Camellia Shrine Set

From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki
Camellia Shrine Set PC.png
Promotional image for the Camellia Shrine Set
Availability (Pocket Camp) Shino's Shrine Cookie
Reissue dates (Pocket Camp)

Jan 15, 2023 - Jan 22, 2023
Jul 17, 2023 - Jul 18, 2023

Name in other languages
 환상적인 동백꽃 사당
 temple aux camélias
 temple aux camélias
 camelias en la nieve
 camelias en la nieve
 tempio delle camelie

The Camellia Shrine Set is a furniture and clothing set in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. It can be obtained for a limited time by purchasing Shino's Shrine Cookie from Timmy and Tommy from January 1 to April 1, 2022. The items in this set are shrine themed. The Scrapbook Memory unlocking item in this set is the Camellia Shrine.

Item list[edit]

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp[edit]

Camellia Shrine Set in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp

Item Image Theme Rarity Chance Sell price Size
Camellia Shrine Camellia Shrine PC Icon.png PC Banner - Harmonious.png ★★★★★ 2.6506%  3,000 Bells 10.0 x 10.0
Camellia Shrine Stage Camellia Shrine Stage PC Icon.png PC Banner - Harmonious.png ★★★★ 6.8214%  2,000 Bells 6.0 x 6.0
Camellia Shrine Fountain Camellia Shrine Fountain PC Icon.png PC Banner - Harmonious.png ★★★★ 6.8214%  2,000 Bells 6.0 x 6.0
Camellia Shrine Arch Trio Camellia Shrine Arch Trio PC Icon.png PC Banner - Harmonious.png ★★★★ 6.8214%  2,000 Bells 6.0 x 6.0
Camellia Shrine Archway Camellia Shrine Archway PC Icon.png PC Banner - Harmonious.png ★★★★ 6.8214%  2,000 Bells 6.0 x 2.0
Camellia Lantern Screen Camellia Lantern Screen PC Icon.png PC Banner - Harmonious.png ★★★ 14.0128%  1,600 Bells 4.0 x 2.0
Camellia Shrine Lion-Dog Camellia Shrine Lion-Dog PC Icon.png PC Banner - Harmonious.png ★★★ 14.0128%  1,600 Bells 4.0 x 2.0
Camellia Shrine Lantern Camellia Shrine Lantern PC Icon.png PC Banner - Harmonious.png ★★★ 14.0128%  1,600 Bells 2.0 x 2.0
Red Horns and Pigtails Red Horns And Pigtails PC Icon.png PC Banner - Harmonious.png ★★★ 14.0128%  1,600 Bells -
Camellia Shrine Outfit Camellia Shrine Outfit PC Icon.png PC Banner - Harmonious.png ★★★ 14.0128%  1,600 Bells -
