View table: e_card

From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki

Table structure

  1. villager - String
  2. villager_jp - String
  3. game - String
  4. series - String
  5. number - String
  6. image_front - String
  7. image_back - String
  8. gender - String
  9. species - String
  10. sign - String
  11. sign_jp - String
  12. clothes - String
  13. clothes_jp - String
  14. clothes_jp_t - String
  15. phrase - String
  16. phrase_jp - String
  17. description - String
  18. description_jp - String
  19. favorite_saying_jp - String
  20. favorite_saying_jp_t - Wikitext string
  21. password_line1 - String
  22. password_line2 - String

Data table

This table has 383 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page villager villager jp game series number image front image back gender species sign sign jp clothes clothes jp clothes jp t phrase phrase jp description description jp favorite saying jp favorite saying jp t password line1 password line2
Ace (edit) Ace Animal Crossing 230 Animal Crossing-e 4-230 (Ace).jpg Animal Crossing-e 4-230 (Ace - Back).jpg Male Bird Pisces spade shirt ace Ace knows every fish-filled pond and puddle. But this avid fisherman never sells his catch or donates it to the museum. His tender heart compels him to release each wide-eyed prize back into the water. u@AJlqpq5uAb7% #tHqpaGhPHIJeB
Admiral (edit) Admiral Animal Crossing 053 Animal Crossing-e 1-053 (Admiral).jpg Animal Crossing-e 1-053 (Admiral - Back).jpg Male Bird Aquarius orange pinstripe aye aye Every once in a while, you run into a guy who just likes being in a bad mood. Admiral is just that kind of guy. He's a complainer, and whenever he's not complaining, he's just being downright mean. khhJOhNHUyCvzm sRZTGLgl7vlC@6
Agent S (edit) Number 2 2ごう Doubutsu no Mori e+ 032 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 2-032 (Agent S).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 2-032 (Agent S - Back).png Female Squirrel Scorpio 蠍座 No.2 shirt No.2のふく No.2 clothes seiya せいやっ The only girl on the team, Number 2! Her speed is second to none! "[[Kid Cat|Number 1]]! [[Big Top|Number 3]]! Leave it to me! Hi-yah!" She has a bit of a problem with being too strong-willed. 紅一点の2ごう!誰にも負けないスピードの持ち主!「1ごう!3ごう!アタイにまかせなって!!せいやっ!」気が強すぎるのが、タマにキズです。 疾きこと風の如し

Swift as the wind
(From Sun Tzu's The Art of War; see Fūrinkazan)

Aisle (edit) Aisle アイル Doubutsu no Mori e+ 037 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 2-037 (Aisle).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 2-037 (Aisle - Back).png Male Bear cub Capricorn 山羊座 blue grid shirt みずいろこうしのふく light blue grid clothes āa あーあ He is always watching other people's faces. Such is his nature, but did something happen to him in the past? He always looks uneasy. Turn around and talk once in a while! ついつい人の顔色をうかがってしまう。そんな彼ですが、何か過去にあったのでしょうか?いつ見ても不安そう。たまにはこっち向いて喋ってよ! 疑心暗鬼を生ず

Suspicion begets monsters
(Once you suspect something, everything else will start to seem suspicious)

Alfonso (edit) Alfonso Animal Crossing 270 Animal Crossing-e 4-270 (Alfonso).jpg Animal Crossing-e 4-270 (Alfonso - Back).jpg Male Gemini big bro's shirt it's a me Alfonso has an odd hobby: dreaming. That crazy croc spends more time in bed than he does anywhere else. His one ambition is to spend all his time in bed, asleep. When people ask him why, he always says, "I can dream, can't I?" o#zhECOdBLw9wm 8WBmGZKbN2Oyyq
Alice (edit) Melbourne メルボルン Doubutsu no Mori e+ 062 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 3-062 (Alice).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 3-062 (Alice - Back).png Female Koala Leo 獅子座 barber shirt バーバーなふく barber clothes kirari キラリ Melbourne-chan has lovely blue eyes. Actually, she is concerned about her red nose. But surprisingly, other than herself, people around her don't care about it. 青い瞳が、とっても素敵なメルボルンちゃん。実は、赤いお鼻を気にしています。でも案外、自分以外のまわりのひとは、気にしていないものなんです。 自意識過剰

Excessive self-consciousness

Alli (edit) Alli Animal Crossing 234 Animal Crossing-e 4-234 (Alli).jpg Animal Crossing-e 4-234 (Alli - Back).jpg Female Crocodile Scorpio leopard print graaagh Alli takes her looks seriously. And even though her arms aren't long enough to reach her mouth, she asks her best friend Zoe to paint some pretty pouty lips on her toothy grin every morning. Ahhh, the price of beauty and the value of friends! mG8k2FtnGI62Lq EpzxHEws2r2NNO
Amelia (edit) Amelia Animal Crossing 246 Animal Crossing-e 4-246 (Amelia).jpg Animal Crossing-e 4-246 (Amelia - Back).jpg Female Eagle Scorpio spiderweb shirt eaglet It's true that birds of a feather flock together, but for Amelia, no one is good enough, and she flocks with no bird. Believing that she descends from eagle royalty, Amelia thinks she may just be a princess herself. xiKcqbYYUCnLkw aUUbqeGi5nx&cl
Analog (edit) Analog アナログ Doubutsu no Mori e+ 045 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 2-045 (Analog).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 2-045 (Analog - Back).png Male Penguin Aquarius 水瓶座 spring shirt はながらのニット floral-pattern knit damonde だもんで When you watch him for a long time, he moves strangely jerkily, you can hear suspicious noises, and he freezes up at important moments. ...Muscle aches? Yes, yes, it's always the case isn't it. ずっと見てると、妙に動きがカクカクするし、怪しげな音がきこえたり、大事な時に固まったりするし。・・・キンニク痛?はいはい、いつもの事ですね。 林檎は虫食いほど旨い

The apple tastes better if it's been eaten by worms

Anchovy (edit) Anchovy Animal Crossing 150 Animal Crossing-e 3-150 (Anchovy).jpg Animal Crossing-e 3-150 (Anchovy - Back).jpg Male Bird Pisces straw shirt chuurp Anchovy proudly claims the title of "All-Time Laziest Guy." He supposedly won a "Lounging Contest" somewhere, but he doesn't have any trophy to prove it, so he's probably just making the whole thing up. R2qnlYJ5yrIwDp To38u2LHZ7hDLD
Angus (edit) Cervantes セルバンテス Doubutsu no Mori e+ 005 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-005 (Angus).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-005 (Angus - Back).png Male Bull Taurus 牡牛座 flame shirt ファイアーなふく fire clothes fufu ふふ Although he appears cool at first glance, a hot flame burns in the depths of his heart. Once he starts running, nothing can stop him. ...Except for his weakness of insects. 一見クールな彼ですが、心の奥底には熱い炎が燃えたぎっています。一度走り出したら、誰も彼を止めることはできません。・・・苦手な虫以外は。 弁慶の泣き所

Benkei's crying place
(Even Benkei, a great Japanese warrior who was known for his incredible strength, cries and feels pain when he is hurt; one's weak point)?'"`UNIQ--ref-000001A1-QINU`"'?

Anicotti (edit) Anicotti Animal Crossing 143 Animal Crossing-e 3-143 (Anicotti).jpg Animal Crossing-e 3-143 (Anicotti - Back).jpg Female Mouse Pisces desert shirt cannoli Anicotti may look sort of sleepy, but she's anything but! This perky little mouse will talk your ears off if you let her. While a lot of it is just friendly babble, she does occasionally drop pearls of wisdom. VXWODivSBmM#YR 7zoTbXSWKGBq4o
Ankha (edit) Ankha Animal Crossing 014 Animal Crossing-e 1-014 (Ankha).jpg Animal Crossing-e 1-014 (Ankha - Back).jpg Female Cat Virgo red aloha shirt me meow Ankha's face shines with beauty and the sparkle of the youth, but she claims she was a cat in Cleopatra's court. That would make her 3,000 years old! How many years do nine lives make? rQ9dnN7Clqv2T% 3oNLI7AQoOhixO
Annalise (edit) Annalise Animal Crossing 162 Animal Crossing-e 3-162 (Annalise).jpg Animal Crossing-e 3-162 (Annalise - Back).jpg Female Horse Sagittarius red aloha shirt nipper Annalise is always impressed by the successful women she's met in the world. And while she wants to grow up to be like them, she has to do it her way, because if you aren't yourself, then who are you? KEG85HRRgO5xW@ &yiQcFRHR@&xVu
Antonio (edit) Makoto マコト Doubutsu no Mori e+ 063 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 3-063 (Antonio).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 3-063 (Antonio - Back).png Male Anteater Libra 天秤座 big star shirt いちばんぼしのふく first shining star clothes honto ni ホントに He seems to be proud of his coat. "Being the genuine article" is cool, he says. Now I see it. When he puts it that way, the pattern does look nice. 彼は自分の毛並みを誇りに思っているみたいです。「本物であること」がかっこいいんですって。ナルホド。そう言われたらいい模様に見えてきました。 本物志向

Aspire for the genuine article

Apollo (edit) Apollo Animal Crossing 040 Animal Crossing-e 1-040 (Apollo).jpg Animal Crossing-e 1-040 (Apollo - Back).jpg Male Eagle Cancer zipper shirt pah He may look scary, and he's a bit mean when you talk to him, but Apollo's not as bad as he seems. He's like a loud-mouthed older brother, but even more annoying. Oh, and don't ever call him a mooch. QMK5Y6uH@38Grj vUqF&pGzIDW%hy
Astrid (edit) Astrid Animal Crossing 245 Animal Crossing-e 4-245 (Astrid).jpg Animal Crossing-e 4-245 (Astrid - Back).jpg Female Kangaroo Virgo star shirt my pet Astrid has stars in her eyes. Literally! She's been a stargazer since her daddy bought her first telescope. And now, she even wears her heavenly interest on her sleeves and on her face! qMHJ%PadN9GXv4 NzEtjkxotPXgQb
Aurora (edit) Aurora Animal Crossing 116 Animal Crossing-e 2-116 (Aurora).jpg Animal Crossing-e 2-116 (Aurora - Back).jpg Female Penguin Aquarius classic top b-b-baby Aurora is very kind and polite, but she can also be surprisingly flighty. She starts off with the most serious of sentences and then finishes them up with the silliest of comments. She's an odd bird. RQ8CiJ%BgkkNNE %7gk8aLQIQy6Z#
Ava (edit) Ava Animal Crossing 092 Animal Crossing-e 2-092 (Ava).jpg Animal Crossing-e 2-092 (Ava - Back).jpg Female Chicken Taurus checkerboard tee beaker Ava is about as average and clean cut as a chicken can be. She's up at the crack of dawn with all the roosters, but rather than crowing at the sun she's busy tidying up her room. She gets along well with the other animals–except the wolves. @UO2GnRSBNIkTl 3PbSH225yVkIXO
Avery (edit) Kusukecha クスケチャ Doubutsu no Mori e+ 065 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 3-065 (Avery).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 3-065 (Avery - Back).png Male Eagle Pisces 魚座 uncommon shirt いかめしいニット severe knit aryoi アリョイ Maybe you are a descendant of something after all. I feel romantic when I look at you from behind or from the side. His catchphrase "aryoi" may actually be the key to the secret!? 君って、やっぱり何かの末裔かもね。うしろ姿や横から見るとなんだかロマンを感じるしさ。口癖の「アリョイ」も実は秘密のカギだったりするとか!? 瑠璃も玻璃も照らせば光る

Both lapis lazuli and glass shine when illuminated

Axel (edit) Axel Animal Crossing 249 Animal Crossing-e 4-249 (Axel).jpg Animal Crossing-e 4-249 (Axel - Back).jpg Male Elephant Aries fresh shirt WHONK Axel is a 15,000-pound African elephant who spends all day eating. He doesn't need to thin trees in his village since he can eat a couple a week! Now if he could just get some dental floss for those branches stuck between his teeth! arQgGmTaWbLsKT bGcx%rOO@dZHAl
Azalea (edit) Petunia ペチュニア Doubutsu no Mori e+ 060 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 3-060 (Azalea).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 3-060 (Azalea - Back).png Female Rhinoceros Sagittarius 射手座 rickrack shirt はでめにまとめたふく modest and clean-cut clothes merushii メルシィ She loves flowers in every way. Was she born with the flower pattern on her nose? Or did she draw it herself? Whatever the case may be, one can feel her love for flowers. とにかくお花が大好きな彼女。鼻の上のお花模様は、生まれつきか?はたまた自分で描いたのか?ともあれ、お花が好きって気持ちは伝わってきます。 花の上より鼻の上

Just as much importance is given to the nose as to the flowers
( to the quality of one's work as to one's self)

Aziz (edit) Aziz Animal Crossing 240 Animal Crossing-e 4-240 (Aziz).jpg Animal Crossing-e 4-240 (Aziz - Back).jpg Male Lion Pisces Anju's shirt RAWR Aziz is a high-flying rug collector. This exotic lion has collected more than 20 different floor coverings—and his collection continues to grow. Now if he would just buy a chair, he could sit in his house and enjoy those rugs! ZfkZj7Dfhwy6VY E73B7weZCG%Dmn
Baabara (edit) Baabara Animal Crossing 074 Animal Crossing-e 2-074 (Baabara).jpg Animal Crossing-e 2-074 (Baabara - Back).jpg Female Sheep Aries purple tie-dye daahling Baabara is an absolute nut when it comes to aerobics. She can point out the slightest flaw in someone's routine, whether it's a low leg-kick or a stiff knee-bend. Of course, she thinks her own routines are flawless. JExkbJW9KU#qN7 2#m3R5SsQJi6Zv
Bangle (edit) Bangle Animal Crossing 034 Animal Crossing-e 1-034 (Bangle).jpg Animal Crossing-e 1-034 (Bangle - Back).jpg Female Tiger Virgo pop bloom shirt growf Bangle is obsessed with the latest trends. If it's not Gracie's fashions, it's just not fashionable! She roams far and wide in search of the hottest new look, sometimes even as far as the town dump! vWSV4RMVZl3GjL 97em6tXA#rmN#i
Bea (edit) Bea Animal Crossing 133 Animal Crossing-e 3-133 (Bea).jpg Animal Crossing-e 3-133 (Bea - Back).jpg Female Dog Libra go-go shirt bingo Bea's a friendly dog, but she gets down in the dumps whenever someone mistakes her for a boy. She's tried everything from applying makeup to wearing really feminine clothing, but nothing seems to work. TruCDLdfExbSpo RE&Gg&NpDQ7rb8
Becky (edit) Aria アリア Doubutsu no Mori e+ 048 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 2-048 (Becky).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 2-048 (Becky - Back).png Female Chicken Sagittarius 射手座 Kaffe's shirt カーフェイのふく Kafei clothes hareruya ハレルヤ She seems to have a noble smell, or perhaps it is the smell of perfume wafting through the air. Well, either way, it is hard to get close to her. Moderation is the best... in everything. 高貴な匂いというか、香水の匂いがプンプンと漂よって来そうな方ですね。まあ、どちらにしても近寄りがたいんですけど。ほどほどが一番ですね・・・、何事も。 白豆腐の拍子木

Wooden clappers made out of white tofu
(Something that looks nice but is actually useless, because you can't use clappers that are made out of white tofu)?'"`UNIQ--ref-0000013A-QINU`"'?

Bella (edit) Isabella イザベラ Doubutsu no Mori e+ 009 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-010 (Bella).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-010 (Bella - Back).png Female Mouse Capricorn 山羊座 skull shirt ドクロのふく skull clothes gyaha ギャハッ Her dream is to be a vocalist. She is confident in her singing voice, but everyone says, "It sounds like screaming." "You just don't get it!" 彼女の夢は、ヴォーカリスト。歌声には自信アリなのですが、みんなが言うには「悲鳴にしか聞こえない」のだそうです。「わかってないわね!」 大声は里耳に入らず

The loud voice does not enter the commoner's ear
(Noble music is not understood by ordinary people)?'"`UNIQ--ref-000000BD-QINU`"'?

Bella (edit) Isabella イザベラ Doubutsu no Mori e+ 009 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-010 (Bella).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-010 (Bella - Back).png Female Mouse Capricorn 山羊座 skull shirt ドクロのふく skull clothes gyaha ギャハッ Her dream is to be a vocalist. She is confident in her singing voice, but everyone says, "It sounds like screaming." "You just don't get it!" 彼女の夢は、ヴォーカリスト。歌声には自信アリなのですが、みんなが言うには「悲鳴にしか聞こえない」のだそうです。「わかってないわね!」 大声は里耳に入らず

The loud voice does not enter the commoner's ear
(Noble music is not understood by ordinary people)?'"`UNIQ--ref-000000CF-QINU`"'?

Bella (edit) Isabella イザベラ Doubutsu no Mori e+ 009 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-010 (Bella).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-010 (Bella - Back).png Female Mouse Capricorn 山羊座 skull shirt ドクロのふく skull clothes gyaha ギャハッ Her dream is to be a vocalist. She is confident in her singing voice, but everyone says, "It sounds like screaming." "You just don't get it!" 彼女の夢は、ヴォーカリスト。歌声には自信アリなのですが、みんなが言うには「悲鳴にしか聞こえない」のだそうです。「わかってないわね!」 大声は里耳に入らず

The loud voice does not enter the commoner's ear
(Noble music is not understood by ordinary people)?'"`UNIQ--ref-00000649-QINU`"'?

Belle (edit) Belle Animal Crossing 149 Animal Crossing-e 3-149 (Belle).jpg Animal Crossing-e 3-149 (Belle - Back).jpg Female Cow Cancer denim shirt cuddles Belle is as big an optimist as you'll ever meet. She loves sunshine, doesn't mind the rain, and plays in the snow. If the fish aren't biting, she just goes bug-hunting. Nothing gets this cow down! mQGD2zWSLQ4g39 qaAFpuBC2&&&mS
Benedict (edit) Peshimichi ぺしみち Doubutsu no Mori e+ 019 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-019 (Benedict).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-019 (Benedict - Back).png Male Chicken Libra 天秤座 two-ball shirt 2ばんだまのふく 2-ball clothes uhyō ウヒョー He doesn't have any pictures of himself as a baby, and he seems to believe that there is a secret about his birth. Recently, he has started claiming that he is an alien from another planet. ...Good grief. 彼には赤ん坊の頃の写真が無いらしく、自分の出生には秘密があると思い込んでいるみたいです。近頃では自分はナントカ星の宇宙人だとか言い出す始末。・・・やれやれ。 杯中の蛇影

A serpent's shadow in the cup
(Seeing a shadow that isn't there; doubt causes you to worry about innocuous things)?'"`UNIQ--ref-00001913-QINU`"'?

Bertha (edit) Bertha Animal Crossing 140 Animal Crossing-e 3-140 (Bertha).jpg Animal Crossing-e 3-140 (Bertha - Back).jpg Female Hippo Taurus pink tartan bloop Like many hippos, Bertha spends a lot of time thinking about creative ways to de-emphasize her nose. She's tried makeup, loud clothing, and even a selection of bizarre hats, but nothing seems to work. YYwk7cW&yYXfjI 6z5zn7tFZowEuI
Bessie (edit) Bessie Animal Crossing 227 Animal Crossing-e 4-227 (Bessie).jpg Animal Crossing-e 4-227 (Bessie - Back).jpg Female Cow Taurus berry gingham buttercup This cow has a curious habit of sticking fruit up her nose. First it was little things like cherries and grapes. But lately, she's been trying oranges. What next? Cantaloupes? With all due respect, that girl's a real fruitcake! x6Crwe5@grNyhH rc9e2AE8nEjVwt
Betty (edit) Betty Animal Crossing 146 Animal Crossing-e 3-146 (Betty).jpg Animal Crossing-e 3-146 (Betty - Back).jpg Female Chicken Gemini comfy sweater cluckling Betty has quite nice plumage for a chicken, but she's constantly worrying that it's just not fashionable enough. As a result, she's always on the lookout for the next "big" outfit. PbSy4MoIZWVG8# HZruQarZeqNadw
Biff (edit) Biff Animal Crossing 025 Animal Crossing-e 1-025 (Biff).jpg Animal Crossing-e 1-025 (Biff - Back).jpg Male Hippo Taurus jagged shirt squirt Biff comes across as a typical jock. True, he is a thick-headed powerhouse who likes to call people "squirt," but once you get to know him, you'll find that he's a NICE thick-headed powerhouse. lOBeWmvs3kbUBF kQVZCxc3rGGhuv
Big Top (edit) Number 3 3ごう Doubutsu no Mori e+ 033 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 2-033 (Big Top).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 2-033 (Big Top - Back).png Male Elephant Libra 天秤座 No.3 shirt No.3のふく No.3 clothes uryā うりゃー Number 3 is a laid-back person, but he has a lot of strength! When the time comes, he's as strong as a hundred people! "Uryaaa! Where's the enemy? Are they really here?" Where is this unseen enemy...? 3ごうは、のんびり屋だけどカ持ち!いざというとき百人力!「うりゃー!敵っていうのはどこ?ホントにいるのぉ?」まだ見ぬ敵はいずこに・・・? もっとカレーを!

More curry!

Bill (edit) Bill Animal Crossing 022 Animal Crossing-e 1-022 (Bill).jpg Animal Crossing-e 1-022 (Bill - Back).jpg Male Duck Aquarius No.2 shirt quacko If you're into football, you'll like Bill. He never stops quackin'. He's strange that way, but he's got a lot of team spirit. Just don't call him quacko, or you'll never hear the end of it. kXTapOCmnT%GVm V2vkyNCKKTtdf3
Billy (edit) Billy Animal Crossing 235 Animal Crossing-e 4-235 (Billy).jpg Animal Crossing-e 4-235 (Billy - Back).jpg Male Goat Aries sharp outfit dagnaabit You won't hear anyone calling Billy an old goat. He may be getting along, but he acts like a kid. Why, even some of the young'ns in the village can't run as long or as fast as this tough old-timer. ADhb2VxA&MfYXN jWOp&zEl&Gtki3
Biskit (edit) Biskit Animal Crossing 211 Animal Crossing-e 4-211 (Biskit).jpg Animal Crossing-e 4-211 (Biskit - Back).jpg Male Dog Taurus mod top dawg Biskit is one bad dog! He loves to gross out the girls by rolling back his eyeballs to expose the whites of his eyes. Then he limps around calling himself the Phantom of the Kennel! 3kg8aRwRVqrrqG #mpfqlbgWkUpNu
Bitty (edit) Bitty Animal Crossing 251 Animal Crossing-e 4-251 (Bitty).jpg Animal Crossing-e 4-251 (Bitty - Back).jpg Female Hippo Libra funky dot shirt my dear Bitty is pretty. This much is true. But her home is a Happy Room Academy nightmare! Cockroaches run freely and there's not a speck of furniture or fun in sight. What is she doing all day? swiLOgo&leTWW5 7GkFc@HfVsAdiE
Blaire (edit) Blaire Animal Crossing 135 Animal Crossing-e 3-135 (Blaire).jpg Animal Crossing-e 3-135 (Blaire - Back).jpg Female Squirrel Cancer peachy shirt nutlet Blaire doesn't really worry about anything in life because she figures she can just get by on cuteness alone. It's worked so far, but what happens when she has a problem that cuteness can't solve? ptN8vK4yh@J&PS WKU6#AfqpZ5qSr
Blanca (edit) Blanca Animal Crossing 178 Animal Crossing-e 3-178 (Blanca).jpg Animal Crossing-e 3-178 (Blanca - Back).jpg Female Cat Aquarius There are many theories about Blanca, none of which can be confirmed. One is that the cat is running from a shady past...while another is that Blanca got a little too enthusiastic while removing makeup one day. KuysIo28mtWNnE ontIs@3FwWBLwo
Blathers (edit) Blathers Animal Crossing 007 Animal Crossing-e 1-007 (Blathers).jpg Animal Crossing-e 1-007 (Blathers - Back).jpg Male Owl Libra As museum curator, this night owl fills his brain with fascinating facts. Just be prepared for a lecture whenever you talk to him. He'd be a great game-show contestant if he could just stay awake. ls2MVlUXlkvGiv @cR9I3PX9ZnwJC
Bluebear (edit) Bluebear Animal Crossing 037 Animal Crossing-e 1-037 (Bluebear).jpg Animal Crossing-e 1-037 (Bluebear - Back).jpg Female Bear cub Cancer lemon gingham peach Most bears tend to get kind of sluggish and sleepy as the weather cools, but not Bluebear. She's full of energy all year long. She may seem a bit pushy, but that's just one of her many charms. BgZ2#%7o8MHTMH #bcUTow9OivCbq
Bob (edit) Bob Animal Crossing 011 Animal Crossing-e 1-011 (Bob).jpg Animal Crossing-e 1-011 (Bob - Back).jpg Male Cat Capricorn blossom shirt pthhpth Everyone loves Bob's laid-back attitude, in spite of his nasty habit of spitting whenever he speaks. Ever wonder why he sleeps so late? It's because he's up all night playing video games. Can you blame him? rbOPwN@eLL9k4T k7tEqzr#HSkUL4
Bones (edit) Bones Animal Crossing 057 Animal Crossing-e 1-057 (Bones).jpg Animal Crossing-e 1-057 (Bones - Back).jpg Male Dog Leo caveman tunic yip yip Some dogs are incredible. They become rescue dogs or police dogs and have important jobs. Other dogs can do tricks. Then there are the dogs that just dig holes and chase cars. Guess which type Bones is... jYUPrFFbOwjNEE &6SrkLMhOqKhjT
Booker (edit) Booker Animal Crossing 121 Animal Crossing-e 3-121 (Booker).jpg Animal Crossing-e 3-121 (Booker - Back).jpg Male Dog Taurus Booker's your best buddy if you're looking to snag free stuff from the lost and found, but it's kind of disturbing to think of him as a keeper of the peace. Could this guy really stop a criminal? C8feld6Bzf@YA2 DQyuEJq3I&%sCE
Boomer (edit) Boomer Animal Crossing 248 Animal Crossing-e 4-248 (Boomer).jpg Animal Crossing-e 4-248 (Boomer - Back).jpg Male Penguin Capricorn blue aloha shirt human Boomer left the big city where errands, gardening, buying, selling, writing, digging, fishing, and bug-collecting all wore him down. One day, he up and moved to the islands, where he could loll about in the sun and avoid the crowds. vp2xBSywTeLIQg VMl6Kz3iktmqj7
Boots (edit) Boots Animal Crossing 101 Animal Crossing-e 2-101 (Boots).jpg Animal Crossing-e 2-101 (Boots - Back).jpg Male Alligator Leo jester shirt munchie There's nothing Boots likes so much as gardening. He's crazy for daisies and mad about maples. He's got quite the green thumb. Of course, the rest of him is pretty green too. UwvRroorlGmpol yu@V&e#O&MELDE
Boris (edit) Boris Animal Crossing 051 Animal Crossing-e 1-051 (Boris).jpg Animal Crossing-e 1-051 (Boris - Back).jpg Male Pig Scorpio Kaffe's shirt schnort Boris is a pig in more ways than one. First off, he snorts a lot. And he hates to clean. The funny thing is, he hates it when things are dirty, too. So keep things clean, or you'll be hearing about it! pNrLeXTaiPNPN6 AkjJUPYHg@gmaj
Bow (edit) Bow バウ Doubutsu no Mori e+ PR3 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ PR3 (Bow).jpg Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ PR3 (Bow - Back).jpg Male Dog Leo しし座 houndstooth knit ちどりこうしのふく houndstooth clothes bau バウ I want to tell that special someone exactly how you feel! I hope you will find this information helpful. I have the feeling they are your closest friend. My dream is to become a translator. 大好きなあの人に想いを正しく伝えたい!そんなあなたの手助けをしてくれるような気がします。強い味方な気がします。将来の夢は翻訳家だとか。 忠誠心


Boyd (edit) Boyd ボイド Doubutsu no Mori e+ 016 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-016 (Boyd).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-016 (Boyd - Back).png Male Gorilla Libra 天秤座 fortune shirt だいきちのふく very lucky clothes ouou おうおう Despite his appearance, Boyd is quite friendly. But when small children see him, they cry and run away. It seems to be quite shocking internally. 外見とは裏腹に、結構フレンドリーなボイドさん。でも、小さな子供は彼を見ると、泣いて逃げてしまいます。内心、かなりショックらしいです。 毛を見て馬を相す

Judging a horse by its coat
(Judging something only by its appearance)?'"`UNIQ--ref-00000119-QINU`"'?

Boyd (edit) Boyd ボイド Doubutsu no Mori e+ 016 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-016 (Boyd).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-016 (Boyd - Back).png Male Gorilla Libra 天秤座 fortune shirt だいきちのふく very lucky clothes ouou おうおう Despite his appearance, Boyd is quite friendly. But when small children see him, they cry and run away. It seems to be quite shocking internally. 外見とは裏腹に、結構フレンドリーなボイドさん。でも、小さな子供は彼を見ると、泣いて逃げてしまいます。内心、かなりショックらしいです。 毛を見て馬を相す

Judging a horse by its coat
(Judging something only by its appearance)?'"`UNIQ--ref-000000D6-QINU`"'?

Bree (edit) Sarah サラ Doubutsu no Mori e+ 036 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 2-036 (Bree).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 2-036 (Bree - Back).png Female Mouse Cancer 蟹座 floral knit しろいはなのふく white flower clothes nante ne なんてね Green-haired Sarah-chan is a girl with a reputation for being a neat freak. Although it's great that she's always cleaning, she goes over the top to clean the dust under the shelves. No need to make a hassle out of it. 緑の髪のサラちゃんは、きれい好きで評判の女の子。いつも掃除をしているのはエライけど、ホコリを棚の下に追いやってはいけません。めんどくさがらないようにね。 山師の玄関

The mountain priest's entrance
(Making something tidy and pretty so it appears more trustworthy)?'"`UNIQ--ref-00000248-QINU`"'?

Broccolo (edit) Broccoli ブロッコリー Doubutsu no Mori e+ 055 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 3-055 (Broccolo).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 3-055 (Broccolo - Back).png Male Mouse Cancer 蟹座 kiddie shirt ブロックのふく block clothes piko ピコ Broccoli-kun loves blocks and will build anything with them! He's not satisfied with a toy house, so it looks like he's going to build a real house this time! ブロック大好きブロッコリーくんは、ブロックでなんでもつくっちゃいます!おもちゃの家では飽き足らず、今度はホンモノの家をつくるみたい! 一芸は道に通ずる

One trick leads to the road
(A person who masters one thing will find a good way to apply it well in any other field)?'"`UNIQ--ref-00005776-QINU`"'?

Broccolo (edit) Broccoli ブロッコリー Doubutsu no Mori e+ 055 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 3-055 (Broccolo).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 3-055 (Broccolo - Back).png Male Mouse Cancer 蟹座 kiddie shirt ブロックのふく block clothes piko ピコ Broccoli-kun loves blocks and will build anything with them! He's not satisfied with a toy house, so it looks like he's going to build a real house this time! ブロック大好きブロッコリーくんは、ブロックでなんでもつくっちゃいます!おもちゃの家では飽き足らず、今度はホンモノの家をつくるみたい! 一芸は道に通ずる

One trick leads to the road
(A person who masters one thing will find a good way to apply it well in any other field)?'"`UNIQ--ref-0000009E-QINU`"'?

Broccolo (edit) Broccoli ブロッコリー Doubutsu no Mori e+ 055 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 3-055 (Broccolo).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 3-055 (Broccolo - Back).png Male Mouse Cancer 蟹座 kiddie shirt ブロックのふく block clothes piko ピコ Broccoli-kun loves blocks and will build anything with them! He's not satisfied with a toy house, so it looks like he's going to build a real house this time! ブロック大好きブロッコリーくんは、ブロックでなんでもつくっちゃいます!おもちゃの家では飽き足らず、今度はホンモノの家をつくるみたい! 一芸は道に通ずる

One trick leads to the road
(A person who masters one thing will find a good way to apply it well in any other field)?'"`UNIQ--ref-000000C4-QINU`"'?

Bubbles (edit) Bubbles Animal Crossing 085 Animal Crossing-e 2-085 (Bubbles).jpg Animal Crossing-e 2-085 (Bubbles - Back).jpg Female Hippo Virgo crossing shirt hipster Bubbles is incredibly enthusiastic, but it's a bit of a problem in social situations. She tends to get right up in people's faces when she talks to them...which wouldn't be a problem if her nostrils weren't so enormous. QsLIV5n4uf%ykT %tKmzAG9e%zTGd
Buck (edit) Buck Animal Crossing 036 Animal Crossing-e 1-036 (Buck).jpg Animal Crossing-e 1-036 (Buck - Back).jpg Male Horse Aries eight-ball shirt pardner Buck is a competitor through and through, which is why he hates losing. It drives him totally nuts. You really don't want to be around him when he loses. There's a reason people call him "Buck," you know. %fbeUMN7vQOYoX Pd#CpPPQcA47fd
Bud (edit) Bud Animal Crossing 045 Animal Crossing-e 1-045 (Bud).jpg Animal Crossing-e 1-045 (Bud - Back).jpg Male Lion Leo blue aloha shirt dood Bud used to live in town. He had to move, because he was so laid-back he made the other animals look like workaholics. He has a keen eye, though, and he isn't afraid to speak his mind. His main interest? Surfing! GMn34QZZemROhi r6iJaVNLfXJHcq
Bunnie (edit) Bunnie Animal Crossing 020 Animal Crossing-e 1-020 (Bunnie).jpg Animal Crossing-e 1-020 (Bunnie - Back).jpg Female Rabbit Taurus flicker shirt tee-hee Mention Bunnie's name to anyone who knows her and you'll get nothing but good vibes in return. It's amazing how far a sparkle in your eye and a smile on your face can get you these days. iXAyT7BbF%w4wE vL6&nT%jWqE@dq
Butch (edit) Butch Animal Crossing 078 Animal Crossing-e 2-078 (Butch).jpg Animal Crossing-e 2-078 (Butch - Back).jpg Male Dog Scorpio houndstooth knit ROOOOOWF Butch has plenty of energy, but for all of his bluster, he's not such a scary guy once you get to know him. Like many dogs of the world, his bark is about a hundred times worse than his bite. #AMrINePOEBF85 @7OMU9vvMO4IRf
Buzz (edit) Buzz Animal Crossing 114 Animal Crossing-e 2-114 (Buzz).jpg Animal Crossing-e 2-114 (Buzz - Back).jpg Male Eagle Sagittarius racer 6 shirt captain Buzz used to be quite the aerial acrobat, always zipping to and fro. He doesn't do that anymore. Whatever you do, don't ask him why, though. He's a little embarrassed about it. b@avRKijsjxk2S 8oxqMmELhIo@nu
Cally (edit) Sally Animal Crossing 080 Animal Crossing-e 2-080 (Sally).jpg Animal Crossing-e 2-080 (Sally - Back).jpg Female Squirrel Virgo ladybug shirt WHEEE Sally has what can only be described as a unique look for a squirrel. Her red cheeks are absolutely enormous, by far her most distinguishing features. Is it possible that they're the reason her eyes are so high up? SEkf@hT&JxGIx7 EUrT%DYZvjw9KN
Camofrog (edit) Camofrog Animal Crossing 100 Animal Crossing-e 2-100 (Camofrog).jpg Animal Crossing-e 2-100 (Camofrog - Back).jpg Male Frog Gemini MVP shirt ten-hut Camofrog has fond memories of the covert missions of his past. Unfortunately, no one is sure if they ever actually took place. He claims all his missions were classified, but most people just think they were classified "total fantasy." 9zZCCRw&CdRoAI ndzb6OyIIfn83&
Candi (edit) Candi Animal Crossing 186 Animal Crossing-e 3-186 (Candi).jpg Animal Crossing-e 3-186 (Candi - Back).jpg Female Mouse Aries ancient knit sweetie When Candi gets a song in her head, it tends to set up camp in there and stay awhile. She'll lie in bed at night and hum to herself, dreaming of becoming a rock star. By morning, though, she forgets all about it. L3kk&OVnP&b9nt OQzvfwmoPvUqG6
Carmen (mouse) (edit) Carmen Animal Crossing 264 Animal Crossing-e 4-264 (Carmen).jpg Animal Crossing-e 4-264 (Carmen - Back).jpg Female Aries ribbon shirt bumpkin Carmen loves her sleep. In fact, this little dormouse has two beds in her home–for sleepovers with friends and as a backup bed. In case of emergencies, you know? It may seem odd, but hey, variety is the spice of life. RK%cKia3KnBjAe bFqOuZKHKBdD%p
Caroline (edit) Bliss Animal Crossing 019 Animal Crossing-e 1-019 (Bliss).jpg Animal Crossing-e 1-019 (Bliss - Back).jpg Female Squirrel Cancer red aloha shirt hulaaaa There's nothing wrong with trying to be at one with nature as long as you can actually handle it. Unfortunately, it seems a little beyond Bliss, but she's always been a little out there... owzhEFODBL3Mwm 8WVIGZKb82OyZq
Carrie (edit) Carrie Animal Crossing 168 Animal Crossing-e 3-168 (Carrie).jpg Animal Crossing-e 3-168 (Carrie - Back).jpg Female Kangaroo Sagittarius toad print little one Carrie's very friendly, but she gets bent out of shape when animals make jokes about her name. Since she carries her baby everywhere, she's heard just about every pun you could imagine. And she hates puns. M2NWui64steE9F 72GElLkdDHKnVB
Carrot (edit) Carrot キャロット Doubutsu no Mori e+ 008 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-008 (Carrot).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-008 (Carrot - Back).png Female Cow Gemini 双子座 tropical shirt ポリネシアンなふく Polynesian clothes kyaha きゃはっ Ohh, it's nice to be young. It feels like spring in my world. Well, people like this are often in spring all their lives. いやー、若いっていいですね。我が世の春って感じです。まあこういう人は、得てして一生春だったりもするのですが。 箸が転んだもおかしい

It's funny that the chopsticks have fallen
(Laughing a lot at trivial things. In particular, refers to girls in their late teens.)?'"`UNIQ--ref-00000024-QINU`"'?

Carrot (edit) Carrot キャロット Doubutsu no Mori e+ 008 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-008 (Carrot).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-008 (Carrot - Back).png Female Cow Gemini 双子座 tropical shirt ポリネシアンなふく Polynesian clothes kyaha きゃはっ Ohh, it's nice to be young. It feels like spring in my world. Well, people like this are often in spring all their lives. いやー、若いっていいですね。我が世の春って感じです。まあこういう人は、得てして一生春だったりもするのですが。 箸が転んだもおかしい

It's funny that the chopsticks have fallen
(Laughing a lot at trivial things. In particular, refers to girls in their late teens.)?'"`UNIQ--ref-00000027-QINU`"'?

Carrot (edit) Carrot キャロット Doubutsu no Mori e+ 008 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-008 (Carrot).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-008 (Carrot - Back).png Female Cow Gemini 双子座 tropical shirt ポリネシアンなふく Polynesian clothes kyaha きゃはっ Ohh, it's nice to be young. It feels like spring in my world. Well, people like this are often in spring all their lives. いやー、若いっていいですね。我が世の春って感じです。まあこういう人は、得てして一生春だったりもするのですが。 箸が転んだもおかしい

It's funny that the chopsticks have fallen
(Laughing a lot at trivial things. In particular, refers to girls in their late teens.)?'"`UNIQ--ref-0000000F-QINU`"'?

Cashmere (edit) Cashmere Animal Crossing 130 Animal Crossing-e 3-130 (Cashmere).jpg Animal Crossing-e 3-130 (Cashmere - Back).jpg Female Sheep Aries nebula shirt baaaby All sheep have fluffy wool, but Cashmere is one of the few that try to de-fluff it. She feels it makes her look bloated–as a result, she's constantly threatening to shear it all off. zvxaaY4&88QKZW Ijg9eTR@jfmBbt
Cesar (edit) Cesar Animal Crossing 166 Animal Crossing-e 3-166 (Cesar).jpg Animal Crossing-e 3-166 (Cesar - Back).jpg Male Gorilla Virgo A shirt highness You'll never catch him doing it, but Cesar spends a good portion of every day waxing his mustache. Rumor has it that he even travels to other towns to dump the telltale empty tins of mustache wax. How odd... yFnfZynbKNITv% DPjwydmON#Nkca
Chabwick (edit) Nobuo のぶお Doubutsu no Mori e+ 013 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-013 (Chabwick).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-013 (Chabwick - Back).png Male Penguin Pisces 魚座 paw shirt あしあとのふく footprint clothes butsubutsu ブツブツ It seems that people who appear to be thinking nothing at all are really thinking very deep thoughts. Though in reality, they really don't think about anything. 何も考えていないように見える人って、本当はものすごく深い考えを持ってるようにも見えます。実際には、本当に何も考えてなかったりするんですが。 月夜の蟹

Moonlit Crab
(On moonlit nights, crabs and shellfish do not feed because they are afraid of the moonlight, so they are skinny and have little meat, making it a pun meaning "without flesh" or "without content"; a person with low intelligence)?'"`UNIQ--ref-00000101-QINU`"'?

Chabwick (edit) Nobuo のぶお Doubutsu no Mori e+ 013 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-013 (Chabwick).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-013 (Chabwick - Back).png Male Penguin Pisces 魚座 paw shirt あしあとのふく footprint clothes butsubutsu ブツブツ It seems that people who appear to be thinking nothing at all are really thinking very deep thoughts. Though in reality, they really don't think about anything. 何も考えていないように見える人って、本当はものすごく深い考えを持ってるようにも見えます。実際には、本当に何も考えてなかったりするんですが。 月夜の蟹

Moonlit Crab
(On moonlit nights, crabs and shellfish do not feed because they are afraid of the moonlight, so they are skinny and have little meat, making it a pun meaning "without flesh" or "without content"; a person with low intelligence)?'"`UNIQ--ref-000000D3-QINU`"'?

Charlise (edit) Charmy チャーミー Doubutsu no Mori e+ 052 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 2-052 (Charlise).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 2-052 (Charlise - Back).png Female Bear Aries 牡羊座 red aloha shirt あかのアロハ red aloha yoisho [[wiktionary:よいしょ|よいしょ]] Charmy is a very caring person. Since people don't visit [[Animal Island|the island]] very often, she worries she might forget how to care for them. 大の世話好きのチャーミー。島にはなかなか人が来ないので「世話の焼き方を忘れちゃったらどうしよう」と悩んでいるみたいです。 雀百まで踊り忘れず

A sparrow doesn't forget to dance until it is a hundred
(A person's nature will stay the same throughout their whole life)?'"`UNIQ--ref-00000105-QINU`"'?

Cheri (edit) Cheri Animal Crossing 039 Animal Crossing-e 1-039 (Cheri).jpg Animal Crossing-e 1-039 (Cheri - Back).jpg Female Bear cub Pisces yellow bar shirt tralala Cheri likes things her own way. She can even be a little pushy, but whether it's her attitude or her expression, she's often mistaken for a boy. But she thinks she's pretty, and that's all that matters. lO6nN#L@%Ku9d8 Za436UYS6@roEa
Chevre (edit) Chevre Animal Crossing 033 Animal Crossing-e 1-033 (Chevre).jpg Animal Crossing-e 1-033 (Chevre - Back).jpg Female Goat Pisces natty shirt la baa Chevre takes things seriously. One look in her eyes, and you might think she takes things a little TOO seriously. Don't let her get your goat, though. She likes to have fun. As long as it's SERIOUS fun. HpLyB3@yNCvqdl YltkcpgN98@vur
Chico (edit) Chico Animal Crossing 142 Animal Crossing-e 3-142 (Chico).jpg Animal Crossing-e 3-142 (Chico - Back).jpg Male Mouse Capricorn blue check print cheeeese Chico is known for his trademark perma-smile, but it's anybody's guess how he keeps those teeth in such good shape. Chico must brush them all the time, because he has a serious fondness for sweets. 5D4B5Ce3WeiBhP A&lAAKCEJaNZZn
Chief (edit) Chief Animal Crossing 086 Animal Crossing-e 2-086 (Chief).jpg Animal Crossing-e 2-086 (Chief - Back).jpg Male Wolf Sagittarius red bar shirt harrumph Chief can be pretty gruff, but hey, he's a wolf! Besides, he can be nice in his own way. He's sort of like an older brother—he can be a real pain in the neck sometimes, but you just gotta love the guy. U5%M#lf@o#GkrM %3sUTX3Fbr%7Rc
Chip (edit) Chip Animal Crossing 177 Animal Crossing-e 3-177 (Chip).jpg Animal Crossing-e 3-177 (Chip - Back).jpg Male Beaver Sagittarius Chip possesses an uncommon knowledge of fish and fish-related recipes. He also possesses a bottomless pit of a stomach and an insatiable craving for bass. He'll eat any fish you give him, but only bass will win prizes. 6arfg35AGYCSqt fcycZ2ACaCqxM4
Chow (edit) Animal Crossing 131 Animal Crossing-e 3-131 (Chow).jpg Animal Crossing-e 3-131 (Chow - Back).jpg Male Bear Leo star shirt aiya Chow loves nothing better than to find stuff in the dump, sell it to Tom Nook, and then spend the cash on something for himself. As far as Chow's concerned, it's the ultimate way to make a living. 9q3BWjoOXemmXX Pbume9KGElFrT3
Chrissy (edit) Christine クリスチーヌ Doubutsu no Mori e+ 018 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-018 (Chrissy).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-018 (Chrissy - Back).png Female Rabbit Virgo 乙女座 lite polka shirt しろマーブルなふく white marble clothes rirara リララ The younger sister, to others she seems unconcerned even when she is on edge. She is oblivious to other people's feelings... 妹って、端から見てると、ハラハラするような時でも、本人は結構平気だったりするんですよね。人の気も知らずに・・・。 姉の心、妹知らず

The older sister's heart, unknown to the younger sister

Chuck (edit) Chuck Animal Crossing 094 Animal Crossing-e 2-094 (Chuck).jpg Animal Crossing-e 2-094 (Chuck - Back).jpg Male Bull Taurus four-ball shirt jerky It's funny how a guy can be mean and grumpy without even knowing it. You can't really fault them for it if they don't mean to be that way. Chuck, on the other hand, is mean and grumpy because he finds it fun. Jerky! hfiYsELg5@Tkt# d&rQmDvLNnuJUG
Clara (edit) Clara クララ Doubutsu no Mori e+ 020 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-020 (Clara).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 1-020 (Clara - Back).png Female Hippo Pisces 魚座 yellow bolero きいろいボレロ yellow bolero ufufu うふふ Clara-chan says she wants to live in an attic. But it probably would be safer not to, because you wouldn't want a hole in the ceiling. クララちゃんは、屋根裏部屋に住むのが憧れなんだそうです。でも、天井に穴が空いたら困るので、止めておいたほうが無難だと思います。 鵜の真似をする鳥

A raven imitating a cormorant
(They both have black feathers but a raven can't dive for fish; trying to be as skillful as someone else and failing)?'"`UNIQ--ref-00000024-QINU`"'?

Claude (edit) Claude Animal Crossing 137 Animal Crossing-e 3-137 (Claude).jpg Animal Crossing-e 3-137 (Claude - Back).jpg Male Rabbit Sagittarius dark polka shirt hopalong Rabbits are supposed to be really fast, so Claude must be the exception to the rule. He claims that his big ears create so much wind resistance that he can't move fast, but that's just baloney. sXQnHGim8jgIr3 xyLc5vxJPimFDq
Cleo (edit) Cleo Animal Crossing 161 Animal Crossing-e 3-161 (Cleo).jpg Animal Crossing-e 3-161 (Cleo - Back).jpg Female Horse Aquarius silk bloom shirt sugar Cleo thinks tidiness is extremely important, but she can't be bothered to clean anything beyond her own home. Sure, her house is clean and orderly, but has she ever pulled a single weed? Perish the thought. #O4o55cBMTNwKO krHAQg3jHvruZ%
Cobb (edit) Cobb Animal Crossing 145 Animal Crossing-e 3-145 (Cobb).jpg Animal Crossing-e 3-145 (Cobb - Back).jpg Male Pig Libra racer shirt hot dog You'd be hard-pressed to find a pig more interested in archaeology than Cobb. He's been known to walk around town for hours, staring at the ground in hopes of finding a new fossil to identify. wjTTe&GX&o2ztP CagN3JeaoQ5eri
Coco (edit) Coco Animal Crossing 082 Animal Crossing-e 2-082 (Coco).jpg Animal Crossing-e 2-082 (Coco - Back).jpg Female Rabbit Pisces blossoming shirt doyoing Coco is quite the striking figure, but her personality is anything but. This small rabbit keeps a low profile, preferring to quietly concentrate on the little things in life, like her catch phrase. crjx9RDydG&AtR qjZektsm6LZkup
Cookie (edit) Cookie Animal Crossing 077 Animal Crossing-e 2-077 (Cookie).jpg Animal Crossing-e 2-077 (Cookie - Back).jpg Female Dog Gemini blue tartan arfer Don't get drawn in by Cookie's lovely eyes. Behind those shining peepers is the brain of one mischievous puppy! Even so, it's hard to stay mad at a pink dog, so Cookie has tons of friends. 33M6aAfP5U6dp& 6a#Yo7YRfZxGdi
Copper (edit) Copper Animal Crossing 063 Animal Crossing-e 2-063 (Copper).jpg Animal Crossing-e 2-063 (Copper - Back).jpg Male Dog Cancer Copper is a stand-up citizen, and one of the hardest-working animals you'll ever meet. You think rain or darkness keeps this top dog from his duty? Not a chance. He even says that umbrellas are for cadets! jnNr7A2iy#XWC7 ukT#mBviQGK#2u
Copper (edit) Copper Animal Crossing 200 Animal Crossing-e 4-200 (Copper).jpg Animal Crossing-e 4-200 (Copper - Back).jpg Male Dog Cancer One of the busiest bees in town isn't a bee at all! It's our own energetic officer of the law, Copper. When he's not busting illegal parkers, he's slimming plump rumps by leading aerobics classes. @zWW%BioJJ#Aa7 kyVs5%C@OWWwOb
Cousteau (edit) Cousteau Animal Crossing 232 Animal Crossing-e 4-232 (Cousteau).jpg Animal Crossing-e 4-232 (Cousteau - Back).jpg Male Frog Sagittarius rally shirt oui oui Cousteau is a famous deep-sea diver in the village. But when he's not hunting down some rare species of Coelacanth or Barred Knifejaw, he's cooking up a gourmet meal for his family and friends. GkOjBa6AF&a6pk ISyW5fxHH59P75
Cube (edit) Cube Animal Crossing 041 Animal Crossing-e 1-041 (Cube).jpg Animal Crossing-e 1-041 (Cube - Back).jpg Male Penguin Aquarius G logo shirt d-d-dude What you see is what you get with Cube. Some people worry about him because he's so spacey, but he couldn't really care less. He's totally at peace with who he is. Just don't call him a square. NmxlGWIesLYAAC u6iMwbzCGvFs&Q
Cupcake (edit) Cupcake Animal Crossing 194 Animal Crossing-e 3-194 (Cupcake).jpg Animal Crossing-e 3-194 (Cupcake - Back).jpg Female Cub Gemini dreamy shirt sugar pie Not to be outdone by the brightly-colored animals in town, Cupcake uses a complex mix of shampoos, toners, conditioners, and revitalizing moisturizers to keep her fur as pink and shiny as it can possibly be. 2B@H3zN#rk3KU# IwyiX7Abt8amnk
Curlos (edit) Carlos カルロス Doubutsu no Mori e+ 077 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 3-077 (Curlos).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 3-077 (Curlos - Back).png Male Sheep Taurus 牡牛座 blue aloha shirt あおのアロハ blue aloha beibī ベイビー Carlos flashes a smile with his gleaming white teeth. He doesn't realize his appearance is blindingly painful. Why don't you try getting a makeover with some hair clippers? キラリと光る白い歯で、笑顔を振りまくカルロス。ただのアツ苦しさを振りまいていることに気づいてません。いっそバリカンでイメチェンしてみる? 我が身の事は人に問え

Ask people about yourself
(Since a person is not aware of their own shortcomings, they should ask others what is best for them)?'"`UNIQ--ref-0000016D-QINU`"'?

Curlos (edit) Carlos カルロス Doubutsu no Mori e+ 077 Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 3-077 (Curlos).png Doubutsu no Mori Card-e+ 3-077 (Curlos - Back).png Male Sheep Taurus 牡牛座 blue aloha shirt あおのアロハ blue aloha beibī ベイビー Carlos flashes a smile with his gleaming white teeth. He doesn't realize his appearance is blindingly painful. Why don't you try getting a makeover with some hair clippers? キラリと光る白い歯で、笑顔を振りまくカルロス。ただのアツ苦しさを振りまいていることに気づいてません。いっそバリカンでイメチェンしてみる? 我が身の事は人に問え

Ask people about yourself
(Since a person is not aware of their own shortcomings, they should ask others what is best for them)?'"`UNIQ--ref-000000B8-QINU`"'?

Curly (edit) Curly Animal Crossing 090 Animal Crossing-e 2-090 (Curly).jpg Animal Crossing-e 2-090 (Curly - Back).jpg Male Pig Leo green bar shirt nyoink Curly eats more than you would believe, but he remains completely clueless about pig jokes. He'll polish off an enormous meal, and someone will say, "What a pig!" And he'll say, "Thanks!" UIJkyi78r%5uU7 UtWvr8vROaXZ38
