Horned elephant

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Artwork of horned elephant
Real-world info
Name: Megasoma elephas
Family: Scarabaeidae - Scarab Beetles
Main appearances

Other appearances
Names in other languages
 Scarabée éléphant
 Scarabée éléphant
 Escarabajo astado elefante
 Escarabajo astado elefante
 Scarabeo elefante

The horned elephant (known as the elephant beetle prior to New Leaf) is a rare bug in the Animal Crossing series introduced in Animal Crossing: Wild World. It is a large, dark-yellow beetle found on palm trees, selling for 8,000 Bells. In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, it appears from mid to late summer.

Catch details[edit]

In Wild World[edit]


Horned elephant
"I caught an elephant beetle! The heavyweight of beetles!"

Description They are the heaviest beetles in the world. Their horns look like elephant trunks.
Time of year Jul – Aug
Time of day 7 PM – 8 AM
Peak times N/A
Location Palm trees
Bug size 115 mm
Rarity Rare
Selling price  8,000 Bells
Furniture size 1.0 x 1.0

In City Folk[edit]


Horned elephant
"I caught an elephant beetle! The heavyweight champion!"

Description The heaviest beetles in the world are named for their trunklike horns.
Time of year Jul – Aug
Time of day 5 PM – 8 AM
Peak times N/A
Location On palm trees
Bug size 115 mm
Rarity Rare
Selling price  8,000 Bells
Furniture size 1.0 x 1.0

In New Leaf[edit]


Horned elephant
"I caught a horned elephant! Did it get lost from the herd?"

Time of year Jul – Aug
All year (Tortimer Island)
Time of day 5 PM – 8 AM
Peak times N/A
Location On palm trees (can be found on Tortimer Island)
Size 155.1 mm
Rarity Rare
Selling price  8,000 Bells
Furniture size 1.0 x 1.0

In New Horizons[edit]


Horned elephant
"I caught a horned elephant! I think it's too small to ride..."

Time of year North: Jul – Aug
South: Jan – Feb
Time of day 5 PM – 8 AM
Location On palm trees
Weather Any weather
Rarity Very rare
Spawn requirement Catch 100 total bugs
Selling prices  Nook's Cranny 8,000 Bells
 Flick 12,000 Bells
Furniture size 1.0 x 1.0

Donating to the museum[edit]

As with all insects in the Animal Crossing series, the horned elephant can be donated to the museum followed by a small talk by Blathers, the curator.

In Wild World[edit]

"I wonder what elephant beetles were called before there were elephants? No, wait, I don't wonder! I don't even care! Hoo hoo! Well, moving on..."

In City Folk[edit]

"True to its namesake, the elephant beetle is among the heaviest of all the dynastid beetles. As you might imagine, with parents that big, the babies are also accordingly huge. About the size of your fist! Such foulness! Just think of those monstrous larvae! The horror of it all!"

The elephant beetle can be found on the middle tier of the insect section, located on a palm tree next to the tarantula and scorpion, in the same section housing the rafflesia.

In New Leaf[edit]

After donation, an information board in the insect exhibit will display a description of the horned elephant.

"Horned elephants are some of the heaviest dynastid beetles in the world. The thin yellow hair that covers their bodies makes them rather attractive to mates and collectors. Their horns resemble an elephant raising its trunk, which is how they got their name. They're already big in their larval stage, but by their pupal stage, they are the size of a person's hand."

In New Horizons[edit]

When donating to the museum, Blathers will say the following:

"The horned elephant beetle certainly lives up to its namesake. Not only does the horn on its head resemble the trunk of an elephant...It is also one of the heaviest beetles in the world! Size aside, allow me to reveal the real reason I find horned elephant beetles so repugnant... Their backs are covered in a fine coat of hair! Hirsute beetles! Hoot! The horror!"


Real-world information[edit]

The elephant beetle is a type of Scarab beetle that can grow between 7 to 12 centimetres (2.75 to 4.75 inches) in length; males are sometimes bigger and can grow around 2 to 3 times bigger than the females. Living in the rain-forests of South America, as well as Central America and southern Mexico, these beetles are mainly active at night and mainly feed on sap, bark, and ripened fallen fruit. Elephant beetle larvae develop in large decaying logs and take up to 3 years to develop into adult beetles. The lifespan of these beetles is around 1 to 3 months. However, elephant beetle populations have been depleting by the destruction of the rain-forests, which has reduced their grounds for mating.

More information on this topic is available at Wikipedia.

Names in other languages[edit]

Japanese ゾウカブト
Megasoma, lit. "elephant helmet (bug)"

Korean 코끼리장수풍뎅이
Lit. "elephant rhinoceros beetle"

Simplified Chinese 象兜虫
xiàng dōuchóng
Megasoma, lit. "elephant helmet bug"

Traditional Chinese 象兜蟲

Russian Жук-слон
Lit. "elephant beetle"

Dutch Olifantkever Lit. "elephant beetle"

German Elefantenkäfer Elephant beetle

European Spanish Escarabajo astado elefante Elephant horned beetle

European French Scarabée éléphant Elephant scarab

Italian Scarabeo elefante Elephant scarab