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Amber (edit) Amber Amber comes from the sap of ancient trees that has hardened over time, wot? Sometimes there are even insects caught within! Serves them right. It's beautiful, of course, and scientists are also quite keen on it, so it's rather expensive! These marvelous little fellows provide us with clues to the period when dinosaurs ruled the earth!
Ammonite (edit) Ammonite Hoo my, simply wonderful! A truly rare fossil! An ammonite, you see, is not what it seems, eh wot? At first glance, you'd think it was related to the conch. But it isn't a member of that family at all. Hoo no! Actually, it's closer to the squid and octopus! Sadly, the only fossils we can find are mere shells, so we know not what sort of bodies they had. HOO! I... beg your pardon! I was so enthralled, I... I spouted hot air like a teapot, eh wot?
Ankylosaurus (edit) Ankylosaurus Ankylosaurus was armored on its head and back with savage-looking spikes. It's rather brilliant that it had such formidable defenses despite the fact that it was an herbivore. These fellows could also hit predators with their hammer-shaped tails! They were a right fright when angered. Much like the president of a company or something...
Apatosaurus (edit) Apatosaurus ...Ah, hoo, let's see now. Yes! The apatosaurus is complete! Hoo hoo huzzah! What a vision it will be! The apatosaurus was once called a brontosaurus, as you may be aware. Both its neck and its tail were extremely long, making for a huge, herbivorous dinosaur... In fact, thanks to how large and weighty their bodies were, they often lived in lakes and swamps, eh wot? Their nostrils were located on their foreheads-- perhaps that helped! HOO! I...beg your pardon! I was so enthralled, I... I spouted hot air like a boiling teapot, eh wot?
Archaeopteryx (edit) Archaeopteryx Hoo, what a wondrous find! Such perfect condition! Archaeopteryx's feathers... led many people to believe it was the progenitor of the birds, eh wot? Sadly, further evidence indicates it's likely not a direct relation... The current thinking is that we had other ancestors. Different grand-Blathers for me, wot wot! To be honest, there are almost as many theories as fossils for this beastie. It's quite a riddle!
Coprolite (edit) Coprolite Hoo, absolutely smashing! A fantastic find! These coprolites are treasure troves of information, eh wot? For example, there are little stones mixed in with the droppings of some herbivorous dinosaurs. Indeed, they would swallow plants and stones, which, mashing together in their stomachs, digested food. We can learn not just what they ate, but also HOW they ate! Hootie poo!
Dimetrodon (edit) Dimetrodon ...And with that, the dimetrodon is complete! Hoo, what a spectacle! The dimetrodon was from a period early in the history of the dinosaurs, eh wot? In point of fact, it's not even a real dinosaur! That's because it could regulate body temperature, unlike other dinosaurs. The dimetrodon did so by using its distinctively shaped back... Indeed, and that is why it's considered what some call a 'mammalian reptile'!
Dinosaur egg (edit) Dinosaur egg Hoo, I say! Hoo upon hoo! A fossilized egg! Eggcellent! I must apologize for that atrocious pun. So sorry. I just got carried away in my eggcitement, eh wot? Because this is a grade-A specimen. Hoo hoo hoo! Now, I hate to admit this, but I cannot identify the species of dinosaur that produced this particular egg. I can envision its hatching, though, and from the shards, a new life slowly emerging, a miracle of flesh and bone! Hoo, the wonder of it all! The drama. The spectacle! The ebb and flow! The grass and grit! Life, I say! Life! Hoo, mercy! Hoomy, indeed! I must apologize profusely. I...I was lost in the moment. My beak flaps on its own!
Dinosaur track (edit) Dinosaur track Why, I'd say this was the footprint of the mighty T.Rex! But don't just scoff as if this is any old footprint! Morso than even bones, dinosaur tracks provide us with a plethora of interesting information. Hoo, Yes, for example, they tell about the creature's skin locomotion speed, wot! HOO! I...beg your pardon! I was so enthralled, I...I spouted hot air like a boiling teapot, eh wot?
Fern fossil (edit) Fern fossil You know, fern fossils represent the first life...that moved from the ocean to the land, eh wot? These fellows reproduce through spores, not seeds...One might say they're like moss with leaves! Hoo, simply mind-boggling! This fossil is a perfect specimen!
Ichthyosaur (edit) Ichthyosaur The Ichthyosaur appeared during the first days of the dinosaurs. It didn't live on land like other dinosaurs, but rather in the sea...even though it was a reptile, wot! It's particular charm lies in its dolphinlike frame, not to mention its large eyes. Indeed, those large eyes granted such fine eyesight, it could see easily in the dark! Like an owl, hoo!
Iguanodon (edit) Iguanodon The spikes that look like spears are characteristic of the iguanodon, eh wot? When it was first found, it was actually thought to be a giant iguana because of the shape of its teeth. Indeed, that's how it got its name. It was also thought that it would fight off predators with its spikes... Any way one slices it, all signs point to this beast being one mobile, tough, herbivorous dinosaur!
Mammoth (edit) Mammoth The mammoth only went extinct recently. These elephant relatives died off a mere 10,000 years ago. Not so long ago, eh wot? Their herbivorous diet and arctic range has led to much speculation... Many believe they developed strong tusks to scrape through snow and ice to search for food!
Pachycephalosaurus (edit) Pachycephalosaurus ...Hoo my! At long last, the pachycephalosaurus is complete! Hootie woo! The wonder of it all! Pachycephalosaurus roamed the earth right up until the end of the dinosaurs, wot? Its characteristic round skull boasted bone that was almost a foot thick... Quite thick indeed! But its head wasn't especially it had little room for any brain...
Parasaurolophus (edit) Parasaurolophus The parasaurolophus lived until the end of the days of the dinosaurs! The crest on its head was a hollow bone over three feet in length. This beast could toot its own horn, wot! The very thought of the sound it might have made ruffles all of my feathers!
Peking Man (edit) Peking Man Woo hoot! A spectacular find indeed! The significance of Peking Man is the fact that he lived around 500,000 years ago, eh wot? Indeed, it's thought that he could be one of the links between humans and apes. This hirsute fellow used stone tools to hunt game, and he knew how to use fire to cook. Humans did a fair bit of changing after that, of course, but you can see the beginnings of greatness!
Plesiosaurus (edit) Plesiosaurus ...Most excellent news! The plesiosaurus has been completed! Hoo my, such a staggering event! The plesiosaurus appeared toward the end of the dinosaurs' days on earth. It was a reptile that lived in the ocean, and it's called "the long-necked dinosaur" in Japanese. Indeed, someone named Suzuki found the first one and named it that... But you see, he was still a high-school student when he discovered the fossils. He quickly became the neighborhood hero, wot!
Sabertooth Tiger (edit) Sabertooth Tiger ...We're witnesses to glory! The saber-toothed tiger is finished! Hootie WOOTIE! Such an event this is! As their name suggests, these fellows had two bug, swordlike teeth, and they were part of the cat family. They could open their jaws 180 degrees, allowing them to penetrate the thick hides of their prey! Savage! They went extinct 10,000 years ago...likely because there wasn't enough for them to eat! The mammoths they hunted were all eaten by humans instead, eh wot? HOO! I...beg your pardon! I was so enthralled, I... I spouted hot air like a boiling teapot, eh wot?
Seismosaur (edit) Seismosaur ...Wait! Did the earth just move? Because the seismosaurus is complete! Hoo, what a mighty moment this is! The seismosaurus is the longest of all known dinosaurs, eh wot? Its body was small for its length, though, and rather light, as well... Proportionally, its brains were also rather light! HOO! I... beg your pardon! I was so enthralled, I... I spouted hot air like a boiling teapot, eh wot?
Shark-tooth pattern (edit) Shark-tooth pattern Capital! Unheard of! What a first-rate fossil! Sharks were actually around a long time before dinosaurs appeared on the scene, eh wot? They developed into the perfect predator, and since then they haven't changed a smidgen!
Stegosaurus (edit) Stegosaurus ...It is done! Hootie hoo, the stegosaurus is all done! Absolutely spectacular! The stegosaurus appeared in the middle of the days of the dinosaurs. Its defining characteristics were the plates extending out of its back. These were actually bones, eh wot? They were used to regulate the beastie's body temperature, much as an elephant uses its ears. Its brain was so small, if you stomped its tail, it would not feel it for some time! Or so they say. HOO! I...beg your pardon! I was so enthralled I...I spouted hot air like a boiling teapot, eh wot?
Styracosaurus (edit) Styracosaurus ...What, hoo?! It seems the styracosaurus is complete! Wondrous! Just wondrous! The styracosaurus appeared in the late days of the dinosaurs. Its characteristic horns and collar looked like frills—very dino-fashionable, wot wot! And actually, they had to be, because the rear frill was used by males to attract females. I guess male-female relations haven't changed much in all these years, eh wot? HOO! I...beg your pardon! I was so enthralled, I... I spouted hot air like a boiling teapot, eh wot?
T. Rex (edit) T. Rex ...Amazing! Stupendous! The T. rex has been completed! Hoo, the sheer stupefaction of it all! T. rex is, of course, short for Tyrannosaurus rex! It lived until the final days of the dinosaurs and was a fearsome predator, wot? Just imagine how it would rend and tear apart its prey with those huge jaws and sharp teeth! Blech! Vivid! It was also very heavy, so the theory goes that is wasn't particularly fast. ...So, if it attacked, you could escape from it pretty easily, I should think...
Triceratops (edit) Triceratops ...Stunning! The triceratops is done! Hoo, naught could make me happier! The triceratops was an herbivorous dino that lived until the end of the days of the dinosaurs. Its distinctive three horns and large collar belied its quiet nature. In actuality, the collarbone was the source of the beastie's mighty chewing power... But with powerful jaws like that, plus the horns, no carnivorous dino wanted a triceratops at its feet! HOO! I...beg your pardon! I was so enthralled, I... I spouted hot air like a boiling teapot, eh wot?
Trilobite (edit) Trilobite Hoo, this fossil is a truly outstanding specimen! Trilobites were around long before the age of the dinosaurs, eh wot? They were quite numerous, and as a result, much research has been done on these fellows. In point of fact, scientists date geological strata based on them. It's almost like they're your guides for time traveling!
Velociraptor (edit) Velociraptor ...Hoo my goodness! The velociraptor is assembled! Simply magnificent! Velociraptors first began to appear in the last days of the dinosaurs. Their bodies were small, but they could run fast and were smart enough to use teamwork... In some respects, they were the best hunters in the dinosaur world!