Bam's poster (New Horizons)

From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki

Bam's poster


Texture of Bam's poster

Buy price Sell price
 1,000 Bells  250 Bells
Height Size
Boy 1 NH Silhouette.png
1.0 x 1.0 1.0 × 1.0
Obtain via  Nook Shopping (Posters)
Customize No customization options.
HHA points 251
Internal information
Filename: PosterNpcNmlDer01
Internal ID: 10456
Names in other languages
 poster de Nacer
 póster de Cornelio
 poster di Cornelio
 постер Бама
 록키의 포스터
 poster de Nacer
 póster de Cornelio
 Poster von Benjamin
 poster van Bam

Bam's poster is an item in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The poster can only be mounted on a wall. As a poster, the item depicts the photo artwork of Bam.

Bam's poster can be obtained from Nook Shopping in the Posters tab of the Special Goods section for  1,000 Bells. The poster is only available after Bam is invited to Photopia, either when Bam is living on the player's island, or if their amiibo is scanned. As of version 1.5.0, Bam's poster cannot be shown in the player's catalog until Bam is invited to Photopia.

No villagers have this item in their home.

In Happy Home Paradise, this item is unlocked for use in designing when doing a vacation home request for Bam.
