Gossip Stone (New Leaf)

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Gossip Stone
Buy price Sell price
 3 Coupons  3,000 Bells[nb 1]
1.0 x 1.0  1 × 1
Obtain via
Customize No customization options.
Rarity group None
HHA theme challenges Toy shop
HHA points 300
HHA penalty if facing wall No
Style Iconic
Internal information
Filename: int_zld_gossip
Internal ID (NLWa): 3084
Names in other languages
 pierre à potins
 piedra chismosa
 statua chiacchierona
 가십 스톤
 pierre à potins
 piedra chismosa

The Gossip Stone is a furniture item in Animal Crossing: New Leaf introduced in the Welcome amiibo update.

The Gossip Stone can be obtained from the RV of Epona for  3 MEOW Coupons.

No villagers have this item in their home. However, this item appears in the RV of Epona.


  1. Re-Tail sell price
