Newsprint helmet (New Leaf)

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Newsprint helmet
Buy price Sell price
Not for sale  20 Bells[nb 1]
Obtain via
 Isabelle (Boy's Day)
Category None
Gender Male
Style Iconic
HHA theme challenges Toy shop
HHA points 499
Internal information
Filename: cap_helmet_npaper
Internal ID: 2798
Internal ID (NLWa): 282A
In other games
City Folk (newsprint helmet)
New Horizons (newsprint helmet)
Names in other languages
 casque en papier
 gorro de papel
 elmo di carta
 신문지 투구
 casque en papier
 gorro de papel

The newsprint helmet is a headgear item in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. This item acts as a hat, meaning an accessory can be worn with it.

The newsprint helmet can be obtained from Isabelle during Boy's Day in Japanese town. Players in other regions would need to trade with Japanese players to obtain the newsprint helmet.


  1. Re-Tail sell price; can be sold for 5% ( 1 Bells) to Leila on Tortimer Island
