Chessboard rug (City Folk)

From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki

Chessboard rug


Texture of chessboard rug

Buy price Sell price
Not for sale  2,075 Bells
Obtain via
 Saharah (give 3 old floorings)
HRA points 3
In other games
Animal Crossing (chessboard rug)
New Leaf (chessboard rug)
Names in other languages
 tapis échiquier
 alfombra ajedrez
 tapp. a scacchi
 승부사 바닥
 tapis échiquier
 alfombra ajedrez

The chessboard rug is a carpet item in Animal Crossing: City Folk.

The chessboard rug can be obtained from Saharah if the player gives her three old floorings.

No villagers have this item in their home.
