Peacock butterfly

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Artwork of peacock butterfly
Real-world info
Name: Papilio bianor
Family: Papilionidae
Main appearances

Other appearances
Names in other languages
 Papilio bianor
 Mariposa bianor
 Farfalla vanessa io
 Papilio bianor
 Mariposa bianor

The peacock butterfly (known as the peacock prior to New Leaf)[nb 1] is a bug in the Animal Crossing series. The peacock butterfly first appeared in Animal Crossing: Wild World and has appeared in all subsequent games. Its scales are colored in dark colors of green, blue, and red.

In the games that the peacock butterfly appears in, it is a rare bug that the player can encounter, and can be found flying around blue, purple, and black flowers. In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, it can be caught from spring to the start of summer.

Catch details[edit]

In Wild World[edit]


Peacock butterfly
"I caught a peacock butterfly! These colors! Beautiful!"

Description These got their names because their wings look like peacock feathers.
Time of year Mar – Sep
Time of day 8 AM – 4 PM
Peak times N/A
Location Flying near blue, purple, and black flowers
Bug size 105 mm
Rarity Very uncommon
Selling price  220 Bells
Furniture size 1.0 x 1.0

In City Folk[edit]


Peacock butterfly
"I caught a peacock butterfly! How dark and pretty!"

Description These got their names because their wings look like peacock feathers.
Time of year Mar – Sep
Time of day Mar – Jun:
4 AM – 7 PM
Jul – Aug:
8 AM – 5 PM
8 AM – 4 PM
Peak times May – Jun
Location Flying near blue, purple, and black flowers
Bug size 105 mm
Rarity Very uncommon
Selling price  220 Bells
Furniture size 1.0 x 1.0

In New Leaf[edit]


Peacock butterfly
"I caught a peacock butterfly! Is it a bird or a bug?!"

Time of year Mar – Sep
All year (Tortimer Island)
Time of day Mar – Jun:
4 AM – 7 PM
4 AM – 5 PM
8 AM – 5 PM
8 AM – 4 PM
Tortimer Island:
8 AM – 5 PM
Peak times May – Jun:
8 AM – 5 PM
Location Flying near blue, purple, and black flowers (can be found on Tortimer Island)
Size 133 mm
Rarity Very uncommon
Selling price  220 Bells
Furniture size 1.0 x 1.0

In Pocket Camp[edit]


Peacock butterfly

(Pocket Camp Complete)
(Pocket Camp)
Not currently available
  • 2019-10-18 – 2019-10-23 (Fall Free-for-All Bug Goals)
  • 2020-09-09 – 2020-12-28
Location Sunburst Island PC Map Icon.png Sunburst Island
Size 126.4 mm – 139.6 mm
Selling price  10 Bells
Version added Unknown
Villager gift data Tier: 1 (Common)


  •  100 Bells
  • +2 Heart PC Icon.png Friendship points

In New Horizons[edit]


Peacock butterfly
"I caught a peacock butterfly! Now it's my turn to strut my stuff!"

Time of year North: Mar – Jun
South: Sep – Dec
Time of day 4 AM – 7 PM
Location Flying near blue, purple, and black flowers
Weather Any except rain
Spawn requirement Catch 20 total bugs
Selling prices  Nook's Cranny 2,500 Bells
 Flick 3,750 Bells
Furniture size 1.0 x 1.0

Donating to the museum[edit]

In Wild World[edit]

Upon donating a peacock to the museum, Blathers will talk briefly about the insect:

"The peacock butterfly gets its name from its coloring, as one would expect. If you ask me, I think it's a bit too ostentatious... But that's just me..."

After submission, the peacock can be found fluttering around the flowers in first room of the insect exhibit. In the evenings, it can be seen resting peacefully on a purple pansy.

In City Folk[edit]

Blathers, the museum curator, will accept peacocks for donation to the insect wing;

"I trust you've seen a bunch of butterflies fluttering about a puddle before, have you not...? Hoo, yes, those would be peacock butterflies, then. They don't just sip nectar... The beasts drink water, too. And in great, wretched groups, no less! Utterly repugnant!"

Peacocks appear with the rest of the butterflies in the flowerbeds on the lower terrace of the insect room after donation.

In New Leaf[edit]

The peacock butterfly flying around in the museum in Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Upon being donated, the butterfly can be found in the first room of the bug exhibit resting on flowers with the other butterflies. The exhibit has this to say about the peacock butterfly:

"The back of the wings of a peacock butterfly is black, while the front is blue or green. The males have black, velvet hair on their forewings and are easy to spot because of their beauty. Sometimes you may see a group of male peacock butterflies drinking water together."

In New Horizons[edit]

When donated to the museum, Blathers will say the following:

"Pretty as a peacock? Bah, I say! The wings of the peacock butterfly may have a pattern similar to that of the beautiful bird... But its forewings are also often covered in a dark, velvety hair! You heard that right! HAIRY wings! A hair-raising revelation indeed!"

The peacock butterfly can be found in the terrace room of the museum with the rest of the butterflies.


Real-world information[edit]

A male peacock butterfly.

Papilio bianor, or Chinese peacock, is a species of butterfly that is native to East Asia. The female has more prominent markings than the male, and is roughly 7-8 centimeters long. Caterpillars feed on Zanthoxylum (prickly-ash) and Phellodendron (cork tree) plants.

Names in other languages[edit]

Japanese カラスアゲハ
Papilio bianor (lit. "crow swallowtail")

Korean 제비나비
Papilio bianor (lit. "swallow butterfly")

Simplified Chinese 乌鸦凤蝶
Wūyā fèngdié
Papilio bianor (lit. "crow swallowtail")

Traditional Chinese 烏鴉鳳蝶

Russian Бианор
From species name

Dutch Pauwenpage Peacock butterfly

German Pfaufalter
Ritterfalter (NH)
Peacock butterfly
Swallowtail (lit. "Knight butterfly")

European Spanish Mariposa bianor From species name

European French Papilio bianor Scientific name

Italian Vanessa io
Farfalla vanessa io (NH)
(European) peacock butterfly


  1. Japanese: カラスアゲハ Hepburn: Karasuageha