Golden dresser (New Leaf)

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Golden Series  |  Storage
Golden dresser
Buy price Sell price
Not for sale  8,000 Bells[nb 2]
1.0 x 1.0  1 × 1
Obtain via
 Cyrus (give 3 gold nuggets)
Customize No customization options.
Rarity group None
HHA theme challenges Antique
HHA points 1351
HHA penalty if facing wall Yes[nb 1]
Style Ornate
Internal information
Filename: int_gld_chestA
Internal ID: 2A49
Internal ID (NLWa): 2AF3
In other games
City Folk (golden dresser)
Names in other languages
 commode d'or
 cómoda dorada
 toletta d'oro
 황금 서랍장
 commode d'or
 cómoda dorada

The golden dresser is a furniture item in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. It is part of the Golden Series. The player can use this furniture to store items.

The golden dresser can be obtained from Cyrus randomly if the player gives him 3 gold nuggets.

No villagers have this item in their home, nor do any characters have this item in their RV.


  1. If this item is facing a wall in the player's house, the HHA will deduct 100 points from the total score. If the player is doing a theme challenge, that penalty will increase to 10,000 points.
  2. Re-Tail sell price; can be sold for 80% of this price ( 6,400 Bells) at Timmy and Tommy's store
