Coconut tree (New Horizons)

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Coconut tree
Buy price Sell price
Not for sale  500 Bells
Obtain via  Coconut (After being planted)
Stack 1
Names in other languages
 cocotero adulto
 palmera cocotera adulta
 palma da cocco adulta
 кокосовая пальма

Coconut trees are an item in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Coconut trees will drop any coconuts when shaken. After five days, coconut trees will reproduce coconuts.

If hit with an axe, coconut trees produces either hardwood, wood, or softwood. As a tree item, it can relocated after eating an edible item and using a shovel.

Wood eggs can also drop from coconut trees during Bunny Day.

Coconut trees are obtained by planting a coconut on a sand-tile, whether be from created a sand tile from the Island Designer Construction Permit or on the beach, and can only be grown on a sand-tile. Coconut trees can also be found on mystery islands or on Kapp'n's boat tours.

In Happy Home Paradise, this item is unlocked for use in designing when doing the second villager's vacation house.

