Djimbe drum (Wild World)

From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki
Drum Set  |  Instrument
Djimbe drum
Buy price Sell price
 1,900 Bells  475 Bells
1.0 x 1.0  1 × 1
Obtain via
Rarity group C
HRA genres Old-school / Chic
HRA category Instrument
HRA points 51
HRA penalty if facing wall Unknown
In other games
Animal Crossing (djimbe drum)
City Folk (djimbe drum)
New Leaf (djimbe drum)
Names in other languages
 tambor djembé

The djimbe drum is a furniture item in Animal Crossing: Wild World. It is part of the Drum Set. The player can interact with this item to play the town tune.

The djimbe drum can be obtained from Tom Nook's store for  1,900 Bells.[nb 1]

This item appears as a furniture item in the homes of Kody, Lobo, Margie, and Truffles.

In other games


  1. As a standard item available from Tom Nook's store, this item is also available from the following sources: Crazy Redd's; shaking trees; gifts from villagers; mailed gifts from villagers on the player's birthday; Tortimer during the Fishing Tourney or Bug-Off; balloons (if the item's rarity group is rare); and the lost and found
