Flower Fest

From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki
WW Flower Fest.jpg
Second week of April
Time All day
Host Tortimer
Main appearances

Other appearances
Names in other languages
 Festival floral
 Festival de las Flores
 Festival floral
 Festival de las Flores

The Flower Fest is an event in Animal Crossing: Wild World that is held from the Monday of the second week of April to the following Sunday. The event is a gardening competition between the villagers and the player to see who can create the best garden using flowers.


Each day of the Flower Fest, Tortimer appears outside town hall and explains the event to the player if spoken to. He also gives the player a random flower bag each day unless it is after 6 PM, in which case he will tell the player how much his feet ache from standing there.

Throughout the week, villagers plant flowers around their house and will talk about the event when spoken to. Additionally, no visitors come to town during the event. On the final day of the event, Tortimer judges the villagers' and player's gardens to determine the winner. If the player wins, Tortimer mails them a flower trophy the next day. A message also appears on the bulletin board the next day congratulating the winner.


Flower Fest prizes in Animal Crossing: Wild World

# Item Image Buy price Sell price Available from Group HRA genre(s) Interact Size
538 Flower trophy flower trophy Not for sale  800 Bells  Tortimer
- Modern / Chic - 1.0 x 1.0
Includes data sourced from the Data Spreadsheet for Animal Crossing: Wild World, compiled by AlexBot2004, TimeSword3D, Cuyler, SuperHamster, and PanchamBro.


Game Recurrence This year Next year
2025 2026
Wild World
  • The Monday of the second week in April to the following Sunday
April 7 to 13 April 6 to 12
