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(Conversation in {{NL}})
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*Smug Villager: Heh heh heh. <''Lazy Villager''>, adding pesto to your pasta! How crazy! What'll you do next, put mustard on your frankfurters? Hah! Man, would THAT be weird.
*Smug Villager: Heh heh heh. <''Lazy Villager''>, adding pesto to your pasta! How crazy! What'll you do next, put mustard on your frankfurters? Hah! Man, would THAT be weird.
*Both of the villagers will walk off unaffected.
*Both of the villagers will walk off unaffected.
*Cranky Villager: I heard some great ghost stories on a camping trip a while ago. I've still got chills, <''catchphrase''>!
*Peppy Villager: AWESOME! I love ghost stories! We should totally make a campfire RIGHT NOW and tell some!
*Peppy Villager: EEEEEEEK! GHOST!
*Cranky Villager: ...Calm down! Whoever heard of a ghost who was a morning person? Even if one did show up this early, the sunlight would make it disappear! <''catchphrase''>!
*Peppy Villager: Oh yeah, your'e right!...So, what did I just see? Did you see it, <''player''>?
*Both of the villagers will walk off unaffected.
[[Category:Gameplay Elements]]
[[Category:Gameplay Elements]]

Revision as of 18:48, May 14, 2015

  • Snooty Villager #1: Hey <Snooty Villager>, what's up with that Gracie chick, anyway, <catchphrase>?
  • Snooty Villager #2: She thinks she's the fashion queen or something! Who is she to give us advice on clothes? I mean, seriously! Just look at her!
  • Snooty Villager #1: Yeah, totally! And that old junker she drives? Who does she think she's fooling?! It just PROVES how OLD and OUT OF TOUCH she is!
  • Snooty Villager #2: Though, you know, it might be nice to have a car, even if it were a junker. My feet get SO tired and achy from walking everywhere.
  • Snooty Villager #1: Know why our feet hurt? 'Cause we can't buy shoes in this backwater town.
  • Snooty Villager #2: Or socks, either...
  • Snooty Villager #1 will walk off sad, while Snooty Villager #2 will walk off unaffected.

  • Snooty Villager: Hey, I meant to apologize for calling you a two-faced toad the other day. I didn't mean it. You just caught me at a bad time, <catchphrase>!
  • Cranky Villager: WHAT?! Well, then I'm sorry for spreading all those rumors that you eat trash.
  • Snooty Villager: You did WHAT?! Well, in all fairness, I guess I should come clean about launching that bottle rocket into your window last summer. (It was SO fun!)
  • Cranky Villager: YOU did that?! It singed the first 200 pages of my insult thesaurus! For three whole weeks, I couldn't find any synonyms for "doofus"! FINE! I didn't REALLY mean it when I told Phyllis that you think she looks clownish.
  • Snooty Villager: So that's why she's always so rude to me! I thought it was just jealousy! Well, remember the other day when I said you looked really dashing? Sorry about that. It was a total lie. You looked like an old boot. Ooh, burn!
  • Both of the villagers will walk off unaffected.

  • Jock Villager: Why are you looking at me like that, <catchphrase>?
  • Snooty Villager: Hey...you're good at lifting stuff, right?
  • Jock Villager: Yeah, I'm pretty much the beefiest dude in <town>, <catchphrase>!
  • Snooty Villager: Excellent. And are you good at mindlessly following directions, <catchprase>?
  • Jock Villager: Heck yeah! I'm a directions-followin' MACHINE. <catchphrase>!
  • Snooty Villager: A hulking lifter that follows directions like a robot? PERFECT! I've got a house full of furniture for you to move, <catchprase>. And while you're at it, manbot, just pick up and move the whole house. I've been eyeing this beachfront property...
  • The Snooty Villager will walk off unaffected, while the Jock Villager will walk off happy.

  • Normal Villager: Hey, <Snooty Villager>, what one phrase describes you best, and why, <catchphrase>?
  • Snooty Villager: What a weird question! Hmmmmm. Let me think... Ah! I've got it! "Every rose has a thorn." That's perfect for me. After all, I'm beautiful, but I am also... deadly.
  • Normal Villager: That's great, but... Um. Roses aren't deadly. I mean, yeah, they've got thorns, but those just hurt. They're not deadly.
  • Snooty Villager: Oh, really? Not even... POISON ROSES!?
  • Normal Villager: I don't even know why I bother asking you questions like that, <Snooty Villager>...
  • The Normal Villager will walk off unaffected, while the Snooty Villager will walk off happy.

  • Cranky Villager #1: Hmmm. No offense, man, I think I'm a bit more manly than you...
  • Cranky Villager #2: Did you fall on your head or something? Everybody knows I'm the manliest. And on top of that, I look way younger, <catchphrase>!
  • Cranky Villager #1: Hey now! Now I KNOW you're talkin' crazy, <catchphrase>! Just because you look a little like me, don't be gettin' a big head!
  • Cranky Villager #2: Oh no, you've got that all backward! You're the one that looks like me!
  • Cranky Villager #1: So... If I called you ugly, what would that make me?
  • Cranky Villager #2: Well, <Cranky Villager>, I guess that'd make us both ugly. But that's ridiculous! Everyone knows we're the best looking, <catchphrase>.
  • Cranky Villager #1: Yeah... You're so right. Even if we are a little grumpy.
  • Cranky Villager #1 will walk off sad. Cranky Villager #2 will walk off unaffected.

  • Cranky Villager: Hey, <Normal Villager>... I heard you're saving up for a big fancy wedding!
  • Normal Villager: What?! N-no way... Where'd you hear that, <catchphrase>?! Who said that...? <player>, are you spreading rumors?
  • Player: "It wasn't me!" "Oops. Sorry."
  • (after responding "It wasn't me!")
  • Normal Villager: Sorry. You're totally right! You wouldn't blab, would you, <player>? Phew! I was... a little embarassed there, <catchphrase>.
  • Cranky Villager: ...So it's true! <Normal Villager>? You just proved that you are scheming something!
  • Normal Villager: Eeeek!
  • Cranky Villager: Whoa! You look quiet, but you're cooking all kinds of plans. She might be shy, but she's quite the schemer! The scariest thing in <town> really is <Normal Villager>... Arrest her, <catchphrase>!
  • Normal Villager: Why?! What did I do that was so bad, <catchphrase>?!
  • Both of the villagers will walk off unaffected.
  • (after responding "Oops. Sorry.")
  • Normal Villager: That's just...cold...<catchphrase>. Giving away a girl's secret like that! Ice cold! You just can't be trusted <player>. Yep, I pretty much can't stand you...
  • Cranky Villager: Hey, <player>! That stuff you said was just ...cold. You're pitiful! Unbelievable!...Gahahaha!
  • Normal Villager: <Cranky Villager>, I can't believe you scared <player> into talking! That's just plain wrong, <catchphrase>.
  • Cranky Villager: But, <player>! That's what I do best! ...Oh, <catchphrase>.
  • Both of the villagers will walk off sad.

  • Smug Villager: Hey, <player>! I'm talking to <Lazy Villager> about the best way to make pasta.
  • Lazy Villager: Yeah, listen up, <player>! <Smug Villager> just taught me the best way to enjoy pasta, <catchphrase>. Let's see. First you boil the pasta, and then you add some cheese...
  • Smug Villager: You can do it that way, but it may be best to add the cheese last.
  • Lazy Villager: Oh... But I like cheese, so can I add it before AND after, <catchphrase>?
  • Smug Villager: Well, I guess it's all up to personal preference, but with pasta...you should just listen to the way I do it since I'm a talented chef and know these things. Too much cheese will just weigh you down, and then you'll feel all sluggish, <catchphrase>. Plus it tastes funny once you add the ketchup!
  • Lazy Villager: ...You add ketchup to your pasta? But this isn't a french-fry meal! This is noodly goodness! You've gotta throw in some tasty oregano and maybe even a nice spoonful of pesto, <catchphrase>. Ooh, yeah, I could go for some pesto right about now...
  • Smug Villager: Heh heh heh. <Lazy Villager>, adding pesto to your pasta! How crazy! What'll you do next, put mustard on your frankfurters? Hah! Man, would THAT be weird.
  • Both of the villagers will walk off unaffected.
  • Cranky Villager: I heard some great ghost stories on a camping trip a while ago. I've still got chills, <catchphrase>!
  • Peppy Villager: AWESOME! I love ghost stories! We should totally make a campfire RIGHT NOW and tell some!
  • Peppy Villager: EEEEEEEK! GHOST!
  • Cranky Villager: ...Calm down! Whoever heard of a ghost who was a morning person? Even if one did show up this early, the sunlight would make it disappear! <catchphrase>!
  • Peppy Villager: Oh yeah, your'e right!...So, what did I just see? Did you see it, <player>?
  • Both of the villagers will walk off unaffected.