← October
November 2025
December →
Bug-Off (NH) (Southern Hemisphere only)
November is the eleventh month of the year. It is the last month of fall in the northern hemisphere as mushrooms grow all over town/island for the player to collect. Exclusive to New Horizons, maple leaves will by flying across the sky during the last days of fall from November 16 to November 25. After November 26, winter partially starts as snowfall can occur during this time. It is also the last month of spring in the southern hemisphere, at which bugs, fishes and sea creatures return to populate the island, as the heat warms up for the beginning of summer.
Events in November[edit]
Dates (In 2025 when applicable)
Fishing Tourney
Animal Crossing: November 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30 Wild World: November 16 City Folk/New Leaf: November 15
Animal Crossing Wild World City Folk New Leaf
A Fishing competition hosted by either Tortimer or Chip. This event occurs every Sunday in Animal Crossing.
Mushroom Season
November 1 to 30
City Folk New Leaf New Horizons
The player can collect various species of mushrooms around the town/island to sell for extra bells or, in New Horizons, use for DIY recipes. In City Folk and New Leaf, the player can also find a piece of furniture related to the Mushroom Series.
Flea Market
Wild World: November 1 City Folk: November 23
Wild World City Folk
Villagers will sell their furniture items to the player, and they can purchase furniture items from the player.
Mayor's Day
November 11
Animal Crossing
Likely based on Election Day in the United States, Tortimer will give the player a Well Model.
Officer's Day
November 11
Animal Crossing
Likely based on Veteran's Day/Remembrance Day, Copper and Booker are celebrated throughout the town, and Tortimer will give the player a Police Station Model.
November 8
Wild World
Villager will try to give the player suggestions for a new town tune.
Maple Leaf Season
November 16 to 25 (Northern Hemisphere)
New Horizons
The last few days of fall are noted by maple leaves shattering the sky. The player may collect them for DIY recipes.
November 15 (Southern Hemisphere)
New Horizons
A Bug-Catching competition hosted by Flick.
Harvest Festival/ Turkey Day
November 27
Animal Crossing City Folk New Leaf New Horizons
Franklin is a recurrence guest during this holiday, either having to hide away from hungry villagers or cooking for villagers.
Sale Day
November 28
Animal Crossing
Likely based on Black Friday, a shopping holiday, Tom Nook and Crazy Redd will have special items in stock and Tortimer will give the player a Market Model.
Yay Day
November 23
Wild World
Villagers swap compliments with the player, and may refer to them infrequently after the event.
Special characters[edit]
Possible birthdays[edit]
A day between October 23rd and November 22nd
A day between October 23rd and November 22nd
A day between November 23rd and December 21st
A day between November 23rd and December 21st
A day between November 23rd and December 21st
A day between November 23rd and December 21st
A day between November 23rd and December 21st
A day between November 23rd and December 21st
A day between November 23rd and December 21st
A day between November 23rd and December 21st
A day between November 23rd and December 21st
List of creatures in November[edit]
Sea creatures[edit]
Names in other languages[edit]
Asian languages uses numbers instead of month's name.
Ноябрь Noyabr`