Pavé floor (New Leaf)

From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki

Pavé Series

Pavé floor


Texture of Pavé floor

Buy price Sell price
Not for sale
 3 Coupons
 1,800 Bells[nb 1]
Obtain via
 Pavé (Festivale)
 Pavé's RV
Rarity group None
HHA theme challenges Trendy
Style Modern
HHA points 651
Internal information
Filename: carpet_carnival
Internal ID: 23D5
Internal ID (NLWa): 23F9
In other games
City Folk (Pavé floor)
Names in other languages
 sol carnaval
 suelo Conga
 pavimento Pavão
 카니발 바닥
 sol carnaval
 suelo Conga

The Pavé floor is a carpet item in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. It is part of the Pavé Series.

The Pavé floor can be obtained from Pavé during Festivale if the player gives him the color of feather he requests. It can also be obtained from the RV of Pavé for  3 MEOW Coupons.

No villagers have this item in their home. However, this item appears in the RV of Pavé.


  1. Re-Tail sell price
