Fishing Tourney

From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki
NH Fishing Tourney.jpg
C.J. during a Fishing Tourney in New Horizons
Varies between games (see recurrence)
Time 6 AM — 6 PM[nb 1]
12 PM — 6 PM[nb 2]
9 AM – 6 PM
Host Chip[nb 3]
Tortimer[nb 4]
C.J.[nb 5]
Main appearances

Other appearances
Names in other languages
 Tournoi de pêche
 Torneo de Pesca
 Torneo di pesca
 Турнир «Мастер удочки»
 Tournoi de pêche
 Torneo de Pesca

The Fishing Tourney is a fish-catching competition event that occurs throughout the year in the Animal Crossing series. While the principle of the Fishing Tourney remains the same across the series, each incarnation has different variations.


In the first-generation games[edit]

In every first-generation Animal Crossing game, there are two types of Fishing Tourneys: The Summer Fishing Tourney, which occurs every Sunday in June, and the Fall Fishing Tourney, which occurs every Sunday in November.

During a Fishing Tourney, Chip appears by the lake from 6 AM to 6 PM and tasks the player with catching small bass, bass, and large bass and bringing them to him. Each bass has a size in inches (or centimeters in the European version) that is randomly generated upon giving it to Chip:

  • Small bass ranges from 3 to 11 inches (10-30cm).
  • Bass ranges from 11 to 19 inches (30-50cm).
  • Large bass ranges from 19 to 27 inches (50-70cm).

If the player gives Chip a bass that beats the current size record, he gives them a random furniture item from any group. The record increases throughout the day as villagers participate in the event, and if the player holds the record at 6 PM when the event ends, Chip mails them a random furniture item from either Crazy Redd's or Tom Nook's raffle.

Beginning in Doubutsu no Mori+, during both Fishing Tourneys, Tortimer walks around a random acre and gives the player a furniture item when spoken to.[nb 6] The item received differs between the summer and fall events, and was changed from Doubutsu no Mori+ to Animal Crossing and Doubutsu no Mori e+:

Event Item
Doubutsu no Mori+ Animal Crossing and
Doubutsu no Mori e+
Summer Tourney Bass Boat-Wrap Sushi DnM+ Model.png Bass boat-wrap sushi Angler Trophy PG Model.png Angler trophy
Fall Tourney Big-Catch Flag DnM+ Model.png Big-catch flag Fishing Trophy PG Model.png Fishing trophy

Adjusted spawn rates[edit]

During the event, the spawn rates of river fish are adjusted. The following adjusted spawn rate table contains only the three types of bass and has a 75% percent chance of being used for acres containing a waterfall, the lake, or a bridge (with the other 25% being those locations' standard spawn rates), and a 100% chance of being used for all other river acres:

Fish Spawn rate
6:00 AM — 8:59 AM 9:00 AM — 3:59 PM 4:00 PM — 5:59 PM
Small bass 10% 50% 10%
Bass 70% 40% 70%
Large bass 20% 10% 20%

In Wild World[edit]

Tortimer inviting the player to join the Fishing Tourney in Wild World.

The Fishing Tourney in Animal Crossing: Wild World is hosted by Tortimer, who can be found outside the town hall for the duration of the event. It is now held between 12 PM and 6 PM on the third Sunday of January, March, May, November, and December, and the fourth Sunday of February, April, and October. The competition still requires participants to catch and present the largest fish they can find, though now any fish can be submitted, not just bass. The Bug-Off is introduced as a bug-catching competition counterpart to the Fishing Tourney, and occurs during the summer months when the Fishing Tourney is not held.

The player must present fish to Tortimer for evaluation, and if the fish sets a new size record, he will award them a random furniture item. The record will increase throughout the day as villagers participate in the event. If the player holds the record when the competition ends, they will be announced as the winner on the bulletin board, and be mailed a letter of congratulations with a Fish trophy attached.

If the player does not have a fishing rod, Tortimer will give them one for free.

In City Folk[edit]

Chip talking with the player in City Folk.

In Animal Crossing: City Folk, the Fishing Tourney is once again hosted by Chip after his absence in the previous game. Chip can be found beside a stall outside of the town hall between 9 AM and 6 PM. The fishing tourney is held on the third Saturday of January, March, May, and November, and the second Saturday of February, April, October, and December. The Bug-Off is hosted in the summer months when the Fishing Tourney is not held.

When the player presents a fish to Chip, he will evaluate it before consuming it. If the fish is large enough to set a new size record, Chip will award the player with a random furniture item. The record will increase throughout the day as villagers participate in the event. If the player holds the record when the competition ends, they will announced as the winner on the bulletin board, and receive a letter of congratulations with a trophy attached. The trophy that is received is dependent on the month the tourney takes place in.

If the player does not have a fishing rod, Chip will offer to sell one for 500 Bells.


Months Valid entry
(as specified by Chip)
January Pond Smelt CF Icon.png Pond Smelt, Horse Mackerel CF Icon.png Horse Mackerel, or Dab CF Icon.png Dab 1st place:
Silver Trophy CF Model.png Silver trophy
March Crucian Carp CF Icon.png Crucian Carp, Loach CF Icon.png Loach, or Sea Bass CF Icon.png Sea Bass
May Black Bass CF Icon.png Black Bass, Sea Bass CF Icon.png Sea Bass, or Red Snapper
November Carp CF Icon.png Carp, Black Bass CF Icon.png Black Bass, or Horse Mackerel CF Icon.png Horse Mackerel
Any fish 1st place:
Gold Trophy CF Model.png Gold trophy

There are two different rulesets for the Fishing Tourney, depending on the month it takes place in:

  • In January, March, May, and November, Chip will specify a particular fish for competitors to catch and will not accept any other fish. The fish he specifies will be one that is randomly selected out of a group of three possible fish that differs for each month. The prize for achieving first place is a Silver trophy.
  • In February, April, October, and December, Chip will readily accept any fish. The prize for achieving first place is a Gold trophy.

In New Leaf[edit]

The winners of the Fishing Tourney being congratulated in New Leaf.

The Fishing Tourney in Animal Crossing: New Leaf is hosted by Chip, who can be found outside of his tent in the plaza from 9 AM to 6 PM. The fishing tourney is held on the third Saturday of January, March, May, and November, and the second Saturday of February, April, October, and December. The Bug-Off is hosted in the summer months when the Fishing Tourney is not held.

When the player presents a fish to Chip, he will evaluate its size before consuming it. If it sets a new first place record, Chip will award them an item depending on the specific size of the fish he is given. If the fish is at or below the average size of its species, Chip will award a random ordinary item of furniture, wallpaper, or flooring. If the fish is above the average size of its species, Chip will award a random item from the exclusive Fish set. The group of possible items that can be received differs depending on the tourney ruleset. The record increases throughout the day as villagers participate.

Once the competition ends, an awards ceremony is held inside of the tent between 6 PM and 9 PM. The competitors in first, second, and third place will stand in the appropriate spots on a podium. If the player is in first place when the competition ends, they will be awarded a Gold fish trophy. If the player is in second place, they will receive a Silver fish trophy, and if they are in third place they will receive a Bronze fish trophy. If the player places in the top three but does not attend the ceremony, they will instead be mailed a letter of congratulations with their trophy attached.

If the player does not have a fishing rod, Chip will offer to sell one for 500 Bells. If the player has caught every fish and speaks to Chip during the Fishing Tourney, he will reward them with a Golden rod.


Months Valid entry
(as specified by Chip)
Possible rewards
January Horse Mackerel NL Icon.png Horse Mackerel, Pond Smelt NL Icon.png Pond Smelt, or Sea Bass NL Icon.png Sea Bass

Crab Clock NL Model.png Crab clock
Dab Table NL Model.png Dab table
Football-Fish Lamp NL Model.png Football-fish lamp
Sea-Anemone Bed NL Model.png Sea-anemone bed
Squid Chair NL Model.png Squid chair
Marine Pop Floor NL Model.png Marine pop floor

1st place:
Gold Fish Trophy NL Model.png Gold fish trophy
2nd place:
Silver Fish Trophy NL Model.png Silver fish trophy
3rd place:
Bronze Fish Trophy NL Model.png Bronze fish trophy

March Crucian Carp NL Icon.png Crucian Carp, Horse Mackerel NL Icon.png Horse Mackerel, or Loach NL Icon.png Loach
May Carp NL Icon.png Carp, Black Bass NL Icon.png Black Bass, or Sea Bass NL Icon.png Sea Bass
November Carp NL Icon.png Carp, Crucian Carp NL Icon.png Crucian Carp, or Black Bass NL Icon.png Black Bass
Any fish

Flounder Table NL Model.png Flounder table
Jellyfish Lamp NL Model.png Jellyfish lamp
Octopus Chair NL Model.png Octopus chair
Puffer-Fish TV NL Model.png Puffer-fish TV
Red-Snapper Chair NL Model.png Red-snapper chair
Marine Pop Wall NL Model.png Marine pop wall

As in the previous game, there are two different rulesets that differ between months:

  • In January, March, May, and November, Chip will specify a particular fish for competitors to catch and will not accept any other fish. The fish he specifies will be one that is randomly selected out of a group of three possible fish that differs for each month.
  • In February, April, October, and December, Chip will readily accept any fish.

If the player presents Chip with an above-average sized fish, he will reward them with an exclusive item from the Fish set. The items are split into two groups which differ between contests; half of the items can only be obtained during tournaments held in January, March, May, and November, while the other half can only be obtained during tournaments held in February, April, October, and December.

Fishing Tourney items in Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Item Image Type Buy price Sell price[nb 7] Available from
Bronze fish trophy Bronze fish trophy Furniture Not for sale  1,150 Bells  Chip
Crab clock Crab clock Furniture Not for sale  600 Bells  Chip
Dab table Dab table Furniture Not for sale  600 Bells  Chip
Flounder table Flounder table Furniture Not for sale  600 Bells  Chip
Football-fish lamp Football-fish lamp Furniture Not for sale  600 Bells  Chip
Gold fish trophy Gold fish trophy Furniture Not for sale  2,450 Bells  Chip
Jellyfish lamp Jellyfish lamp Furniture Not for sale  625 Bells  Chip
Octopus chair Octopus chair Furniture Not for sale  600 Bells  Chip
Puffer-fish TV Puffer-fish TV Furniture Not for sale  600 Bells  Chip
Red-snapper chair Red-snapper chair Furniture Not for sale  600 Bells  Chip
Sea-anemone bed Sea-anemone bed Furniture Not for sale  600 Bells  Chip
Silver fish trophy Silver fish trophy Furniture Not for sale  1,800 Bells  Chip
Squid chair Squid chair Furniture Not for sale  600 Bells  Chip
Marine pop floor Marine pop floor Interior Not for sale  410 Bells  Chip
Marine pop wall Marine pop wall Interior Not for sale  410 Bells  Chip

In New Horizons[edit]

A bulletin board announcement for a Fishing Tourney in New Horizons.

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the Fishing Tourney is now hosted by Chip's son C.J.. Players are tasked with catching as many fish as possible within three minutes. The player can participate as many times as they choose until the event ends at 6:00 PM; however, every entry after the first costs 500 Bells. While the timer is active, a generic message is displayed whenever a fish is caught instead of the player's normal catch quote, and the "Yes!" message that normally displays for a first-time catch will not be displayed either. Fishing Rods will not break during the tourney, but they still sustain damage, and will break after the timer is up if their durability runs out during a round.

Fish caught by the player are sent to a cooler in the plaza rather than stored in their pockets. After scoring, the player can sell the cooler's contents to C.J. for 1.5 times the regular sell price at Nook's Cranny, and they are required to do so before they may participate again or swap their points for items. To keep any caught fish, the player must select fish from the cooler before bulk-selling.

During the event, villagers are seen fishing along rivers or near ponds on the island, and will usually wear an athletic jacket with a matching hat.


Players receive points based on the number of fish caught, regardless of their rarity.

  • 1 point per fish
  • 2 bonus points if three or more fish were caught


There are additional benefits for participating in the Fishing Tourney on local or online multiplayer. In a multiplayer tournament, the 500 Bell entry fee is waived for all participants. In addition, there is a cooperative bonus: if 5 or more fish are caught between the players, all players will earn 5 bonus points (regardless of the number of fish caught individually).

To begin a tournament, only one player needs to ask C.J. to start the timer. The timer will begin for everyone without prior warning, meaning that other players can move closer to a body of water ahead of time. A tournament can only be started after everyone has cleared their coolers, whether by selling to C.J. or manually removing the fish from it.

Players can join or leave the island during the tournament, but the timer will not pause. If connection is lost and/or the island state is reset, it is possible for everyone to lose fishing progress.


After obtaining 10 or more points, players can exchange their points for "fish swag." The 13 possible items are distributed in a random order, after which the player will start receiving duplicate items. In addition, if the player obtains 100, 200, or 300 points, C.J. will mail them a corresponding trophy (bronze, silver, or gold). This total is cumulative; points that have been traded in for swag still contribute to the total, and points from previous tourneys are also counted.

Although the tourney ends at 6:00 PM, C.J. will remain in the plaza until 8:00 PM, so points can still be exchanged for rewards and fish can be sold until he leaves. After he has left, the cooler remains in the plaza for the rest of the night, allowing the player to retrieve their fish after C.J. leaves.

Fishing Tourney items in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Item Image Type Buy price Sell price Available from
Anchor statue anchor statue Furniture Not for sale  1,400 Bells  C.J.
Bronze fish trophy bronze fish trophy Furniture Not for sale  400 Bells  C.J.
Fish doorplate fish doorplate Furniture Not for sale  90 Bells  C.J.
Fish print fish print Furniture Not for sale  700 Bells  C.J.
Fish-drying rack fish-drying rack Furniture Not for sale  750 Bells  C.J.
Fishing-rod stand fishing-rod stand Furniture Not for sale  300 Bells  C.J.
Fresh cooler fresh cooler Furniture Not for sale  450 Bells  C.J.
Gold fish trophy gold fish trophy Furniture Not for sale  450 Bells  C.J.
Silver fish trophy silver fish trophy Furniture Not for sale  425 Bells  C.J.
Fish pochette fish pochette Clothing Not for sale  210 Bells  C.J.
Fish umbrella fish umbrella Clothing Not for sale  80 Bells  C.J.
Fish-print tee fish-print tee Clothing Not for sale  160 Bells  C.J.
Tackle bag tackle bag Clothing Not for sale  175 Bells  C.J.
Fish rug fish rug Interior Not for sale  375 Bells  C.J.
Marine pop wall marine pop wall Interior Not for sale  805 Bells  C.J.
Fish wand fish wand Tool Not for sale  1,500 Bells  C.J.
Includes data sourced from the Data Spreadsheet for Animal Crossing New Horizons, compiled and edited by 6480, noizhub, Ricky, chaiinchomp, saberslime, robotic_scarab, mollumisc, sunmarsh, kyrokey, obstinateRixatrix, jackiwi, Zalex, SuperHamster, kait, hyuum, Azarro, Czarcasm, cinnamon_swirlix, astronomyfortwo, Welcius, glowtopia, BriKun, Alyrei,, StevieCoops, sneeze, Shiny190, TwistedPeach, LavaToaster, capstone, vmario, rocklamp, Alexis, Aeon, and PanchamBro.

In amiibo Festival[edit]

In Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival, the Fishing Tourney is held in the Board Game mode for one turn on the second Saturday of February, April, October, and December; and the third Saturday of January, March, May, and November. During the event, Chip appears in the plaza and all spaces become either standard, silver, or gold fishing-rod spaces. When landing on a fishing-rod space, the player pulls out a fishing rod and catches a random fish; silver and gold fishing-rod spaces have the player pull out a silver rod and golden rod, respectively, and give a higher chance of catching a rare fish. At the end of the turn, all players are ranked and rewarded Happy Points based on the rarity of the fish they caught:

In Pocket Camp[edit]

In Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp and Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete, the Fishing Tourney is a monthly event that takes place either in Saltwater Shores or Lost Lure Creek. The goal is to catch unique species of fish that only appear during the event, known as "tourney fish", and turn them in to the event host. Tourney fish can be easily identified in the water as they have a sparkling shadow. When players give tourney fish to the event host, they will measure and record the size of each fish. The combined size of every fish caught during the event is tracked, and the player will receive rewards for each milestone they hit. Fish that are presented to the host are not returned, and any fish held by the player once the event ends will disappear.

While the Fishing Tourney event is active, the area of the map it is taking place in will be decorated accordingly. The host will remain in the area at all times. The player can also access a special menu when visiting the area, from which they can view rules, records and rewards, as well as special challenges that can be completed to earn further rewards. Villagers in the campsite and friends in Whistle Pass may also gift the player tourney fish during the event, and the host will automatically take them when the player enters the event location.

During the event, it is possible for the player to occasionally catch two tourney fish at once instead of only one. A golden rod can be rented from the event host for 80 Leaf Tickets (Pocket Camp)/30 Leaf Tokens (Pocket Camp Complete) to guarantee two tourney fish with every catch, and lasts for the duration of the event. The golden rod also ensures that the camp caretaker will find twice the amount of tourney fish. At the beginning of the event, the player will be given tourney throw nets from the host, which can be consumed at the dock to catch several tourney fish at once. Some, but not all, events offer additional tourney throw nets as rewards earned from completing challenges.

The primary host was initially Chip, but C.J. became the dominant host for events introduced from Fintastic Fishing Tourney-onwards. On occasion, Fishing Tourneys are hosted by other characters; every Halloween-themed event is hosted by Jack, Island Excursion is hosted by Tom Nook, Fun Bunny Day Land is hosted by Zipper T. Bunny, and Illuminated Trees and Soup-er are hosted by Jingle.


In Pocket Camp, new Fishing Tourney events were usually introduced in the middle of the month, though some took place late in the month, or even across two months. In Pocket Camp Complete, a returning Fishing Tourney event always occurs in the middle of the month, but not in the same order as they were introduced in Pocket Camp. It is presumed that the crossover Fishing Tourneys with the Super Mario and Splatoon series will not return, as Nintendo has indicated that their related reward items will not be obtainable in Pocket Camp Complete unless a player who had already obtained them transfers their save data from Pocket Camp.

When the player reaches specific milestones, they will qualify for a trophy, which will be delivered to the mailbox after the event ends. The player can view their current trophy rank in the Fishing Tourney records menu at any time while the event is ongoing. The player can select the trophy in their pockets and select "Details" to view a record of the total size of tourney fish they caught during the event the trophy was awarded for. If the player achieves a gold rank, they will also unlock a special conversation with the event host. The four trophies that can be obtained are: Wood Fish Trophy, Bronze Fish Trophy, Silver Fish Trophy, and Gold Fish Trophy. The thresholds at which specific trophies are earned vary between different events, due to the different sized fish that can appear. During Fishing Tourney #6, players who achieved the gold milestone received a Gold Squid Trophy instead of the usual one, as part of the Splatoon theme of the event.

Certain fishing tourney events are referred to by multiple names, with one name used in promotional banners, and an alternate name used in specific places, such as the journal. In the below table, alternate names for an event are listed below the promoted name in parenthesis.

Tournament Dates Host Tourney fish Trophy milestones Reward collection




1st Fishing Tourney! March 15, 2018 – March 20, 2018 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Clown Fish PC Icon.png Clown fish
Surgeonfish PC Icon.png Surgeonfish
Barred Knifejaw PC Icon.png Barred knifejaw

10cm 800cm 2,100cm 4,200cm Nia.png
Underwater World Set (Part 1)
Fishing Tourney #2! May 19, 2018 – May 24, 2018 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Puffer Fish PC Icon.png Puffer fish
Sea Butterfly PC Icon.png Sea butterfly
Zebra Moray PC Icon.png Zebra moray

10cm 1,200cm 3,200cm 5,700cm Nia.png
Underwater World Set (Part 2)
Fishing Tourney #3! June 29, 2018 – July 4, 2018 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Bluegill PC Icon.png Bluegill
Angelfish PC Icon.png Angelfish
Arowana PC Icon.png Arowana

10cm 1,200cm 3,200cm 5,700cm Nia.png
Underwater World Set (Part 3)
Fishing Tourney #4! July 25, 2018 – July 30, 2018 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Achilles Surgeonfish PC Icon.png Achilles surgeonfish
Spotted Knifejaw PC Icon.png Spotted knifejaw
Black Clown Fish PC Icon.png Black clown fish

10cm 1,200cm 3,800cm 7,000cm Nia.png
Underwater World Set (Part 4)
Fishing Tourney #5! August 14, 2018 – August 19, 2018 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Guppy PC Icon.png Guppy
Piranha PC Icon.png Piranha
Golden Koi PC Icon.png Golden koi

10cm 1,200cm 3,800cm 7,000cm Vibrant Set PC.png
Vibrant Set
Fishing Tourney #6!
(Splatoon 2)
August 14, 2018 – August 19, 2018 Chip (Splatoon) PC Character Icon.png Chip

Green Squid PC Icon.png Green Squid
Pink Squid PC Icon.png Pink Squid
Purple Octopus PC Icon.png Purple Octopus

10cm 1,600cm 5,200cm 9,800cm[nb 8] Splatoon 2 (Fishing Tourney) Set PC.jpg
Splatoon 2 (Fishing Tourney) Set
Fishing Tourney #7! October 23, 2018 – October 29, 2018 Jack PC Character Icon.png Chip

Orange Candy Fish PC Icon.png Orange candy fish
Melon Candy Fish PC Icon.png Melon candy fish
Grape Candy Fish PC Icon.png Grape candy fish

10cm 1,200cm 4,800cm 9,000cm Nia.png
Halloween 2 Set
Fishing Tourney #8! November 21, 2018 – November 27, 2018 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Gold Horse Mackerel PC Icon.png Gold horse mackerel
Gold Olive Flounder PC Icon.png Gold olive flounder
Gold Football Fish PC Icon.png Gold football fish
Gold Tuna PC Icon.png Gold tuna

10cm 1,200cm 5,500cm 9,500cm First Anniv. (Fishing Tourney) Set PC.png
First Anniv. (Fishing Tourney) Set
Fishing Tourney #9! December 19, 2018 – December 26, 2018 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Sweet Shrimp PC Icon.png Sweet shrimp
Horsehair Crab PC Icon.png Horsehair crab
Lobster PC Icon.png Lobster

10cm 1,000cm 4,800cm 8,900cm Snow Festival Set PC.png
Snow Festival Set
Fishing Tourney #10! January 22, 2019 – January 29, 2019 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Pond Smelt PC Icon.png Pond smelt
Dace PC Icon.png Dace
Salmon PC Icon.png Salmon

10cm 1,000cm 4,800cm 8,900cm Ice Fishing Set PC.png
Ice Fishing Set
Fishing Tourney #11
(Pink Crystal)
February 18, 2019 – February 25, 2019 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Horseshoe Crab PC Icon.png Horseshoe crab
Chambered Nautilus PC Icon.png Chambered nautilus
Coelacanth PC Icon.png Coelacanth

10cm 1,000cm 2,800cm 9,000cm Crystal Collection (Pink) Set PC.jpg
Crystal Collection (Pink) Set
Fishing Tourney #12
(Super Mario)
March 14, 2019 – March 21, 2019 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Cheep Cheep PC Icon.png Cheep Cheep
Eep Cheep PC Icon.png Eep Cheep
Blooper PC Icon.png Blooper
Cheep Chomp PC Icon.png Cheep Chomp

10cm 1,200cm 3,000cm 10,000cm Nia.png
Super Mario Set
Schoolroom April 24, 2019 – April 29, 2019 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Killifish PC Icon.png Killifish
Goldfish PC Icon.png Goldfish
Catfish PC Icon.png Catfish
Pink Koi PC Icon.png Pink koi

3cm 400cm 1,300cm 4,000cm Nia.png
Schoolroom Set
Monochromatic Cat May 24, 2019 – May 29, 2019 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Atlantic Mackerel PC Icon.png Atlantic mackerel
Pacific Saury PC Icon.png Pacific saury
Sea Bass PC Icon.png Sea bass

25cm 400cm 1,850cm 6,500cm Monochromatic Cat Set PC.png
Monochromatic Cat Set
Aquarium June 19, 2019 – 24, 2019 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Blue Moon Jellyfish PC Icon.png Blue moon jellyfish
Green Moon Jellyfish PC Icon.png Green moon jellyfish
Yellow Moon Jellyfish PC Icon.png Yellow moon jellyfish

25cm 400cm 1,850cm 6,000cm Electric Aquarium Set PC.png
Electric Aquarium Set
Poolside July 23, 2019 – July 29, 2019 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Saw Shark PC Icon.png Saw shark
Hammerhead Shark PC Icon.png Hammerhead shark
Shark PC Icon.png Shark

100cm 5,000cm 18,000cm 32,000cm Poolside Set PC.png
Poolside Set
Fireworks August 13, 2019 - August 19, 2019 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Goldfish PC Icon.png Goldfish
Pop-Eyed Goldfish PC Icon.png Pop-eyed goldfish
Eel PC Icon.png Eel

12cm 1,300cm 2,000cm 5,200cm Fireworks Set PC.png
Fireworks Set
Dance September 11, 2019 – September 17, 2019 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Black Clown Fish PC Icon.png Black clown fish
Black Horsehair Crab PC Icon.png Black horsehair crab
Giant Isopod PC Icon.png Giant isopod

5cm 750cm 1,200cm 3,100cm Nia.png
Sidewalk Showstopper Set
Pumpkins October 10, 2019 – October 17, 2019 Jack PC Character Icon.png Jack

Orange Bonefish PC Icon.png Orange bonefish
Green Bonefish PC Icon.png Green bonefish
Purple Bonefish PC Icon.png Purple bonefish

5cm 3,800cm 5,800cm 15,000cm Nia.png
Personal Pumpkins Set
Blue Jazz November 13, 2019 – November 19, 2019 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Platinum Pale Chub PC Icon.png Platinum pale chub
Platinum Black Bass PC Icon.png Platinum black bass
Platinum Catfish PC Icon.png Platinum catfish
Platinum Gar PC Icon.png Platinum gar

5cm 2,200cm 3,200cm 7,900cm Blue Jazz Set PC.png
Blue Jazz Set
Starry Suite
December 12, 2019 – December 18, 2019 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

White Starfish PC Icon.png White starfish
Yellow Starfish PC Icon.png Yellow starfish
Blue Starfish PC Icon.png Blue starfish

5cm 1,300cm 1,900cm 4,200cm Nia.png
Starry Lights Set
Knitted January 14, 2020 – January 19, 2020 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Green Discus PC Icon.png Green discus
Orange Discus PC Icon.png Orange discus
Ivory Arowana PC Icon.png Ivory arowana

5cm 900cm 1,500cm 3,400cm Nia.png
Knitted (Event) Set
Honeycomb Home
February 12, 2020 – February 17, 2020 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Honey Eel PC Icon.png Honey eel
Honey Sea Horse PC Icon.png Honey sea horse
Honey Sea Slug PC Icon.png Honey sea slug

5cm 900cm 1,420cm 4,200cm Honeycomb Home Set PC.png
Honeycomb Home Set
Island Excursion March 12, 2020 – March 19, 2020 Tom Nook PC Character Icon.png Tom Nook

Island Horse Mackerel PC Icon.png Island horse mackerel
Island Red Snapper PC Icon.png Island red snapper
Island Olive Flounder PC Icon.png Island olive flounder
Island Tuna PC Icon.png Island tuna

5cm 3,800cm 6,100cm 14,400cm Island Excursion Invite Set PC.png
Island Excursion Invite Set
Fun Bunny Day Land
(Bunny Day)
April 12, 2020 – April 19, 2020 Zipper PC Character Icon.png Zipper T. Bunny

Yellow Eggler Fish PC Icon.png Yellow eggler fish
Aqua Eggler Fish PC Icon.png Aqua eggler fish
Pink Eggler Fish PC Icon.png Pink eggler fish

5cm 1,500cm 2,700cm 6,400cm Bunny Day Bash Set PC.png
Bunny Day Bash Set
Terrarium Decor May 13, 2020 – May 20, 2020 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Crystal Red Shrimp PC Icon.png Crystal red shrimp
Gourami PC Icon.png Gourami
Betta PC Icon.png Betta

1cm 210cm 410cm 930cm Fishing Tourney (Terrarium) Set PC.png
Fishing Tourney (Terrarium) Set
Joyful Ceremony
June 13, 2020 – June 20, 2020 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

White Tuxedo Guppy PC Icon.png White tuxedo guppy
White Angelfish PC Icon.png White angelfish
White Butterfly Koi PC Icon.png White butterfly koi

1cm 800cm 1,400cm 3,400cm Joyful Ceremony Set PC.png
Joyful Ceremony Set
Pirate Life
July 12, 2020 – July 20, 2020 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Bering Wolffish PC Icon.png Bering wolffish
Great Barracuda PC Icon.png Great barracuda
Smalltooth Sand Tiger PC Icon.png Smalltooth sand tiger

50cm 8,300cm 14,800cm 33,200cm Nia.png
Pirate Life Set
Elegant Aquarium
August 12, 2020 – August 20, 2020 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Red Wakin Goldfish PC Icon.png Red wakin goldfish
Black Wakin Goldfish PC Icon.png Black wakin goldfish
Ranchu Goldfish PC Icon.png Ranchu goldfish

1cm 400cm 750cm 1,700cm Nia.png
Elegant Aquarium Set
Gallery September 12, 2020 – September 19, 2020 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Bicolor Dottyback PC Icon.png Bicolor Dottyback
Flame Angelfish PC Icon.png Flame Angelfish
Yellow Boxfish PC Icon.png Yellow Boxfish

1cm 350cm 750cm 1,800cm Forest Painting Set PC.jpg
Forest Painting Set
Potion Commotion
October 11, 2020 – October 19, 2020 Jack PC Character Icon.png Jack

20px Red flagonfish
20px Yellow flagonfish
20px Blue flagonfish

15cm 2,800cm 5,100cm 11,600cm Potion Commotion Set PC.png
Potion Commotion Set
C.J.'s Fintastic Friends
November 12, 2020 – November 19, 2020 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Barreleye PC Icon.png Barreleye
Umbrella Octopus PC Icon.png Umbrella Octopus
Mahi-Mahi PC Icon.png Mahi-Mahi

10cm 3,000cm 5,500cm 13,300cm C.J.'s Fintastic Friends Set PC.png
C.J.'s Fintastic Friends Set
Do, Re, Mi December 13, 2020 – December 19, 2020 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Green Lumpfish PC Icon.png Green lumpfish
Red Lumpfish PC Icon.png Red lumpfish
White Lumpfish PC Icon.png White lumpfish

1cm 260cm 410cm 910cm Toy Day Solfège Bells Set PC.png
Toy Day Solfège Bells Set
Chill Hangout
January 13, 2021 – January 19, 2021 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Icy Butterfly Fish PC Icon.png Icy butterfly fish
Icy Chambered Nautilus PC Icon.png Icy chambered nautilus
Icy Lobster PC Icon.png Icy lobster

5cm 1,400cm 2,300cm 5,600cm Chill Hangout Set PC.png
Chill Hangout Set
Chocolate Box
February 11, 2021 – February 17, 2021 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Milk-Chocolate Fish PC Icon.png Milk-chocolate fish
Dark-Chocolate Fish PC Icon.png Dark-chocolate fish
Berry-Chocolate Fish PC Icon.png Berry-chocolate fish

5cm 1,200cm 2,000cm 5,200cm Nia.png
Chocolate Box Set
Shamrock March 13, 2021 – March 19, 2021 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Green Boxfish PC Icon.png Green boxfish
Green Octopus PC Icon.png Green octopus
Green Napoleonfish PC Icon.png Green Napoleonfish

5cm 2,300cm 3,800cm 9,300cm Nia.png
Shamrock Party Set
Sakura Classroom
(Sakura Class)
April 12, 2021 – April 18, 2021 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Pink Anemonefish PC Icon.png Pink anemonefish
Red Lionfish PC Icon.png Red lionfish
Red Sea Bream PC Icon.png Red sea bream

5cm 1,300cm 2,000cm 4,500cm Nia.png
Sakura Classroom Set
Rotating Sushi Buffet
May 13, 2021 – May 19, 2021 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Bigfin Reef Squid PC Icon.png Bigfin reef squid
Skipjack Tuna PC Icon.png Skipjack tuna
Yellowfin Tuna PC Icon.png Yellowfin tuna

20cm 3,500cm 5,900cm 14,800cm Rotating Sushi Buffet Set PC.png
Rotating Sushi Buffet Set
Luxe Life June 11, 2021 - June 18, 2021 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Black Ruby Barb PC Icon.png Black ruby barb
Diamond Tetra PC Icon.png Diamond tetra
Silver Arowana PC Icon.png Silver arowana

1cm 1,100cm 1,900cm 4,900cm Luxe Life Set PC.png
Luxe Life Set
BBQ Camp July 12, 2021 - July 18, 2021 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Opah PC Icon.png Opah
Hammerhead Shark PC Icon.png Hammerhead shark
Great White Shark PC Icon.png Great white shark

95cm 12,900cm 23,500cm 59,700cm BBQ Camp Set PC.png
BBQ Camp Set
Deep Sea August 11, 2021 - August 18, 2021 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Horseshoe Crab PC Icon.png Horseshoe crab
Zebra Moray PC Icon.png Zebra moray
Giant Squid PC Icon.png Giant squid

20cm 7,300cm 12,600cm 28,800cm Ocean Floor Adventure Set PC.jpg
Ocean Floor Adventure Set
Maple-Leaf Zen Room
September 11, 2021 - September 19, 2021 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Red Wakin Goldfish PC Icon.png Red wakin goldfish
Ranchu Goldfish PC Icon.png Ranchu goldfish
Maple-Leaf Koi PC Icon.png Maple-leaf koi

1cm 900cm 1,600cm 3,700cm Maple-Leaf Zen Room Set PC.jpg
Maple-Leaf Zen Room Set
Starry Star Signs
(Star Signs)
October 12, 2021 - October 19, 2021 Jack PC Character Icon.png Jack

Purple Starfish PC Icon.png Purple starfish
Gold Starfish PC Icon.png Gold starfish
Nebula Starfish PC Icon.png Nebula starfish

1cm 1,300cm 2,100cm 4,500cm Starry Star Signs Set PC.jpg
Starry Star Signs Set
Tea-Olive Room
(Tea Olive)
November 12, 2021 - November 19, 2021 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Orange Discus PC Icon.png Orange discus
Ivory Arowana PC Icon.png Ivory arowana
Yellow King Piranha PC Icon.png Yellow king piranha

5cm 1,600cm 2,600cm 6,700cm Tea-Olive Room Set PC.png
Tea-Olive Room Set
Illuminated Trees
November 12, 2021 - November 19, 2021 Jingle PC Character Icon.png Jingle

Sparkly Jellyfish PC Icon.png Sparkly jellyfish
Giant Sparkly Manta Ray PC Icon.png Giant sparkly manta ray
Sparkly Whale Shark PC Icon.png Sparkly whale shark

60cm 16,000cm 30,000cm 69,000cm Illuminated Trees Set PC.png
Illuminated Trees Set
Glimmering Ice Plaza
(On Ice!)
January 13, 2022 - January 18, 2022 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

White Puffer Fish PC Icon.png White puffer fish
Atlantic Horseshoe Crab PC Icon.png Atlantic horseshoe crab
White Ribbon Eel PC Icon.png White ribbon eel

15cm 3,000cm 5,400cm 12,400cm Glimmering Ice Plaza Set PC.png
Glimmering Ice Plaza Set
Priceless Jewels Exhibit
February 9, 2022 — February 16, 2022
February 10, 2025 — February 19, 2025
C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Aquamarine Jewelfish PC Icon.png Aquamarine jewelfish
Amethyst Jewelfish PC Icon.png Amethyst jewelfish
Ruby Jewelfish PC Icon.png Ruby jewelfish

5cm 700cm 1,250cm 3,100cm Nia.png
Priceless Jewels Exhibit Set
Succulent Garden
March 12, 2022 - March 18, 2022 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Green Spotted Puffer PC Icon.png Green spotted puffer
Threadfin Butterflyfish PC Icon.png Threadfin butterflyfish
Weedy Stingfish PC Icon.png Weedy stingfish

1cm 900cm 1,700cm 4,100cm Succulent Garden Set PC.png
Succulent Garden Set
Blossom April 13, 2022 - April 19, 2022 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Lemur-Tail Seahorse PC Icon.png Lemur-tail seahorse
Longsnout Seahorse PC Icon.png Longsnout seahorse
Pot-Bellied Seahorse PC Icon.png Pot-bellied seahorse

5cm 700cm 1,200cm 3,000cm Blossoming Imperial Garden Set PC.png
Blossoming Imperial Garden Set
Glassworks Shop May 12, 2022 - May 19, 2022 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Red Flagonfish PC Icon.png Red flagonfish
Yellow Flagonfish PC Icon.png Yellow flagonfish
Blue Flagonfish PC Icon.png Blue flagonfish

15cm 2,200cm 3,800cm 9,600cm Glassworks Shop Set PC.png
Glassworks Shop Set
Utmost Post
(Mail Room)
June 12, 2022 - June 19, 2022 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Chambered Nautilus PC Icon.png Chambered nautilus
Opah PC Icon.png Opah
Red Snow Crab PC Icon.png Red snow crab

15cm 3,800cm 6,800cm 18,200cm Nia.png
Special Delivery Service Set
Summertime Festival
July 11, 2022 - July 19, 2022 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Yellow Festival Fish PC Icon.png Yellow festival fish
Red Festival Fish PC Icon.png Red festival fish
Purple Festival Fish PC Icon.png Purple festival fish

5cm 700cm 1,300cm 3,300cm Nia.png
Summertime Festival Set
Oasis Patio August 12, 2022 - August 19, 2022 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Umbrella Octopus PC Icon.png Umbrella octopus
Mahi-Mahi PC Icon.png Mahi-mahi
Blackspot Tuskfish PC Icon.png Blackspot tuskfish

10cm 2,700cm 5,000cm 11,500cm Nia.png
Summer Plaza Set
Quiet Fall Park
(Fall Leaves)
September 12, 2022 - September 18, 2022 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Horseshoe Crab PC Icon.png Horseshoe crab
Flame Angelfish PC Icon.png Flame angelfish
Yellow Boxfish PC Icon.png Yellow boxfish

1cm 800cm 1,350cm 3,500cm Nia.png
Quiet Fall Park Set
Alchemy Workshop
October 11, 2022 - October 18, 2022 Jack PC Character Icon.png Jack

Blue Bewitched Frog PC Icon.png Blue bewitched frog
Orange Bewitched Frog PC Icon.png Orange bewitched frog
Purple Bewitched Frog PC Icon.png Purple bewitched frog

1cm 600cm 1,100cm 3,000cm Nia.png
Alchemy Workshop Set
Fairy Tale November 11, 2022 - November 17, 2022 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Fancy Pastel Carp PC Icon.png Fancy pastel carp
Fancy Pastel Arowana PC Icon.png Fancy pastel arowana
Fancy Pastel Arapaima PC Icon.png Fancy pastel arapaima

20cm 3,000cm 4,900cm 11,600cm Nia.png
Fairy-Tale Travels Set
Soup-er December 11, 2022 - December 18, 2022 Jingle PC Character Icon.png Jingle

Bigfin Reef Squid PC Icon.png Bigfin reef squid
Pacific Cod PC Icon.png Pacific cod
Lobster PC Icon.png Lobster

20cm 3,500cm 6,300cm 14,500cm Nia.png
Festive Steamy Soup Set
Foxy Café January 12, 2023 - January 18, 2023 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Weedy Stingfish PC Icon.png Weedy stingfish
Red King Crab PC Icon.png Red king crab
Spotted Knifejaw PC Icon.png Spotted knifejaw

15cm 2,100cm 3,800cm 9,600cm Nia.png
Foxy Outdoor Café Set
Colorful Candy February 12, 2023 - February 18, 2023 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Cherry-Candy Fish PC Icon.png Cherry-Candy Fish
Blueberry-Candy Fish PC Icon.png Blueberry-Candy
Lemon-Candy Fish PC Icon.png Lemon-Candy Fish

10cm 1,600cm 2,700cm 6,700cm Nia.png
Colorful Candy Set
Relaxing Greenhouse
March 12, 2023 - March 18, 2023 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Green Discus PC Icon.png Green discus
Ivory Arowana PC Icon.png Ivory arowana
Yellow King Piranha PC Icon.png Yellow king piranha

5cm 1,200cm 2,000cm 4,700cm Nia.png
Relaxing Greenhouse Set
Sakura Station April 11, 2023 - April 17, 2023 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Pink Anemonefish PC Icon.png Pink anemonefish
Red Lionfish PC Icon.png Red lionfish
Red Sea Bream PC Icon.png Red sea bream

5cm 1,100cm 1,800cm 4,000cm Nia.png
Sakura Station Set
Ancient Tomb
May 12, 2023 - May 19, 2023 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Aquamarine Jewelfish PC Icon.png Aquamarine jewelfish
Amethyst Jewelfish PC Icon.png Amethyst jewelfish
Ruby Jewelfish PC Icon.png Ruby jewelfish

5cm 900cm 1,500cm 3,800cm Nia.png
Ancient Tomb Set
Lily Pond June 11, 2023 - June 17, 2023 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Platinum Pale Chub PC Icon.png Platinum pale chub
Platinum Black Bass PC Icon.png Platinum black bass
Platinum Catfish PC Icon.png Platinum catfish

5cm 1,900cm 3,300cm 7,600cm Nia.png
Lily Pond Set
Skate Park July 12, 2023 - July 19, 2023 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Great White Shark PC Icon.png Great white shark
Saw Shark PC Icon.png Saw shark
Hammerhead Shark PC Icon.png Hammerhead shark

75cm 13,200cm 22,700cm 52,000cm Nia.png
Skate Park Set
Happy Angling
August, 2023 - August, 2023 Chip PC Character Icon.png Chip

Dorado PC Icon.png Dorado
Saddled Bichir PC Icon.png Saddled bichir
Piranha PC Icon.png Piranha

15cm 3,000cm 5,300cm 11,700cm Nia.png
Happy Angling Set
Radiant Rarities September 10, 2023 - September 17, 2023 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Red Wakin Goldfish PC Icon.png Red wakin goldfish
Ranchu Goldfish PC Icon.png Ranchu goldfish
Maple-Leaf Koi PC Icon.png Maple-leaf koi

1cm 600cm 1,200cm 2,900cm Nia.png
Radiant Rarities Set
Art Deco October 11, 2023 - October 18, 2023 Jack PC Character Icon.png Jack

Orange Bonefish PC Icon.png Orange bonefish
Green Bonefish PC Icon.png Green bonefish
Purple Bonefish PC Icon.png Purple bonefish

20cm 3,900cm 7,200cm 18,400cm Nia.png
Art Deco Suite Set
Bottled Ship
November 111, 2023 - November 19, 2023 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Bigfin Reef Squid PC Icon.png Bigfin reef squid
Yellowfin Tuna PC Icon.png Yellowfin tuna
Red King Crab PC Icon.png Red king crab

20cm 5,900cm 10,800cm 25,200cm Nia.png
Bottled Ship Set
Violin Emporium
December 12, 2023 - December 19, 2023 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Flame Angelfish PC Icon.png Flame angelfish
Yellow Boxfish PC Icon.png Yellow boxfish
Threadfin Butterflyfish PC Icon.png Threadfin butterflyfish

1cm 500cm 1,000cm 2,200cm Nia.png
Violin Emporium Set
Bamboo January 12, 2024 - January 18, 2024 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Lemur-Tail Seahorse PC Icon.png Lemur-Tail seahorse
Longsnout Seahorse PC Icon.png Longsnout seahorse
Pot-Bellied Seahorse PC Icon.png Pot-Bellied seahorse

5cm 700cm 1,200cm 2,900cm Nia.png
Bamboo Set
Snow Day Fun February 11, 2024 - February 17, 2024 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

White Puffer Fish PC Icon.png White puffer fish
Atlantic Horseshoe Crab PC Icon.png Atlantic horseshoe crab
White Ribbon Eel PC Icon.png White ribbon eel

15cm 2,000cm 3,500cm 9,300cm Nia.png
Snow Day Fun Set
Senbei Shop
March 12, 2024 - March 19, 2024 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Red Garra PC Icon.png Red garra
Crystal Red Shrimp PC Icon.png Crystal red shrimp
Guppy PC Icon.png Guppy

1cm 240cm 420cm 1,020cm Nia.png
Senbei Shop Set
Sakura Kitchen April 12, 2024 - April 18, 2024 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Yellow Eggler Fish PC Icon.png Yellow eggler fish
Aqua Eggler Fish PC Icon.png Aqua eggler fish
Pink Eggler Fish PC Icon.png Pink eggler fish

5cm 1,300cm 2,200cm 5,800cm Nia.png
Sakura Kitchen Set
Kite Flying May 12, 2024 - May 18, 2024 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Black Horsehair Crab PC Icon.png Black horsehair crab
Giant Isopod PC Icon.png Giant isopod
Black Clown Fish PC Icon.png Black clown fish

1cm 700cm 1,200cm 3,000cm Nia.png
Kite Flying Set
Riverboats June 13, 2024 - June 19, 2024 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

White Tuxedo Guppy PC Icon.png White tuxedo guppy
White Angelfish PC Icon.png White angelfish
White Butterfly Koi PC Icon.png White butterfly koi

95cm 7,800cm 14,500cm 40,800cm Nia.png
Riverboats Set
Shadow Lights July 13, 2024 - July 19, 2024 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Opah PC Icon.png Opah
Great White Shark PC Icon.png Great white shark
Hammerhead Shark PC Icon.png Hammerhead shark

10cm 1,200cm cm cm Nia.png
Shadow Lights Set
Lucent Sea August 13, 2024 - August 19, 2024 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Red Flagonfish PC Icon.png Red flagonfish
Yellow Flagonfish PC Icon.png Yellow flagonfish
Blue Flagonfish PC Icon.png Blue flagonfish

15cm 1,900cm 3,400cm 8,600cm Nia.png
Lucent Sea Set
Cycling September 13, 2024 - September 19, 2024 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Red Wakin Goldfish PC Icon.png Red wakin goldfish
Black Wakin Goldfish PC Icon.png Black wakin goldfish
Golden Koi PC Icon.png Golden koi

1cm 1,000cm 1,700cm 4,000cm Nia.png
Cycling Set
Antiques October 13, 2024 - October 19, 2024 Jack PC Character Icon.png Jack

Blue Bewitched Frog PC Icon.png Blue bewitched frog
Orange Bewitched Frog PC Icon.png Orange bewitched frog
Purple Bewitched Frog PC Icon.png Purple bewitched frog

1cm 600cm 1,100cm 2,700cm Nia.png
Sinister Antique Shop Set
Clock Shop November 13, 2024 - November 19, 2024 C.J. PC Character Icon.png C.J.

Barreleye PC Icon.png Barreleye
Umbrella Octopus PC Icon.png Umbrella octopus
Mahi-Mahi PC Icon.png Mahi-Mahi

10cm 1,600cm 3,100cm 8,400cm Nia.png
Clock Shop Set


Game Recurrence This year Next year
2025 2026
Doubutsu no Mori
Animal Crossing
Doubutsu no Mori e+
Jun 1, Jun 8
Jun 15, Jun 22
Jun 29

Nov 2, Nov 9
Nov 16, Nov 23
Nov 30

Jun 7, Jun 14
Jun 21, Jun 28

Nov 1, Nov 8
Nov 15, Nov 22
Nov 29

Wild World Jan 19, Feb 23
Mar 16, Apr 27
May 18, Oct 26
Nov 16, Dec 21
Jan 17, Feb 22
Mar 15, Apr 26
May 17, Oct 25
Nov 15, Dec 20
City Folk Jan 18, Feb 8
Mar 15, Apr 12
May 17, Oct 11
Nov 15, Dec 13
Jan 17, Feb 14
Mar 21, Apr 11
May 16, Oct 10
Nov 21, Dec 12
New Leaf Jan 18, Feb 8
Mar 15, Apr 12
May 17, Oct 11
Nov 15, Dec 13
Jan 17, Feb 14
Mar 21, Apr 11
May 16, Oct 10
Nov 21, Dec 12
New Horizons Jan 11, Apr 12
Jul 12, Oct 11
Jan 10, Apr 11
Jul 11, Oct 10


Names in other languages[edit]

Japanese 釣り大会
Tsuri taikai
Fishing competition

Korean 낚시대회
Fishing competition

Simplified Chinese 季钓鱼大赛
Jì diàoyú dàsài
Seasonal fishing competition

Traditional Chinese 季釣魚大會

Russian Турнир «Мастер удочки»
Turnir «Master udochki»
"Master of the fishing rod" tourney

Dutch Vistoernooi Fishing tourney

German Angelturnier Fishing tourney

European Spanish Torneo de Pesca Fishing Tourney

European French Tournoi de pêche Fishing tourney

Italian Torneo di pesca Fishing tourney


  1. In Animal Crossing
  2. In Wild World
  3. From Doubutsu no Mori to Pocket Camp except for Wild World
  4. In Wild World only
  5. In New Horizons only
  6. In Animal Crossing, on the third Sunday of June, Tortimer appears at the wishing well for Father's Day instead of in town for the Summer Fishing Tourney. Additionally, if November 11 falls on a Sunday, Tortimer appears at the wishing well for Officer's Day instead of in town for the Fall Fishing Tourney.
  7. Re-Tail sell price; if item can be sold at Timmy and Tommy's store, it is 80% of the sell price; if item can be sold to Leila at Tortimer Island, it is 5% of the sell price.
  8. Gold Squid Trophy PC Icon.png Gold Squid Trophy received instead of Gold Fish Trophy.