Pendulum clock (New Horizons)

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Pendulum clock
Buy price Sell price
 1,900 Bells
 1,700 Poki
 475 Bells
Height Size
1.0 x 1.0 1.0 × 1.0
Obtain via  Nook's Cranny
Customize No customization options.
HHA themes Living room / Retro
HHA points 151
Internal information
Filename: FtrClockPendulumWall
Internal ID: 4106
In other games
New Leaf (pendulum clock)
Names in other languages
 horloge à balancier
 reloj con péndulo
 orologio a pendolo
 часы с маятником
 horloge à pendule
 reloj con péndulo

The pendulum clock is a wall-mounted furniture item in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

The pendulum clock can be obtained from Nook's Cranny for  1,900 Bells.

This item appears as a furniture item in the homes of Admiral, Dobie, Doc, Ed, Greta, Hippeux, Kitty, Miranda, Pecan, Wart Jr., and Yuka.

In Happy Home Paradise, this item is unlocked for use in designing when doing a vacation home request for Anabelle, Angus, Benjamin, Blanche, Boomer, Claudia, Clay, Gabi, Gaston, Genji, Goose, Graham, Ike, Kiki, Monique, Olaf, Punchy, Purrl, and Wade. The item can also be unlocked when tasked by Lottie to design the apparel shop and the hospital.

After unlocking this item in Happy Home Paradise, the item can be purchased from Wardell's catalog for  1,700 Poki.

In other games
