Graceful painting (New Leaf)

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Graceful painting
Buy price Sell price
 3,920 Bells  980 Bells[nb 2]
1.0 x 1.0  1 × 1
Obtain via
Customize No customization options.
Rarity group None
HHA theme challenges Antique / Harmonious
HHA points 651
HHA penalty if facing wall Yes[nb 1]
Style Historical
Internal information
Filename: int_art_beauty
Internal ID: 2E4A
Internal ID (NLWa): 30EA
Wall-mounted ID (NLWa): 3121
In other games
New Horizons (graceful painting)
Names in other languages
 toile gracieuse
 retrato oriental
 quadro armonioso
 절제된 명화
 toile gracieuse
 retrato oriental
"A hand-painted ukiyo-e print from the middle of the Edo era. It's of a fashionable lady looking backward."
— Art description

The graceful painting is a wall-mounted furniture item in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. In addition to walls, it can be placed on the floor, being displayed on an easel. As a painting, it can be donated to the museum. It also has a forgery version that cannot be donated or sold.

The graceful painting can be obtained from Redd's Gallery for  3,920 Bells.

No villagers have this item in their home, nor do any characters have this item in their RV.

In other games


  1. If this item is facing a wall in the player's house, the HHA will deduct 100 points from the total score. If the player is doing a theme challenge, that penalty will increase to 10,000 points.
  2. Re-Tail sell price
