Template:UB Owns AC
From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki
{{UB Owns AC|<Game abbreviation>}}
This userbox may be customized to display a different game. Replace <Game abbreviation> in the above code with one of the options below to change the template.
- DnM- Doubutsu no Mori
- DnM+- Doubutsu no Mori+
- PG- Animal Crossing
- DnMe+- Doubutsu no Mori e+
- WW- Animal Crossing: Wild World
- CF- Animal Crossing: City Folk
- NL- Animal Crossing: New Leaf
- HHD- Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer
- AMF- Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival
- NLa- Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Welcome amiibo
- PC- Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp
- NH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (default)
- PCC - Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete
{{UB Owns AC|NH}} |