Creepy stone (New Leaf)

From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki

Creepy Theme
Creepy stone
Buy price Sell price
Not for sale  500 Bells[nb 2]
1.0 x 1.0  1 × 1
Obtain via
 Jack (Halloween)
Customize No customization options.
Rarity group None
HHA theme challenges Quirky
HHA points 651
HHA penalty if facing wall Yes[nb 1]
Style Flashy
Internal information
Filename: int_hor_bosekiB
Internal ID: 2AA7
Internal ID (NLWa): 2B51
In other games
City Folk (creepy stone)
Names in other languages
 stèle lugubre
 estela pavorosa
 lapide horror
 저주받은 묘비
 stèle lugubre
 estela pavorosa

The creepy stone is a furniture item in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. It is part of the Creepy Theme.

The creepy stone can be obtained from Jack on Halloween if the player gives him a lollipop.

No villagers have this item in their home, nor do any characters have this item in their RV.


  1. If this item is facing a wall in the player's house, the HHA will deduct 100 points from the total score. If the player is doing a theme challenge, that penalty will increase to 10,000 points.
  2. Re-Tail sell price
