Jester's shoes (New Leaf)

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Jester look
Jester's shoes
Buy price Sell price
 600 Bells  150 Bells[nb 1]
Obtain via
Category Plaid
Gender Unisex
Style Flashy
HHA theme challenges Fairy tale / Toy shop
HHA points 3
Internal information
Filename: botL_pierrot
Internal ID: 273D
Internal ID (NLWa): 27C5
In other games
New Horizons (jester's shoes)
Names in other languages
 p. bottes bouffon
 zapato de bufón
 p. scarpe giullare
 피에로 신발
 p. bottes bouffon
 zapato de bufón

The jester's shoes are a shoe item in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. It is part of the jester look.

The jester's shoes can be obtained from Kicks for  600 Bells.


  1. Re-Tail sell price; can be sold for 80% of this price ( 120 Bells) at Timmy and Tommy's store, and for 5% ( 7 Bells) to Leila on Tortimer Island
