
From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki
Revision as of 20:49, February 3, 2012 by Jake (talk | contribs) (→‎2012)
This article is about the site. For encyclopedic version, see Nookipedia.


  • Animal Crossing City- August, 2005- Animal Crossing City is created by Aeryka.


  • Animal Crossing City- February 29, 2008- Stumpers was promoted to a bureaucrat.


  • Animal Crossing City- February 19, 2009- Dabtowner and Yowuza were promoted to bureaucrats.
  • Animal Crossing City- July 18, 2009- Dragonfree97 was promoted to an administrator.
  • Animal Crossing City- October 28, 2009- Dragonfree97 and MerrytonRyan were promoted to bureaucrat.


  • Animal Crossing City- January 9, 2010- SuperAlpaca was promoted to a bureaucrat.
  • Animal Crossing City- April 24, 2010- Tomasto1 was promoted to a bureaucrat.
  • Animal Crossing City- July 17, 2010- Sailor sofia was promoted to an administrator.
  • Animal Crossing City- August 11, 2010- Minifig-me was promoted to an administrator.
  • Animal Crossing City- September 25, 2010- Sailor sofia was promoted to a bureaucrat.
  • Animal Crossing City- October 4, 2010- C-Star55 was promoted to an administrator.
  • Animal Crossing Wiki- October 23, 2010- Jake founds Animal Crossing Wiki.
  • Animal Crossing Wiki- October 23, 2010- Leem01 was promoted to a bureaucrat.
  • Animal Crossing City- October 26, 2010- Minifig-me was promoted to a bureaucrat.
  • Animal Crossing Wiki- October 26, 2010- GoalieGuy6 was promoted to a bureaucrat.
  • Animal Crossing Wiki- October 29-November 5, 2010- Dragonfree97, SuperAlpaca, Sailor sofia, MerrytonRyan, and Minifig-me were promoted to bureaucrats.
  • Animal Crossing Wiki- November 8, 2010- Supernicknobros was promoted to a lead editor.
  • Animal Crossing Wiki- November 13, 2010- DataWizard was promoted to a lead editor.
  • Animal Crossing Wiki- November 20, 2010- C-Star55 was promoted to a bureaucrat.
  • Animal Crossing City- November 24-25, 2010- Aeryka returned and demoted most administrators.
  • Animal Crossing City- November 27, 2010- Dragonfree97 and MerrytonRyan are re-promoted to an administrators.
  • Animal Crossing Wiki- November 27, 2010- MikuLover and Vulpes were promoted to lead editors.
  • Animal Crossing City- December 7, 2010- Anteater99 was promoted to an administrator.
  • Animal Crossing City- December 12, 2010- Dragonfree97 was re-promoted to a bureaucrat.
  • Animal Crossing City- December 21, 2010- C-Star55 was re-promoted to an administrator.
  • Animal Crossing Wiki- December 31, 2010- Vulpes was promoted to an administrator.
  • Animal Crossing Wiki- December 31, 2010- SuperHamster and SnorlaxMonster were promoted to lead editors.


  • Animal Crossing Wiki- January 1, 2011- Animal Crossing Wiki changed its name to Nookipedia.
  • Animal Crossing City- January 15, 2011- MerrytonRyan was re-promoted to a bureaucrat.
  • Animal Crossing City- February 1, 2011- AgentCarmen12 was promoted to an administrator.
  • Nookipedia- February 18, 2011- Dabtowner was promoted to an administrator.
  • Animal Crossing City- April 22, 2011- NintendoLover was promoted to an administrator.


  • Nookipedia- February 2, 2011- Nookipedia re-assigns staff members to new positions based on their activity levels within the community. Former wiki director SuperAlpaca takes a leave of absence and is replaced by SuperHamster.