 |
favorite_saying_jp | String | 損して得とれ |
favorite_saying_jp_t | Wikitext string | You must lose a little in order to gain
password_line1 | String | |
password_line2 | String | |
1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
url | String | |
name | String | ルル |
ja_name | String | |
fr_name | String | |
de_name | String | |
it_name | String | |
es_name | String | |
zh_name | String | |
romanized_name | String | Lulu (anteater) |
image | String | Lulu DnMe+ Model.png |
image_url | String | |
species | String | Anteater |
gender | String | Female |
personality | String | Snooty |
sign | String | Pisces |
catchphrase | String | あらあら |
ja_phrase | String | |
fr_phrase | String | |
de_phrase | String | |
it_phrase | String | |
es_phrase | String | |
zh_phrase | String | |
clothing | String | red aloha shirt |
clothing_ique | String | |
clothing_e_plus | String | |
clothing_plus | String | |
clothing_dnm | String | |
umbrella | String | daffodil parasol |
umbrella_ique | String | |
in_dnm | Boolean | No |
in_plus | Boolean | No |
in_pg | Boolean | No |
in_e_plus | Boolean | Yes |
in_ique | Boolean | No |
islander | Boolean | Yes |
fav_fruit | String | |
allergic_fruit | String | |
fav_clothing | String | Fancy |
least_fav_clothing | String | Refined |
song_gift | String | K.K. Tango |
starter | Boolean | Yes |
1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
url | String | |
name | String | Lulu |
name_sort | String | Lulu |
no_localization | Boolean | Yes |
alt_name | String | |
title_color | String | |
text_color | String | |
id | String | |
image | String | Lulu DnMe+.png |
image_url | String | |
species | String | Anteater |
personality | String | Snooty |
personality_note | String | |
prev_personality | String | |
prev_personality_note | String | |
gender | String | Female |
birthday | String | |
birthday_month | String | |
birthday_day | Integer | |
birthday_sort | Integer | |
sign | String | Pisces |
sign_sort | Integer | 12 |
prev_sign | String | |
prev_sign_sort | Integer | |
quote | String | |
phrase | String | あらあら |
prev_phrase | String | |
prev_phrase2 | String | |
clothing | String | red aloha shirt |
clothing_nh_var | String | |
umbrella | String | daffodil parasol |
islander | Boolean | Yes |
debut | String | DnMe+ |
dnm | Boolean | No |
ac | Boolean | No |
e_plus | Boolean | Yes |
ww | Boolean | No |
cf | Boolean | No |
nl | Boolean | No |
wa | Boolean | No |
nh | Boolean | No |
film | Boolean | No |
hhd | Boolean | No |
pc | Boolean | No |
engb_name | String | |
de_name | String | |
es_name | String | |
esl_name | String | N/A |
fr_name | String | |
frq_name | String | N/A |
it_name | String | |
ja_name | String | ルル |
ja_name_r | String | Ruru |
ko_name | String | |
ko_name_r | String | |
nl_name | String | |
ru_name | String | |
ru_name_r | String | |
zh_name | String | |
zh_name_r | String | |
zht_name | String | N/A |
zht_name_r | String | |