
From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki
This project page is semi-protected to prevent editing by anonymous and new users
The following contains content adapted from WiKirby's community poll policy and MarioWiki's poll policy.

Nookipedia's main page features a community poll system that readers can partake in. Polls are made possible by the AJAXPoll extension. Users can suggest a poll to be featured, which will be reviewed by a poll committee. These polls are to be swapped every month.

Submit your poll suggestions here  ➔


When suggesting a new poll for Nookipedia, users must keep in mind the following guidelines:

  • Users must suggest a poll that is related to the Animal Crossing series or Nookipedia as much as possible. Nintendo-related polls can be suggested, but they must relate to the Animal Crossing series (e.g. a poll on the recent Nintendo Direct)
  • A minimum of three options should be available for the poll, but should not exceed 10 or more options in general.
  • Any questions must be straightforward and simple.
  • The topic of the poll must be lighthearted; any controversial polls will not be accepted.
  • You may have the option to display your Nookipedia username for suggesting the poll or stay anonymous.

Archiving guidelines

When archiving a poll, use the {{Poll results}} template. Do not remove the poll until each data is stored in this template. The syntax for archiving a poll can be found here:

{{Poll results
|pollname=<Poll question>
|choice1=<Option 1> - <Percentage of option 1>% (<Vote count of option 1> votes)
|result1=<Percentage of option 1>
|choice2=<Option 2> - <Percentage of option 2>% (<Vote count of option 2> votes)
|result2=<Percentage of option 2>
|choice10=<Option 10> - <Percentage of option 10>% (<Vote count of option 10> votes)
|result10=<Percentage of option 10>
|totalvote=<Total votes of the poll>

Poll committee

The poll committee is responsible for creating and selecting the poll for Nookipedia. They also hold the responsibility of reviewing any suggested polls and putting them on the forefront.

A week before the next poll is featured, a session shall be started by any member of the committee. They will decide on the new poll to be featured for the next month and review any suggested polls. Once a general consensus is determined by the committee, the poll with the most votes will be the one to be featured on the main page.

To apply for the poll committee, a user must start their application in Nookipedia talk:Polls. Other users will be able to cast their votes to see if the user qualifies. The length of the voting process may vary, but should generally end within 2 weeks. Users have a higher chance of success to gain support to join the poll committee if:

  • They have a long and outstanding contribution history on Nookipedia.
  • They have an active participation in the Nookipedia community.
  • They are a Trustee or higher.

Once the user is accepted in the committee, they should contact the other members in regards to poll selection either through Discord or through email.

Starting a poll

The AJAXPoll syntax to create a poll is as follows:

<poll show-results-before-voting=0>
(Poll question)?
(Option 1)
(Option 2)
(Option 10)
I want to see the results.

The syntax for creating poll requires a option "I want to see the results." in order to display poll results. Note that changing any part of the poll will reset all votes made. It is recommended to check any grammatical issues with everyone involved before submitting the poll to the main page. It is also recommended not to tamper with the poll until all votes are counted and archived appropriately.


Archived polls

1st poll (November 13, 2010 - December 1, 2010)

What do you want to return in Animal Crossing 3DS?

Sharing a house with other players – 17% (121 vote)
Old villagers from GameCube versions – 43% (303 votes)
Pictures – 8% (57 votes)
The island – 9% (65 votes)
Special characters visiting town – 6.55% (160 votes)
Total Votes: 706

2nd poll (December 1, 2010 - December 12, 2010)

What is your favorite species of villagers?

Alligator – 3% (10 votes)
Anteater – <1% (1 vote)
Bear – 2% (5 votes)
Bird – 3% (8 votes)
Bull – <1% (1 vote)
Cat – 20% (62 votes)
Dog – 10% (32 votes)
Duck – 2% (5 votes)
Eagle – 4% (12 votes)
Elephant – 1% (4 votes)
Frog – 1% (4 votes)
Goat – 1% (3 votes)
Gorilla – 1% (4 votes)
Hippo – <1% (1 vote)
Horse – 1% (3 votes)
Kangaroo – 1% (4 votes)
Koala – 2% (6 votes)
Lion – 1% (2 votes)
Monkey – 3% (10 votes)
Mouse – 2% (6 votes)
Octopus – 4% (13 votes)
Ostrich – 1% (3 votes)
Penguin – 8% (24 votes)
Pig – 1% (4 votes)
Rabbit – 6% (20 votes)
Rhino – 1% (2 votes)
Sheep – 1% (4 votes)
Tiger – 1% (4 votes)
Wolf – 17% (54 votes)
Total Votes: 311

3rd poll (December 12, 2010 - March 27, 2011)

Who is your favorite special visitor?

Pavé – 10% (94 votes)
Jingle – 42% (381 vote)
Jack – 20% (178 votes)
Zipper T. Bunny – 18% (164 votes)
Franklin – 10% (90 votes)
Total Votes: 907

4th poll (March 27, 2011 - June 11, 2011)

Are you going to buy a Nintendo 3DS?

Yes, I've already got mine! – 26% (268 votes)
I'm getting it, but I don't know when. – 25% (258 votes)
I'm getting it when a game I'm waiting for is released. – 14% (141 vote)
Maybe, but I'm not quite sold on it yet. – 17% (173 votes)
No, I'm not getting it. Two dimensions are good enough. – 12% (128 votes)
Total Votes: 1,034

5th poll (June 11, 2011 - August 31, 2011)

What new feature from the E3 trailer are you most exited about?

Placing items on walls – 66% (822 votes)
The new dog following the player – 16% (205 votes)
The benches and other things outside – 8% (94 votes)
Placing items on walls – 5% (64 votes)
Other – 5% (58 votes)
Total Votes: 1,243

6th poll (August 31, 2011 - November 14, 2012)

How do you feel about grass deterioration?

I love it! – 12% (684 votes)
Neutral. – 25% (1,489 votes)
I do not like it. – 41% (2,446 votes)
It ruined the game for me! – 22% (1,301 vote)
Total Votes: 5,920

7th poll (November 14, 2012 - January 27, 2013)

Will you buy Animal Crossing: New Leaf?

Yes! – 12% (1,373 votes)
No. – 25% (59 votes)
Maybe. – 41% (232 votes)
I've already got it! – 22% (35 votes)
I've already pre-ordered it! – 7% (125 votes)
Total Votes: 1,824

8th poll (January 27, 2013 - June 22, 2013)

Have you got a Wii U?

Yes! – 34% (1,603 votes)
No – 21% (982 votes)
I may get it – 31% (1,449 votes)
I don't want it – 14% (665 votes)
Total Votes: 4,699

9th poll (June 22, 2013 - August 13, 2014)

What do you think of New Leaf so far?

I love it! – 78% (8,842 votes)
It's pretty good! – 9% (1,019 votes)
Eh, it's average. – 1% (91 vote)
I don't like it... – 1% (69 votes)
I still have to get it! – 11% (1,292 votes)
Total Votes: 11,313

10th poll (August 13, 2014 - August 18, 2014)

How should Nookipedia format item names in the Animal Crossing series?

Capitalize the first letter of all words (e.g., Blue Chair, Blue Series, Sea Bass) – 70% (85 votes)
Capitalize the first letter of the first word (e.g., Blue chair, Blue series, Sea bass) – 25% (30 votes)
Leave all letters lowercase (e.g., blue chair, blue series, sea bass) – 6% (7 votes)
Total Votes: 122

11th poll (August 18, 2014 - June 16, 2015)

What's your favorite male villager personality?

Cranky – 13% (572 votes)
Jock – 22% (919 votes)
Lazy – 46% (1,983 votes)
Smug – 19% (793 votes)
Total Votes: 4,267

12th poll (June 16, 2015 - July 27, 2016)

What are you most excited for?

Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer! – 54% (2,234 votes)
Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival! – 8% (330 votes)
The new Animal Crossing amiibos! – 22% (908 votes)
I don't want any of them... – 16% (664 votes)
Total Votes: 4,136

13th poll (July 27, 2016 - October 25, 2017)

What are you most looking forward to in the upcoming New Leaf update?

amiibo support – 24% (660 votes)
Cross-series references – 19% (541 vote)
New characters – 42% (1,165 votes)
Wisp's return – 15% (429 votes)
Total Votes: 2,795

14th poll (October 1, 2022 - October 15, 2022)

What critters do you prefer to catch in New Horizons?

Fish – 54.1% (13 votes)
Bugs – 37.5% (9 votes)
Sea creatures – 8.3% (2 votes)
Total Votes: 24

15th poll (October 15, 2022 - November 1, 2022)

How many vacation homes have you completed in Happy Home Paradise?

1-10 – 5.5% (2 votes)
11-30 – 16.67% (6 votes)
31-80 – 38.89% (14 votes)
81-149 – 11.11% (4 votes)
150+ – 11.11% (4 votes)
I have not created a vacation home in Happy Home Paradise – 16.67% (6 votes)
Total Votes: 36

16th poll (November 1, 2022 - November 15, 2022)

What ordinance do you have enabled on your New Horizons island?

Beautiful Island – 26.67% (8 votes)
Early Bird – 13.33% (4 votes)
Night Owl – 6.67% (2 votes)
Bell Boom – 13.33% (4 votes)
I don't have an ordinance enabled. – 26.67% (8 votes)
I don't have New Horizons – 13.33% (4 votes)
Total Votes: 30

17th poll (November 15, 2022 - December 1, 2022)

What is your favorite produce to grow?

Pumpkins – 44.44% (8 votes)
Potatoes – 11.11% (2 votes)
Sugarcane – 0% (0 votes)
Wheat – 22.22% (4 votes)
Tomatoes – 5.56% (1 vote)
Carrots – 11.11% (2 votes)
I don't have New Horizons – 5.56% (1 vote)
Total Votes: 18

18th poll (December 1, 2022 - December 15, 2022)

How many species of villagers do you have on your New Horizons island?

1 – 0% (0 votes)
2 – 0% (0 votes)
3 – 6.67% (1 vote)
4 – 0% (0 votes)
5 – 0% (0 votes)
6 – 6.67% (1 vote)
7 – 0% (0 votes)
8+ – 66.67% (10 votes)
I don't have New Horizons – 20% (3 votes)
Total Votes: 15

19th poll (December 15, 2022 - January 1, 2023)

What is your favorite activity to do during December in the Animal Crossing series?

Snow! I love seeing the snow fall! – 25.93% (7 votes)
Building a Snowboy and getting icy rewards! – 22.22% (6 votes)
Helping Jingle out with his presents! – 18.52% (5 votes)
Decorating my town/island for the holidays! – 11.11% (3 votes)
Celebrating the New Year with my villagers! – 18.52% (5 votes)
Enjoying winter with my friends or family! – 3.7% (1 vote)
None of these activities. – 0% (0 votes)
Total Votes: 27

20th poll (January 1, 2023 - January 15, 2023)

What is your favorite New Year's item from New Horizons to celebrate the occasion?

New Year's noodles – 6.67% (1 votes)
Berliner – 0% (0 votes)
Twelve-grape dish – 6.67% (1 votes)
Sparkler cider – 6.67% (1 votes)
Olivier salad – 0% (0 votes)
Osechi – 0% (0 vote)
Kagamimochi – 0% (0 vote)
Celebratory arches – 13.33% (2 vote)
Zodiac figurines – 60% (9 vote)
None of these items. – 6.67% (1 votes)
Total Votes: 15

21st poll (January 15, 2023 - February 1, 2023)

What was your first Animal Crossing game that you played?

Animal Crossing – 13.33% (4 votes)
Wild World – 10% (3 votes)
City Folk (Let's Go to the City) – 0% (0 votes)
New Leaf – 13.33% (4 votes)
Happy Home Designer – 0% (0 votes)
amiibo Festival – 3.33% (1 vote)
Pocket Camp – 10% (3 vote)
New Horizons – 50% (15 vote)
I have not played an Animal Crossing game. – 0% (0 votes)
Total Votes: 30

22nd poll (February 1, 2023 - March 2, 2023)

New Horizons was notorious for having an update model that delayed returning features, such as The Roost, for months. Are you a fan of this update model for games produced by Nintendo?

Yes, because it gave me incentive to play the game on a longer basis for new content. – 13.79% (4 votes)
Yes, but I feel like the model didn't work out for New Horizons. – 6.9% (2 votes)
No, because it gave me lack of motivation to continue playing a game without a lot of content. – 20.69% (6 votes)
No, because the features they delayed were not worth the wait. – 20.69% (6 votes)
Doesn't matter, as long as I can play through the game and enjoy it. – 37.93% (11 votes)
I do not own a Nintendo game that uses a update model. – 0% (0 votes)
Total Votes: 29

23rd poll (March 2, 2023 - April 1, 2023)

What is your opinion of tools durability in New Horizons?

I like this mechanic, and I find it suitable for the game's premise of being set on a deserted island. – 5.88% (2 votes)
I'm fine with the mechanic. – 5.88% (2 votes)
I don't mind it but I think some tools should be unbreakable, such as golden tools. – 61.76% (21 votes)
I do not like this mechanic, and I think tools should be unbreakable. – 20.59% (7 votes)
I have no opinion about tools durability. – 5.88% (2 votes)
Total Votes: 34

24th poll (April 1, 2023 - August 2, 2023)

Do you think Nintendo should release another Animal Crossing game on the Nintendo Switch? (Poll suggested by Zabro29)

Yes, because Animal Crossing is an amazing series and deserves more titles on the Switch. – 56.82% (50 votes)
Yes, because it has gotten boring without any significant updates for New Horizons. – 10.23% (9 votes)
Yes, but only if it's a spin-off title. – 6.82% (6 votes)
No, because I love New Horizons and it's all I need for the Switch. – 5.68% (5 votes)
No, because in the past there has only been one mainline game per console and I want that to stay the same. – 15.91% (14 votes)
I do not care if they make a new Animal Crossing game. – 4.55% (4 votes)
Total Votes: 88

25th poll (August 2, 2023 - March 1, 2024)

Do you think Nintendo should do a crossover with another game in Animal Crossing? (Poll suggested by Zabro29)

Yes, that would be cool and interesting. – 59.71% (83 votes)
Yes, but only if it is like the Sanrio collaboration. – 2.16% (3 votes)
Yes, but I do not think they will because they said they stopped updating. – 25.90% (36 votes)
No, because Animal Crossing is perfect by themselves. – 2.87% (4 votes)
No, because we already have the Mario and Sanrio items and those are cool enough. – 2.87% (4 votes)
I don't care if they make an Animal Crossing crossover. – 6.47% (9 votes)
Total Votes: 139