Star sign
Star signs are identities given based on date of birth. Comprised of 30° longitudinal sections on the ecliptic, there are twelve different signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Each sign has a respective symbol, often an animal. In the Animal Crossing series, villagers may mention their star sign when they meet the player. They may also comment on the player's star sign when they ask for their birthday. In New Horizons, star signs affect the number of star fragments that the player can get by favoring zodiac fragments.
The player's star sign is displayed on their Town Pass Card in New Leaf and on their Passport in New Horizons. A furniture piece corresponding to each sign are distributed during the month for each star sign, either formerly from DLC or as DIY recipes from Celeste.
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Names in other languages |
The first astrological sign, which is the ram, is the symbol of Aries (♈). Members of this sign have birth dates from March 21 to April 19.
Villagers with this sign[edit]
Special characters with this sign[edit]
The second astrological sign, which is the bull, is the symbol of Taurus (♉). Members of this sign have birth dates from April 20 to May 20.
Villagers with this sign[edit]
Special characters with this sign[edit]
The third astrological sign, which is the twins, is the symbol of Gemini (♊). Members of this sign have birth dates from May 21 to June 21.
Villagers with this sign[edit]
Former villagers with this sign[edit]
The following villagers used to be Gemini in Animal Crossing and/or Doubutsu no Mori e+, and changed their star sign in subsequent games.
Special characters with this sign[edit]
The fourth astrological sign, which is the crab, is the symbol of Cancer (♋). Members of this sign have birth dates from June 22 to July 22.
Villagers with this sign[edit]
Former villagers with this sign[edit]
The following villagers used to be Cancer in Animal Crossing and/or Doubutsu no Mori e+, and changed their star sign in subsequent games.
Special characters with this sign[edit]
The fifth astrological sign, which is by the lion, is the symbol of Leo (♌). Members of this sign have birth dates from July 23 to August 22.
Villagers with this sign[edit]
Former villagers with this sign[edit]
The following villagers used to be Leo in Animal Crossing and/or Doubutsu no Mori e+, and changed their star sign in subsequent games.
Special characters with this sign[edit]
The sixth astrological sign, which is the virgin maiden, is the symbol of Virgo (♍). Members of this sign have birth dates from August 23 to September 22.
Villagers with this sign[edit]
Former villagers with this sign[edit]
The following villagers used to be Virgo in Animal Crossing and/or Doubutsu no Mori e+, and changed their star sign in subsequent games.
Special characters with this sign[edit]
The seventh astrological sign, which is the scales, is the symbol of Libra (♎). Members of this sign have birth dates from September 23 to October 23.
Villagers with this sign[edit]
Special characters with this sign[edit]
The eighth astrological sign, which is the scorpion, is the symbol of Scorpio (♏). Members of this sign have birth dates from October 24 to November 22.
Villagers with this sign[edit]
Former villagers with this sign[edit]
The following villagers used to be Scorpio in Animal Crossing and/or Doubutsu no Mori e+, and changed their star sign in subsequent games.
Special characters with this sign[edit]
The ninth astrological sign, which is the archer, is the symbol of Sagittarius (♐). Members of this sign have birth dates from November 23 to December 21.
Villagers with this sign[edit]
Former villagers with this sign[edit]
The following villagers used to be Sagittarius in Animal Crossing and/or Doubutsu no Mori e+, and changed their star sign in subsequent games.
Special characters with this sign[edit]
The tenth astrological sign, which is the goat, is the symbol of Capricorn (♑). Members of this sign have birth dates from December 22 to January 19.
Villagers with this sign[edit]
Former villagers with this sign[edit]
The following villagers used to be Capricorn in Animal Crossing and/or Doubutsu no Mori e+, and changed their star sign in subsequent games.
Special characters with this sign[edit]
The eleventh astrological sign, which is the water-bearer, is the symbol of Aquarius (♒). Members of this sign have birth dates from January 20 to February 18.
Villagers with this sign[edit]
Special characters with this sign[edit]
The twelfth and final astrological sign, which is the fish, is the symbol of Pisces (♓). Members of this sign have birth dates from February 19 to March 20.
Villagers with this sign[edit]
Former villagers with this sign[edit]
The following villagers used to be Pisces in Animal Crossing and/or Doubutsu no Mori e+, and changed their star sign in subsequent games.
Special characters with this sign[edit]
Animal Crossing website[edit]
Animal Crossing: New Leaf[edit]
Animal Crossing: New Horizons[edit]
Names in other languages[edit]
Language | Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Japanese | おひつじ (Ohitsuji) |
おうし (Oushi) |
ふたご (Futago) |
かに (Kani) |
しし (Shishi) |
おとめ (Otome) |
てんびん (Tenbin) |
さそり (Sasori) |
いて (Ite) |
やぎ (Yagi) |
みずがめ (Mizugame) |
うお (Uo) |
Korean | 양 (Yang) |
황소 (Hwangso) |
쌍둥이 (Ssangdung-i) |
게 (Ge) |
사자 (Saja) |
처녀 (Cheonyeo) |
천칭 (Cheonching) |
전갈 (Jeon-gal) |
사수 (Sasu) |
염소 (Yeomso) |
물병 (Mulbyeong) |
물고기 (Mulgogi) |
Chinese (Simplified) |
白羊座 (Báiyángzuò) |
金牛座 (Jīnniúzuò) |
双子座 (Shuāngzǐzuò) |
巨蟹座 (Jùxièzuò) |
狮子座 (Shīzǐzuò) |
处女座 (Chǔnǚ zuò) |
天秤座 (Tiānchèngzuò) |
天蝎座 (Tiānxiēzuò) |
射手座 (Shèshǒu zuò) |
摩羯座 (Mójiézuò) |
水瓶座 (Shuǐpíng zuò) |
双鱼座 (Shuāngyúzuò) |
Chinese (Traditional) |
牡羊座 (Mǔ yáng zuò) |
金牛座 (Jīnniúzuò) |
雙子座 (Shuāngzǐzuò) |
巨蟹座 (Jùxièzuò) |
獅子座 (Shīzǐzuò) |
處女座 (Chǔnǚ zuò) |
天秤座 (Tiānchèngzuò) |
天蠍座 (Tiānxiēzuò) |
射手座 (Shèshǒu zuò) |
魔羯座 (Mó jié zuò) |
水瓶座 (Shuǐpíng zuò) |
雙魚座 (Shuāngyúzuò) |
French | Bélier | Taureau | Gémeaux | Cancer | Lion | Vierge | Balance | Scorpion | Sagittaire | Capricorne | Verseau | Poissons |
Spanish | Aries | Tauro | Géminis | Cáncer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Escorpio | Sagitario | Capricornio | Acuario | Piscis |
Italian | Ariete | Toro | Gemelli | Cancro | Leone | Vergine | Bilancia | Scorpione | Sagittario | Capricorno | Acquario | Pesci |
German | Widder | Stier | Zwillinge | Krebs | Löwe | Jungfrau | Waage | Skorpion | Schütze | Steinbock | Wassermann | Fische |
Dutch | Ram | Stier | Tweelingen | Kreeft | Leeuw | Maagd | Weegschaal | Schorpioen | Boogschutter | Steenbok | Waterman | Vissen |
Russian | Овен | Телец | Близнецы | Рак | Лев | Дева | Весы | Скорпион | Стрелец | Козерог | Водолей | Рыбы |
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