List of antique furniture in New Leaf

From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki

This is a list of antique furniture that are classified for Happy Home Academy's theme challenges in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.


Antique furniture in Animal Crossing: New Leaf

# Item Image Buy price Sell price[nb 1] Available from HHA theme challenges Style Interact Customizable Size
- Amazing painting amazing painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Ancient statue ancient statue  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Ankylo model ankylo model Not for sale  2,500 Bells  Cyrus
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Apato model apato model Not for sale  2,500 Bells  Cyrus
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Archelon model archelon model Not for sale  2,500 Bells  Cyrus
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Basic painting basic painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Beautiful statue beautiful statue  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Calm painting calm painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Common painting common painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Dimetrodon model dimetrodon model Not for sale  2,500 Bells  Cyrus
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Diplo model diplo model Not for sale  2,500 Bells  Cyrus
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Dynamic painting dynamic painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique / Harmonious Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Famous painting famous painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Fine painting fine painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Flowery painting flowery painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Gallant statue gallant statue  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Graceful painting graceful painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique / Harmonious Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Great statue great statue  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Ichthyo model ichthyo model Not for sale  2,500 Bells  Cyrus
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Iguanodon model iguanodon model Not for sale  2,500 Bells  Cyrus
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Jolly painting jolly painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Luxury car luxury car  8,000 Bells  2,000 Bells Timmy & Tommy shopping catalog
Antique / Trendy / Toy shop Ornate Press Yes 3.0 x 2.0
- Mammoth model mammoth model Not for sale  2,500 Bells  Cyrus
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Megacero model megacero model Not for sale  2,500 Bells  Cyrus
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Moody painting moody painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Motherly statue motherly statue  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique Historical - No 2.0 x 1.0
- Moving painting moving painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Mystic statue mystic statue  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Neutral painting neutral painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Nice painting nice painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Pachy model pachy model Not for sale  2,500 Bells  Cyrus
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Parasaur model parasaur model Not for sale  2,500 Bells  Cyrus
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Perfect painting perfect painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Plesio model plesio model Not for sale  2,500 Bells  Cyrus
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Proper painting proper painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Ptera model ptera model Not for sale  2,500 Bells  Cyrus
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Quaint painting quaint painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Raptor model raptor model Not for sale  2,500 Bells  Cyrus
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Robust statue robust statue  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Sabertooth model sabertooth model Not for sale  2,500 Bells  Cyrus
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Scary painting scary painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique / Harmonious Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Scenic painting scenic painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Serene painting serene painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Solemn painting solemn painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Spino model spino model Not for sale  2,500 Bells  Cyrus
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Stego model stego model Not for sale  2,500 Bells  Cyrus
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Styraco model styraco model Not for sale  2,500 Bells  Cyrus
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- T. rex model T. rex model Not for sale  2,500 Bells  Cyrus
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Tricera model tricera model Not for sale  2,500 Bells  Cyrus
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Valiant statue valiant statue  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 2.0 x 2.0
- Warm painting warm painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Wild painting wild painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique / Harmonious Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Wistful painting wistful painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
- Worthy painting worthy painting  3,920 Bells  980 Bells  Redd's Gallery
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
35 Antique clock antique clock  2,350 Bells  587 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
36 Antique shelf antique shelf  3 MEOW Coupons  300 Bells  RVs
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
135 Black katana black katana  12,000 Bells  3,000 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Harmonious / Quirky Iconic - No 2.0 x 1.0
136 Black phone black phone  3 MEOW Coupons  300 Bells  RVs
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
152 Blue vase blue vase  2,500 Bells  625 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Harmonious Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
164 Bow bow  1,400 Bells  350 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Harmonious / Quirky Iconic - No 1.0 x 1.0
181 Broken post broken post  1,800 Bells  450 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
227 Candelabra candelabra  3 MEOW Coupons  300 Bells  RVs
Antique Ornate Toggle No 1.0 x 1.0
292 Classic screen classic screen  3 MEOW Coupons  700 Bells  RVs
Antique Historical - No 2.0 x 1.0
321 Console table console table  3 MEOW Coupons  1,400 Bells  RVs
Antique Ornate - Yes 2.0 x 1.0
324 Cool globe cool globe  3 MEOW Coupons  1,200 Bells  Isabelle
 Nintendo Zone
Antique / Sci-fi Modern - No 1.0 x 1.0
326 Corinthian post corinthian post  3,600 Bells  900 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
371 Daimyo's tray daimyo's tray  3 MEOW Coupons  400 Bells  RVs
Antique / Harmonious Historical - Yes 1.0 x 1.0
376 Decorative plate decorative plate  3 MEOW Coupons  400 Bells  RVs
Antique / Harmonious Historical - Yes 1.0 x 1.0
388 Desk mirror desk mirror  3 MEOW Coupons  700 Bells  RVs
Antique Ornate - Yes 1.0 x 1.0
446 Elder mask elder mask  1,600 Bells  400 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Harmonious / Quirky Iconic - No 1.0 x 1.0
451 Elegant bench elegant bench  3 MEOW Coupons  1,200 Bells  RVs
Antique Ornate Seating Yes 2.0 x 1.0
452 Elegant chair elegant chair  3 MEOW Coupons  900 Bells  RVs
Antique Ornate Seating Yes 1.0 x 1.0
481 Fancy frame fancy frame  10,000 Bells  2,500 Bells  Museum Shop
Antique Official - Yes 2.0 x 1.0
482 Fancy tea set fancy tea set  3 MEOW Coupons  2,000 Bells  RVs
Antique Ornate - Yes 1.0 x 1.0
485 Female mask female mask  1,600 Bells  400 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Harmonious / Quirky Iconic - No 1.0 x 1.0
551 Garden rock garden rock  5 MEOW Coupons  300 Bells  Campground
Antique / Harmonious / Rustic Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
559 Genie's lamp genie's lamp  1,500 Bells  375 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Fairy tale / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
579 Golden bed golden bed Not for sale  8,000 Bells  Cyrus
Antique Ornate Bed No 2.0 x 2.0
580 Golden bench golden bench Not for sale  8,000 Bells  Cyrus
Antique Ornate Sit No 2.0 x 1.0
581 Golden chair golden chair Not for sale  8,000 Bells  Cyrus
Antique Ornate Seating No 1.0 x 1.0
582 Golden clock golden clock Not for sale  8,000 Bells  Cyrus
Antique Ornate - No 2.0 x 1.0
583 Golden closet golden closet Not for sale  8,000 Bells  Cyrus
Antique Ornate Storage No 1.0 x 1.0
584 Golden dresser golden dresser Not for sale  8,000 Bells  Cyrus
Antique Ornate Storage No 1.0 x 1.0
585 Golden man golden man Not for sale  8,000 Bells  Cyrus
Antique Ornate Toggle No 1.0 x 1.0
586 Golden screen golden screen Not for sale  8,000 Bells  Cyrus
Antique Ornate - No 2.0 x 1.0
587 Golden table golden table Not for sale  8,000 Bells  Cyrus
Antique Ornate - No 2.0 x 1.0
588 Golden wall torch golden wall torch Not for sale  8,000 Bells  Cyrus
Antique Ornate Toggle No 1.0 x 1.0
589 Golden woman golden woman Not for sale  8,000 Bells  Cyrus
Antique Ornate Toggle No 1.0 x 1.0
640 Harp harp  1,700 Bells  425 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Basic Press No 1.0 x 1.0
641 Harpsichord harpsichord  1,800 Bells  450 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Basic Press No 2.0 x 2.0
720 Ionian post ionian post  3,600 Bells  900 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
747 Jomon pottery jomon pottery  800 Bells  200 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Harmonious / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
809 Large tea table large tea table  5 MEOW Coupons  700 Bells  Campground
Antique / Harmonious Historical - No 2.0 x 2.0
832 Lily lamp lily lamp Not for sale  700 Bells  Leif
Antique / Fairy tale Cute Toggle No 1.0 x 1.0
857 Lucky doll lucky doll  3 MEOW Coupons  300 Bells  RVs
Antique / Harmonious / Toy shop Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
978 Mummy's casket mummy's casket  4,400 Bells  1,100 Bells  Gulliver
Antique / Quirky Historical Storage No 1.0 x 1.0
1,020 Ninja sword ninja sword  9,600 Bells  2,400 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Harmonious / Quirky Iconic - No 1.0 x 1.0
1,032 Odd clock odd clock  1,800 Bells  450 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Harmonious Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
1,039 Ogre mask ogre mask  1,600 Bells  400 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Harmonious / Quirky Iconic - No 1.0 x 1.0
1,064 Pantheon post pantheon post  3,600 Bells  900 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
1,096 Pendulum clock pendulum clock  1,600 Bells  400 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Basic - No 1.0 x 1.0
1,100 Phonograph phonograph  1,840 Bells  460 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Historical Music player No 1.0 x 1.0
1,118 Pirate's armor pirate's armor Not for sale  600 Bells  Pascal
Antique / Quirky / Toy shop Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
1,127 Plate armor plate armor  6,400 Bells  1,600 Bells  Spotlight item
 Wishy the Star
Antique / Quirky Historical - Yes 1.0 x 1.0
1,163 Princess bed princess bed  80,000 Bells  20,000 Bells  GracieGrace
Antique / Fairy tale Cute Bed No 2.0 x 2.0
1,164 Princess cage princess cage  90,000 Bells  22,500 Bells  GracieGrace
Antique / Fairy tale Cute - No 1.0 x 1.0
1,165 Princess chair princess chair  120,000 Bells  30,000 Bells  GracieGrace
Antique / Fairy tale Cute Seating No 1.0 x 1.0
1,166 Princess chest princess chest  220,000 Bells  55,000 Bells  GracieGrace
Antique / Fairy tale Cute Storage No 2.0 x 1.0
1,167 Princess clock princess clock  200,000 Bells  50,000 Bells  GracieGrace
Antique / Fairy tale Cute - No 1.0 x 1.0
1,168 Princess closet princess closet  180,000 Bells  45,000 Bells  GracieGrace
Antique / Fairy tale Cute Storage No 1.0 x 1.0
1,169 Princess curio princess curio  300,000 Bells  75,000 Bells  GracieGrace
Antique / Fairy tale Cute - No 2.0 x 1.0
1,170 Princess dresser princess dresser  80,000 Bells  20,000 Bells  GracieGrace
Antique / Fairy tale Cute - No 1.0 x 1.0
1,171 Princess lamp princess lamp  68,000 Bells  17,000 Bells  GracieGrace
Antique / Fairy tale Cute Toggle No 1.0 x 1.0
1,172 Princess sofa princess sofa  100,000 Bells  25,000 Bells  GracieGrace
Antique / Fairy tale Cute Seating No 2.0 x 1.0
1,173 Princess table princess table  240,000 Bells  60,000 Bells  GracieGrace
Antique / Fairy tale Cute - No 2.0 x 1.0
1,180 Pyramid pyramid  3,800 Bells  950 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 2.0 x 2.0
1,211 Red vase red vase  2,450 Bells  612 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Harmonious Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
1,217 Regal armoire regal armoire  3,820 Bells  955 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate Storage Yes 1.0 x 1.0
1,218 Regal bed regal bed  3,120 Bells  780 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate Bed Yes 2.0 x 2.0
1,219 Regal bookcase regal bookcase  3,120 Bells  780 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate - Yes 2.0 x 1.0
1,220 Regal chair regal chair  2,100 Bells  525 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate Sit Yes 1.0 x 1.0
1,221 Regal clock regal clock  3,360 Bells  840 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate - Yes 1.0 x 1.0
1,222 Regal dresser regal dresser  3,520 Bells  880 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate Storage Yes 2.0 x 1.0
1,223 Regal lamp regal lamp  2,400 Bells  600 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate Toggle Yes 1.0 x 1.0
1,224 Regal sofa regal sofa  3,100 Bells  775 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate Seating Yes 2.0 x 1.0
1,225 Regal table regal table  2,540 Bells  635 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate - Yes 2.0 x 1.0
1,226 Regal vanity regal vanity  3,200 Bells  800 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate - Yes 1.0 x 1.0
1,227 Regal wall lamp regal wall lamp  3,600 Bells  900 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate Toggle Yes 1.0 x 1.0
1,231 Retro fridge retro fridge  2,300 Bells  575 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Historical Storage No 1.0 x 1.0
1,232 Retro screen retro screen  3 MEOW Coupons  700 Bells  RVs
Antique / Harmonious Historical - No 2.0 x 1.0
1,235 Retro stereo retro stereo  5,500 Bells  1,375 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Historical Music player No 2.0 x 1.0
1,236 Retro TV retro TV  1,600 Bells  400 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Historical TV No 1.0 x 1.0
1,247 Ring ring  3 MEOW Coupons  2,500 Bells  RVs
Antique Ornate - Yes 1.0 x 1.0
1,266 Rococo bed rococo bed  3,520 Bells  880 Bells  Spotlight item
 Wishy the Star
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate Bed Yes 2.0 x 2.0
1,267 Rococo candlestick rococo candlestick  3,120 Bells  780 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate Toggle Yes 1.0 x 1.0
1,268 Rococo chair rococo chair  3,100 Bells  775 Bells  Spotlight item
 Wishy the Star
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate Sit Yes 1.0 x 1.0
1,269 Rococo clock rococo clock  3,360 Bells  840 Bells  Spotlight item
 Wishy the Star
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate - Yes 1.0 x 1.0
1,270 Rococo dresser rococo dresser  2,540 Bells  635 Bells  Spotlight item
 Wishy the Star
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate Storage Yes 2.0 x 1.0
1,271 Rococo lamp rococo lamp  3,200 Bells  800 Bells  Spotlight item
 Wishy the Star
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate Toggle Yes 1.0 x 1.0
1,272 Rococo shelf rococo shelf  3,820 Bells  955 Bells  Spotlight item
 Wishy the Star
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate - Yes 1.0 x 1.0
1,273 Rococo sofa rococo sofa  2,100 Bells  525 Bells  Spotlight item
 Wishy the Star
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate Seating Yes 2.0 x 1.0
1,274 Rococo table rococo table  3,600 Bells  900 Bells  Spotlight item
 Wishy the Star
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate - Yes 2.0 x 1.0
1,275 Rococo vanity rococo vanity  3,120 Bells  780 Bells  Spotlight item
 Wishy the Star
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate - Yes 1.0 x 1.0
1,276 Rococo wardrobe rococo wardrobe  2,400 Bells  600 Bells  Spotlight item
 Wishy the Star
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate Storage Yes 1.0 x 1.0
1,307 Samurai suit samurai suit  4,500 Bells  1,125 Bells  Spotlight item
 Wishy the Star
Antique / Harmonious / Quirky Iconic - No 2.0 x 1.0
1,325 Sconce sconce  1,600 Bells  400 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Iconic Toggle No 1.0 x 1.0
1,453 Sphinx Sphinx  3,200 Bells  800 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Quirky Historical - No 2.0 x 1.0
1,482 Stained-glass lamp stained-glass lamp  2,400 Bells  600 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Ornate Toggle Yes 1.0 x 1.0
1,545 Sword sword  1,400 Bells  350 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Harmonious / Quirky Iconic - No 1.0 x 1.0
1,554 Tall garden rock tall garden rock  5 MEOW Coupons  900 Bells  Campground
Antique / Harmonious / Rustic Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
1,559 Tapestry tapestry  800 Bells  200 Bells  Gulliver
Antique Iconic - No 1.0 x 1.0
1,566 Tea vase tea vase  2,400 Bells  600 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Harmonious Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
1,579 Throne throne  800,000 Bells  200,000 Bells  Spotlight item
 Wishy the Star
Antique / Fairy tale Historical Seating Yes 1.0 x 1.0
1,613 Tribal mask tribal mask  4,400 Bells  1,100 Bells  Gulliver
Antique / Quirky Iconic - No 1.0 x 1.0
1,626 Turntable turntable  2,580 Bells  645 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Historical Music player No 1.0 x 1.0
1,649 Vintage camera vintage camera  1,800 Bells  450 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
1,650 Vintage radio vintage radio  1,280 Bells  320 Bells  Spotlight item
 Wishy the Star
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
1,651 Vintage telephone vintage telephone  1,800 Bells  450 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
1,652 Vintage telescope vintage telescope Not for sale  470 Bells  Pascal
Antique Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
1,690 White katana white katana  36,800 Bells  9,200 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Harmonious / Quirky Iconic - No 2.0 x 1.0
1,702 Wooden bear wooden bear  5 MEOW Coupons  300 Bells  Campground
Antique / Harmonious / Toy shop Iconic - No 1.0 x 1.0
1,704 Wooden bucket wooden bucket  5 MEOW Coupons  300 Bells  Campground
Antique / Rustic Historical - No 1.0 x 1.0
1,725 Zen desk zen desk  3 MEOW Coupons  700 Bells  RVs
Antique / Harmonious Historical - No 2.0 x 1.0


Antique interior items in Animal Crossing: New Leaf

# Item Image Buy price Sell price[nb 1] Available from Colors HHA theme challenges Style
2 Ancient wall ancient wall  3,000 Bells  2,300 Bells  Saharah
Antique / Quirky Historical
3 Arched window arched window  2,150 Bells  537 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Iconic
24 Chic wall chic wall  1,960 Bells  490 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Historical
41 Exquisite wall exquisite wall  1,470 Bells  367 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Harmonious Iconic
49 Golden wall golden wall Not for sale  15,000 Bells  Cyrus
Antique Historical
60 Imperial wall imperial wall  2,660 Bells  665 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Harmonious Official
88 Mosaic wall mosaic wall  2,100 Bells  525 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Iconic
100 Palace wall palace wall  2,000 Bells  500 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Ornate
108 Plaza wall plaza wall  1,960 Bells  490 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Iconic
111 Princess wall princess wall  124,000 Bells  31,000 Bells  GracieGrace
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate
115 Regal wall regal wall  2,240 Bells  560 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate
119 Rococo wall rococo wall  2,240 Bells  560 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate
134 Stately wall stately wall  2,450 Bells  612 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Ornate
141 Tent wall tent wall  1,480 Bells  370 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Iconic
44 Fancy carpet fancy carpet  2,980 Bells  745 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Ornate
45 Fancy tile floor fancy tile floor  3 MEOW Coupons  210 Bells  RVs
Antique Ornate
47 Flagstone floor flagstone floor  3 MEOW Coupons  210 Bells  RVs
Antique Iconic
54 Golden carpet golden carpet Not for sale  15,000 Bells  Cyrus
Antique Historical
61 Herringbone floor herringbone floor  3 MEOW Coupons  210 Bells  RVs
Antique Modern
65 Imperial tile imperial tile  2,980 Bells  745 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Harmonious Official
86 Monochrome floor monochrome floor  3 MEOW Coupons  210 Bells  RVs
Antique Basic
87 Mosaic tile mosaic tile  2,300 Bells  575 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Iconic
97 Oil-stained floor oil-stained floor  3 MEOW Coupons  210 Bells  RVs
Antique Basic
102 Palace tile palace tile  3,200 Bells  800 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Fairy tale Iconic
114 Plush carpet plush carpet  2,160 Bells  540 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Basic
116 Princess carpet princess carpet  124,000 Bells  31,000 Bells  GracieGrace
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate
120 Regal carpet regal carpet  2,850 Bells  712 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Fairy tale Ornate
122 Rococo floor rococo floor  2,200 Bells  550 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique / Fairy tale Iconic
142 Stone-tile floor stone-tile floor  3 MEOW Coupons  210 Bells  RVs
Antique Iconic
148 Tent rug tent rug  1,280 Bells  320 Bells  Timmy and Tommy's store
Antique Iconic
150 Terra-cotta floor terra-cotta floor  3 MEOW Coupons  210 Bells  RVs
Antique Iconic
158 Wooden-deck floor wooden-deck floor  3 MEOW Coupons  210 Bells  RVs
Antique / Rustic Basic


  1. 1.0 1.1 Re-Tail sell price; if item can be sold at Timmy and Tommy's store, it is 80% of the sell price; if item can be sold to Leila at Tortimer Island, it is 5% of the sell price.