Hiking gaiters (New Leaf)

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Hiking gaiters
Buy price Sell price
 240 Bells  60 Bells[nb 1]
Obtain via
Category None
Gender Unisex
Style Sporty
HHA points 3
Internal information
Filename: sock_spats_climbing
Internal ID: 26FE
Internal ID (NLWa): 2782
Names in other languages
 paire chauss. rando
 calcetín montaña
 p. calze da trekking
 등산 타이츠
 paire chauss. rando
 calcetín montaña

The hiking gaiters are a sock item in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

The hiking gaiters can be obtained from Kicks for  240 Bells.


  1. Re-Tail sell price; can be sold for 80% of this price ( 48 Bells) at Timmy and Tommy's store, and for 5% ( 3 Bells) to Leila on Tortimer Island
