Template documentation (view)
{{Size|<x size>|<y size>}}
This template is intended for use in furniture tables and public works tables (projects, bridges, inclines, decorations, etc.) which will fill the Size parameter for those tables with an appropriate icon depicting the specified size. The exact size in decimals must be entered for the appropriate icon to appear, in x-y format.
All object sizes should be based on how many ground tiles it occupies. Wall furniture in New Leaf, Happy Home Designer, and New Horizons being based on the amount wall slots it occupies if viewed from the front (this is easily viewable in New Horizons). The template defaults to 0.0 x 0.0 if no size is specified.
There is an optional Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp mode that automatically adjusts Pocket Camp's sizes to match their proper sizes in-game.
As of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, furniture can be one of the following sizes:
Floor furniture | Wall furniture | Rugs |
The following sizes are supported by this template:
- Standard sizes
- Rugs, Pocket Camp furniture, or non-furniture objects (such as public works projects or objects) only
- Not currently used by items