
From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki
NH Squirrels.jpg
Various squirrels in New Horizons. From left to right: Sylvana, Cally, Sheldon, Static, Nibbles, Filbert, Marshal, Hazel, Peanut, and Blaire.
Villagers Islanders Special
21 1 0
Total count of species
Name in other languages

Squirrels are a species of villager in the Animal Crossing series. They resemble real squirrels with their fluffy tails and facial features. Most of the squirrels also possess a pinstripe pattern on their tail; Tasha and Ione are the only exceptions. Most squirrels' initial catchphrases have "nut" or a related word in it.

There are twenty-two squirrel villagers, of which sixteen are female and six are male, making it a predominantly female species. Of these, seven are normal, four are peppy, four are snooty, two are jock, two are cranky, one is lazy, one is smug, and one is big sister.

Kit is the only squirrel who has not reappeared since Doubutsu no Mori e+, and additionally, Cece and Viché are missing from Animal Crossing: New Horizons. All of the squirrels who appear in New Horizons also appear in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp.


Agent S NH.png
Agent S
Peppy Female symbol.png Female
Born July 2nd Starsign Cancer NH Icon.png
Debuted in
Doubutsu no Mori e+
Blaire NH.png
Snooty Female symbol.png Female
Born July 3rd Starsign Cancer NH Icon.png
Debuted in
Doubutsu no Mori
Cally NH.png
Normal Female symbol.png Female
Born September 4th Starsign Virgo NH Icon.png
Debuted in
Doubutsu no Mori
Caroline NH.png
Caroline  Animal Island PG Icon.png
Normal Female symbol.png Female
Born July 15th Starsign Cancer NH Icon.png
Debuted in
Doubutsu no Mori+
Cece NLWa Transparent.png
Peppy Female symbol.png Female
Born May 28th Starsign Gemini NH Icon.png
Debuted in
Welcome amiibo
Filbert NH.png
Lazy Male symbol.png Male
Born June 3rd Starsign Gemini NH Icon.png
Debuted in
Doubutsu no Mori
Hazel NH.png
Big sister Female symbol.png Female
Born August 30th Starsign Virgo NH Icon.png
Debuted in
New Leaf
Ione amiibo.png
Normal Female symbol.png Female
Born September 11th Starsign Virgo NH Icon.png
Debuted in
New Horizons
Marshal NH.png
Smug Male symbol.png Male
Born September 29th Starsign Libra NH Icon.png
Debuted in
New Leaf
Mint NH.png
Snooty Female symbol.png Female
Born May 2nd Starsign Taurus NH Icon.png
Debuted in
Doubutsu no Mori
Nibbles NH.png
Peppy Female symbol.png Female
Born July 19th Starsign Cancer NH Icon.png
Debuted in
Doubutsu no Mori
Peanut NH Transparent.png
Peppy Female symbol.png Female
Born June 8th Starsign Gemini NH Icon.png
Debuted in
Doubutsu no Mori
Pecan NH.png
Snooty Female symbol.png Female
Born September 10th Starsign Virgo NH Icon.png
Debuted in
Doubutsu no Mori
Poppy NH.png
Normal Female symbol.png Female
Born August 5th Starsign Leo NH Icon.png
Debuted in
City Folk
Ricky NH.png
Cranky Male symbol.png Male
Born September 14th Starsign Virgo NH Icon.png
Debuted in
Doubutsu no Mori
Sally NH.png
Normal Female symbol.png Female
Born June 19th Starsign Gemini NH Icon.png
Debuted in
Doubutsu no Mori
Sheldon NH.png
Jock Male symbol.png Male
Born February 26th Starsign Pisces NH Icon.png
Debuted in
New Leaf
Static NH.png
Cranky Male symbol.png Male
Born July 9th Starsign Cancer NH Icon.png
Debuted in
Doubutsu no Mori
Sylvana NH.png
Normal Female symbol.png Female
Born October 22nd Starsign Libra NH Icon.png
Debuted in
Doubutsu no Mori e+
Tasha NH.png
Snooty Female symbol.png Female
Born November 30th Starsign Sagittarius NH Icon.png
Debuted in
Doubutsu no Mori e+
Viché NLWa Transparent.png
Normal Female symbol.png Female
Born July 7th Starsign Cancer NH Icon.png
Debuted in
Welcome amiibo


Count by game[edit]

Game Count
Doubutsu no Mori 10
Animal Crossing 11
Doubutsu no Mori e+ 15
Wild World 10
City Folk 11
New Leaf 20
Happy Home Designer 16
Pocket Camp 19
New Horizons 19

Count by personality[edit]

Personality Count
Emotion Sleepy NH Icon.png Lazy 1
Emotion Pride NH Icon.png Jock 2
Emotion Aggravation NH Icon.png Cranky 2
Emotion Smirking NH Icon.png Smug 1
Emotion Happiness NH Icon.png Normal 7
Emotion Encouraging NH Icon.png Peppy 4
Emotion Disagreement NH Icon.png Snooty 4
Emotion Mischief NH Icon.png Big sister 1


  • The squirrels, alongside the frogs and the mice, are the only species to retain their classic physique in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
  • Sheldon is the only squirrel villager with a birthday in winter, and Cece, Filbert, and Mint are the only squirrel villagers with birthdays in spring. All other squirrels have a birthday in summer or fall.
  • Shaki is a squirrel special character who was cut from Animal Crossing but still exists in the game's data.

Names in other languages[edit]

Japanese リス

Korean 다람쥐

Simplified Chinese 松鼠

Traditional Chinese 松鼠

Russian Белка

Dutch Eekhoorn Squirrel

German Eichhörnchen Squirrel

European Spanish Ardilla Squirrel

European French Écureuil Squirrel

Italian Scoiattolo Squirrel