"Where was I? Painting a portrait of my lizard, standing on my bed with a globe in my hands shouting "I am Miss Universe! Ha...ha...ha... OBEY MEEEEE!" and Duct taping my hand to my face. You know, the usual stuff."
-Anteater99, Animal Crossing: Wild World
Anteater99 – I'm resisting a strong urge to spam ilovesockmonkey's page right now...
TALK – The time is on the screen!
Hello! Welcome to my page! (I wrote the previous sentence only for super ultra dumb people). I hope you find my page interesting and funny. But if you don't you have to a). Get a sense of humor, or b). Get your eyes checked to make sure you don't need glasses. Well, I'm done welcoming you, so SCROLL DOWN ALREADY!
I am an artist, just like him! Added by DabtownerContents [hide] 1 About Me 2 LOL 3 Funny Conversations 4 Villagers 5 Fish 6 Bugs 7 Gyroids 8 Funville 9 Ravioli 10 Pages I Created 11 My Deepest Darkest Secrets 12 My Favorite Pages 13 Polls 14 Sign and Comment Below!
About Me EditWhat's up? I'm Anteater99. I have Animal Crossing: Wild World and Animal Crossing: City Folk. I also have the Animal Crossing: City Folk official guide and poster! I became a rollback on August 7th, 2010.
Gender: Female Personality: Peppy Species: Anteater Birthday: August 9 Initial Phrase: "sweetie"
Initial Clothes: "Rainbow Shirt"
Pic Quote: "I'm awesome, aren't I?" Appearance(s): Animal Crossing: Wild World Animal Crossing: City Folk
Animal Crossing 3DS
I am a girl
My eyes are very very very bright aqua-ish. The only thing I like about my physical appearence is my eyes. Lots of people stop me to compliment my eye color.
I need glasses, (that's the only thing I hate about my eyes,) but here's the weird part: I am only allowed to wear them when I'm looking at something from a distance. I can't wear them for things like going on the computer, reading, ect. Only when I'm sitting on a couch and the TV is far away and stuff like that. It's very annoying, cause I constantly have to carry them around in case I need them. (My glasses case is cute and it has handles, though...)
My favorite colors are yellow, aqua, and purple
I have a dog, two cats, one lizard, and lots of fish
I want a pet snake and a tarantula (but my mom said no to both of them)
I wish I had a twin
I love reading
I love drawing
I love acting (and I'm really good at it)
I love swimming (but I am really bad at it)
I hate math (but I am really good at it)
I don't like country music
I like pop and rock music
Ilovesockmonkeys is my BFFL/Neighbor
Technology (computers, iPods, cell phones, ect.) hates me because somehow I always mange to break anything electronic that I get my hands on
When I'm bored, I like to go outside, go on the computer, or text my friends wierd things until they ask me if I need to go to a mental hospital
I think I'm organized, but my parents do not
My mom put me on some new allergey meds... I hope they don't have any side affects this time
A unicorn named Paul is my other BFFL. He lives in a country called Ithinkiwasdroppedonmyhead and in a town called Mentalville. But I think I will have to de-freind him (stop being his friend) because he came over my house and stole ALL of my cookies.
My meds taste like grape!
This user has rollback rights.
1,000 EDITS This user has edited more than 1,000 times. Gold Status FBP This user is a member of the FishyBuggyPedia.
This user is a member of
Operation J.O.E. and is extremely awesome!
This user is a member of Project Furniture. They rock! This user is a member of
Project Species.
This user is a member of
Project Town.
This user is a member of
Behind the Scenes.
You were just pranked by Ilovesockmonkeys, hehehe! This user is a girl. Go girls! This user is a fan of Dr. Shrunk. This user is a fan of Tom Nook. This user is a fan of Timmy and Tommy. This user is a fan of Pascal. This user is a fan of K.K. Slider. This user is a fan of Mabel. This user is a fan of Sable. This user is a fan of Labelle. This user is a fan of Katrina. This user is a fan of Crazy Redd. This user is a fan of Wendell. This user is a fan of Rover. This user is a fan of Saharah. This user is a fan of Tortimer. This user is a fan of Brewster. This user is a fan of Pelly.
LOL EditThese are some funny edits I have had to rollback on the Wiki; not all of them are spam. Some are just dumb(Yes yes I am copying SA).
A Dizzy... fanclub? (Look in the Personality section)
A Merry obsession and "Boys are stinky" issues (Personality)
Nate and Teddy are TOTALLY BROS (Personality)
FAIL FAIL EPIC FAIL ON THE LINKZ (look all over the page)
Funny Conversations Edit Warning: Stupid Section Alert!
Alrighty, before I begin, let me just say this is an utterly STUPID section, and it is for your AMUSUSMENT ONLY. These are some conversations that I have had in everyday life that made me laugh. But all these conversations are ABSOLUTLY TRUE. So, here I go...
ILOVESOCKMONKEYS: You spelled "previous" wrong. Wow, you ARE a bad speller. How did you get in the highest spelling group in school?
ME (backspacing on the computer): Oh, your right. I'm good at memorizing, THATS why I am in the top group. You know whos a good smeller? My friend Veronica(that is a fake name, you stalkers! I don't have her premission to use her real name.).
ILOVESOCKMONKEYS: Yeah, I'm a good smeller too! I can smell your fails a mile away!
ME: I hate you. Go away.
ME: Yeah.
More to come later!
Villagers EditMy favorite villager is Tangy (she is so darn cute!!!). I also love the superheros, Kid Cat, Big Top, and Agent S. Rasher kinda freaks me out. He was in my town once and *shudders* he was creepy, mean, ugly, and had a cowskin bloody rug! In my town, my favorite villager EVER was Blaire. I loooooved her!!! I have Pecan in my town now, who is exactly like Blaire. I want her picture soooo badly!!!!
Fish EditMy favorite fish is the ocean sunfish. I like them becuse once I went on a whale-watching trip and I saw one of these adorable creatures. I also like the coelacanth, the gar, the hammerhead shark, the dorado, and the tuna. I think sea bass are really ugly.
Bugs EditMy favorite bug is the birdwing butterfly. I also like the agrias butterfly and the peacock. I don't like any of the cicadas; they make too much noise! I don't even try to catch them, I just scare them away.
Gyroids EditI love collecting these little dudes! In my house I have: the almost complete lullaboid family (they sound so pretty!) and the tall droploid one. Rhonda in my town has the one lulliboid that I need, so I NEED her to sell it to me!
Funville EditClick here to enter Funville, my town for Animal Crossing: Wild World!
Funville ROCKS!!!
Ravioli EditCome visit Ravioli, my SECOND town for Animal Crossing: Wild World!
Pages I Created EditI don't have so many yet, but I'm working on it!!
1. Roman Candle
2. Lamp Post
My Deepest Darkest Secrets EditWait.... never mind!!!!
My Favorite Pages Editfish bugs Gyroids Champagne- This page only had one sentance till I came along. I added sections for his personality, appearence, and house. Polls EditIf you have Animal Crosssing: Wild World, how many pictures do you have?
0-3 pics
4-7 pics
7-10 pics
10 or more pics
The poll was created at 11:55 on July 31, 2010, and so far 25 people voted.
Please wait, submitting your vote...
What fish in the 15,000 bells group is your favorite?
The poll was created at 11:04 on September 10, 2010, and so far 11 people voted.
Please wait, submitting your vote...
What fish in the shark group is your favorite?
Ocean Sunfish
I don't like any of them
The poll was created at 11:04 on September 10, 2010, and so far 11 people voted.
Please wait, submitting your vote...
What is your favorite pastime in Animal Crossing?
Talking to Villagers
Catching Bugs
The poll was created at 11:04 on September 10, 2010, and so far 11 people voted.
Please wait, submitting your vote...
Are you planning on getting Animal Crossing: 3DS and the 3DS when they come out?
The poll was created at 11:04 on September 10, 2010, and so far 17 people voted.
Please wait, submitting your vote...
How do you rate my page on a scale from one to five? (Five being the best, one being the worst.)
The poll was created at 11:04 on September 10, 2010, and so far 14 people voted.
Please wait, submitting your vote...
Are you mean to villagers just for the fun of it?
Yes, it's sooooo much fun!
Only sometimes, when I want a villager to move.
Never! I'm always nice to them so they give me free stuff!
The poll was created at 20:41 on September 12, 2010, and so far 13 people voted.
Please wait, submitting your vote...
Thanks for doing the polls... I will be adding more later!
Sign and Comment Below! EditPlease leave comments and signatures below...that is all. Anteater99
Bye! Thanks for visiting Anteater99's page!
Added by want a twin, great another person just like you!!!!:)ilovesockmonkeys 19:27, July 19, 2010 (UTC)
Hello! It's me! Well....we're not friends yet 01:01, July 23, 2010 (UTC)
Sailor sofia – BEHOLD THE EPIC! THE EPIC!!!
TALK – Look around the screen, what do you see? THE TIME!
I take up room also!SO HA! THEIR SUPERALPACA! Anyways, i hope we can be friends!
SuperAlpaca – I have a fruitcake... and I don't know how to use it!
TALK – Editcount - My Sandbox - My Video Games - Project Species - Operation J.O.E. - Behind the Scenes -Forest Life 05:20, July 25, 2010 (UTC)
I used this to take up more space, so now I look more important. I also support dictatorships, so I'm all american!!!
Dragonfree97 – Revolution is coming...
TALK – 13:03, August 1, 2010 (UTC)
Come post on my blog! AAA3 02:20, July 31, 2010 (UTC)
Thanks for the welcome! --Killer Axe
This where u sign? If so this is for signin meh page! MikuLover 21:22, August 5, 2010 (UTC)
I have yet to get a signature, but I'll get one soon! ~~Skunkur~~
Hi! I'm Sundaethekitten 21:51, September 6, 2010 (UTC)
Hi! sign my page please! AAA3 00:52, September 11, 2010 (UTC)
AmazingLink – Today, I'm going to be sure to moisturize to the max, tooooot! - Eloise
TALK – 21:21, September 8, 2010 (UTC)
Alright I will sign...
Hi! Remember me Pandastripe? (Call me panda) I like Dovepaw, Cinderheart, and lionblaze Pandastripe Is the P in Panda:) 21:33, September 10, 2010 (UTC)
Hello sis!!!! Jamiejamjam 00:03, September 11, 2010 (UTC)
Hello sister! Taryn731 :) 00:05, September 11, 2010 (UTC)
Hi!!!ilovecandy 18:55, September 11, 2010 (UTC)
Thanks for nominating ACF12 and I for rollback!! AgentCarmen12 on the case 21:20, September 12, 2010 (UTC)
Thanks for nomination! AnimalCrossingFan12 23:00, September 15, 2010 (UTC)
impressive page, i`l sign as soon as i get a signature. im new, theninwii 21:19, september 27, 2010 (UTC+01:00)
Astid – Tripping...Tripping!!!
TALK – 11:22 October 09, 2010
You thought I would never show up!!! But I did. And don't forget to sign My page!! You don't have to. BUT I SIGNED!!! And that's the good thing.
Humourous-ness-ness (yes....ness-ness...) :P --ZilenserzWhat? I like ducks...
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