
From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki

Use the form below to block edit access from a specific IP address or username in accordance with our block policy. When blocking, please provide an informative reason for the block.

Blocks for vandals should prevent talk page privileges; blocked users receive a notice to use email to appeal a block.

Most IP addresses should not be blocked for more than a few days, as they are often reassigned to different people. IP address ranges can be blocked using CIRD syntax; the largest allowed range is /$1 for IPv4 and /$2 for IPv6. For help with range blocks, refer to the IPv4 and IPv6 guides. The IP range calculator can be used to help calculate appropriate ranges.

When blocking an IPv6 address, you should usually block the /64 range, as that represents the network of a single subnet/household (e.g. for 2601:1c2:101:3c80:c09a:cf6c:9597:50c0, block 2601:1c2:101:3c80::/64).