User:TheInfiniteFrog338/Fan-Fiction Central

From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki

Welcome! Here is where I post fan-fiction stories for your entertainment! Some related to Animal Crossing, some partially or completely not, but regardless, they're for your entertainment. Enjoy!

Biggie Visitor

Simon Kidgits logo
This fan fiction will contain content related to the Simon Kidgits.
You can have an opinion on that, but you must not disrespect the author. Although it's irrelevant to the Animal Crossing series, this fan fiction is only meant to entertain the Nookipedia community.
Simon Kidgits logo
This fan fiction will contain content related to the Simon Kidgits.
You can have an opinion on that, but you must not disrespect the author. Although it's irrelevant to the Animal Crossing series, this fan fiction is only meant to entertain the Nookipedia community.

Here are the photos for the characters that will be featured in this story. This may help you identify the characters in the story.

50px Jake

50px David (Jake's dad)

50px Moose

50px Woodrow

50px Diane (Jake's mom)

50px Ben

50px Len

50px Matt (Moose's dad)

50px Priscilla

50px and 50px are sitting on the rocky bench outside the Rainforest Cafe at Katy Mills.

50px We've been waiting for one hour...

50px Yes... Momma must be taking a long time...

50px No, I've been waiting for the elephant to play a sound.

50px points at an idle animatronic elephant with closed eyes and no motion.

50px I remember when that elephant played sounds when there was a commercial for a walking tour of the mall... Wait! I just remembered something!

The scene transitions into an animated pencil drawing style animation against notebook paper, similar to Pencilmation and the film adaptations of the Dairy of a Wimpy Kid book series. In the scene, 50px is looking out a window in an hotel room.

50px Every night before I went to bed since I moved here and stayed at the airport hotel, I heard a very loud sound.

An elephant's trunk comes into the window and plays the sound: Hollywoodedge, Elephant Trumpeting PE024801 (2nd trumpet), causing 50px to be stunned and run to bed. From this point on, unless otherwise indicated, all of the elephant trumpets except for the animatronic elephant which uses this sound:  will have PE024801

50px I didn't know what it was.

Page turns to 50px in bed, then the 2nd trumpet of PE024801 plays again, causing 50px to hide under the sheets.

50px It has scared me to bed every night.

Page turns to 50px with the animatronic elephant at the Rainforest Cafe.

50px But since I realized that the elephant is making similar sounds, that most likely was an elephant.

Animated sequence ends, and we get back to 50px and 50px at the mall.

50px So, yes. That annoying elephant is the absolute culprit. Yes, I know, there are no elephants out in the city, so where would I find one? Dad, may I please use your phone?

50px Okay, Jake.

50px pulls out his iPhone 3GS and hands it to 50px.

50px Thank you.

50px opens the 'Maps' app and zooms out of his current location to find a large jungle area nearby.

50px Aha! Mystery solved! Oh no... I don't think I'm brave enough to go...

50px arrives from Marshalls with 50px, 50px, 50px, and 50px and they go to the Rainforest Cafe.

50px Momma! You're back! Hey, Moose! Are you brave enough to go to the jungle?

50px Yes! I am! I'm not afraid of anything!

50px Good! Now, for your mission. I want you to go to the jungle to bring an actual elephant because this one doesn't work.

50px Sure thing, Jake!

50px Alright. Mom, I want you to go with Len to the rest stop hidden in the Management Office corridor.

50px Of course. I don't wanna see whatever you guys are doing.

50px Alright, now, Woodrow, are you going to fix the elephant?

50px Yes! I can fix it! Oh yes I will!

50px, with his strength pulls the animatronic elephant to the cart and unplugs its cables. 50px drags the cart to the Management Office. 50px follows him.

50px I'm by your side!

50px Okay!

50px Alright! Plans done!

50px Bye guys!

50px 50px Bye!

50px runs away sonic-speed out of the mall, and out of the city into a jungle for one hour. One hour later, he arrives at the border of the jungle.

50px Roooaaarrrr! Hungry!

50px jumps into the jungle as "Hungry Like The Wolf" by Duran Duran starts playing.
50px runs through the jungle filled with lots of trees. He stops to see a monkey swing through vines. 50px follows the monkey through the vines during the first verse.

Darken the city, night is a wire

Steam in the subway, earth is afire

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do

50px lands on a rock, which turns out to be a rhino, causing the rhino to stampede throughout the second verse.

Woman you want me, give me a sign

And catch my breathing even closer behind

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do

A large snake passes by and 50px grabs it.

In touch with the ground

I'm on the hunt, I'm after you

I smell like I sound, I'm lost in a crowd

And I'm hungry like the wolf

50px stops into an elephant herd on a lake.

Strut on a line, with discord and rhyme

I'm on the hunt, I'm after you

Mouth is alive, with juices like wine

And I'm hungry like the wolf

50px grabs the tail of an elephant (PE024801, 5th trumpet), and the view of the border, where the elephant crashes through (PE024801, 6th trumpet), and runs away from the forest, angrily.

Stalked in the forest, too close to hide

I'll be upon you by the moonlight side

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do

On a city street, people stop and stare as the elephant stampedes through the city, Next we see people screaming and running away from the elephant.

High blood drumming on your skin, it's so tight

You feel my heat, I'm just a moment behind

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do

The song fades out and fades into a sharp, atonal screeching violin melody similar to that of Psycho as we transition back to the mall.


People scream and run away from the impact zone. Then, the elephant breaks into the mall (PE024801, 8th trumpet). Cut into the management office.

50px I have simply no idea what's going on...

Cut back into the mall.

50px Okay... keep calm, Jake...

50px I think we should perform at the AMC Theater! We'll leave the elephant behind.

50px Okay!

50px and 50px go to the AMC Plaza, because it's an empty space with the AMC theater in front.

50px Well, guys, let's do it!

The scene transitions into a surreal and rather promotional music video for "The Zephyr Song" by Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Can I get your hand to write on?

Just a piece of leg to bite on

What a night to fly my kite on

Do you want to flash a light on?

Take a look it's on display for you

Comin' down, no, not today

Did you meet your fortune teller?

Get it off with no propeller

Do it up, it's on with Stella

What a way to finally smell her

Pickin' up, but not too strong for you

Take a piece and pass it on

Fly away on my zephyr

I feel it more than ever

And in this perfect weather

We'll find a place together

Fly on my wind

Rebel and a liberator

Find a way to be a skater

Rev it up to levitate her

Super friendly aviator

Take a look it's on display, for you

Comin' down, no not today

Fly away on my zephyr

I feel it more than ever

And in this perfect weather

We'll find a place together

In the water where I center my emotion

All the world can pass me by

Fly away on my Zephyr

We'll find a place together

Wo-wo-wo-wo-wo-woah, do you


Wo-wo-wo-wo-wo-woah, want to


Fly away on my zephyr

I feel it more than ever

And in this perfect weather

We'll find a place together

In the water where I center my emotion

All the world can pass me by

Fly away on my Zephyr

We're gonna live forever


The elephant trumpets loudly at Moose (PE024801, 2nd trumpet) causing Moose to scold at it.

50px Excuse me but could you please turn it down? That scares the shoppers! You can do better...

(PE024801, 4th trumpet)

50px STOP THAT! Glad you think this is funny...

(PE024801, 3rd trumpet)

50px Seriously, cut that out.

(PE024801, 7th trumpet)

50px Last warning!

(PE024801, 1st trumpet)

50px Fine... but don't say I didn't warn you...

50px sneaks from behind the elephant and grabs its tail, causing the elephant to trumpet extremely loudly (PE024801, 8th trumpet; slowed down, but kept pitch).

50px This is madness!!!

"Maniac" by Michael Sembello starts playing through the scenes where the elephant runs away back to the jungle.

Just a steel town girl on a Saturday night

Lookin' for the fight of her life

In the real-time world, no one sees her at all

They all say she's crazy

Locking rhythms to the beat of her heart

Changing movement into light

She has danced into the danger zone

When the dancer becomes the dance

It can cut you like a knife

If the gift becomes the fire

On the wire between will and what will be

She's a maniac, maniac on the floor

And she's dancing like she's never danced before

She's a maniac, maniac on the floor

And she's dancing like she's never danced before

50px falls from the tail of the elephant proceeding it to run away (PE024801, 5th then 6th trumpets) as the song fades out.
It had already become the night, and Moose Elephant.jpg is in the Quincy family house taking a bath. We see the drain of a shower and Moose Elephant.jpg pulls his shampoo and washes his face, but as he feels his nose, it feels very long. Moose Elephant.jpg realizes about his nose, as screeching violins play, and when he rubs the steam off the shower glass, he looks at himself; he has an elephant trunk. He nods silently for five seconds, trying to accept his look. We then cut outside to the Simon family house, where a car passes by. Cut back to Moose Elephant.jpg, and now he lets out a huge scream.


As Moose Elephant.jpg screams, we see the outside of the house, then the neighborhood, and the skyline of the city. 50px runs into the shower. He opens the curtain quickly in a stressed manner.

50px What's the problem!?

50px yelps as he sees Moose Elephant.jpg with an elephant trunk.

50px This is serious...

After the shower, Moose Elephant.jpg was taken to the hospital by an ambulance.

50px Moose...

50px It's all right, Priscilla. I'm here with you. Come on, I'll take you home.

If this fanfic were a promotional music video, then 50px would have creepy-looking eyes like this:
