Black bass

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Artwork of black bass
Real-world info
Name: Micropterus salmoides
(largemouth bass)

Family: Centrarchidae (freshwater sunfishes)
Main appearances

Other appearances
Names in other languages
 Большеротый окунь

The black bass[nb 1] is a freshwater fish in the Animal Crossing series introduced in Animal Crossing: Wild World. It appears as a large shadow that can be found in rivers year-round, at any time of day.

A variant of the black bass, the platinum black bass, appears exclusively in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp as an event fish.

Catch details[edit]

In Wild World[edit]


Black bass
"I caught a black bass! That couldn't BE more bass!"

Description They breed well, as the males guard the eggs.
Time of year All year
Time of day All day
Peak times May – November
Location River
Shadow size Medium
Fish size 50 cm
Selling price  300 Bells
Furniture size 1.0 x 1.0

In City Folk[edit]


Black bass
"I caught a black bass! Turn up the bass!"

Description Males protect the eggs, making this species easy to propogate.
Time of year All year
Time of day All day
Peak times N/A
Location River
Shadow size Medium
Fish size About 20 in.
Selling price  300 Bells
Furniture size 1.0 x 1.0

In New Leaf[edit]


Black bass
"I caught a black bass! I've got some class!"

Time of year All year
Time of day All day
Peak times Mar – Nov
Location River
Shadow size Large
Fish size 50 cm
Selling price  300 Bells
Furniture size 1.0 x 1.0

In Pocket Camp[edit]

The black bass is one of the 14 fish in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp that has been in the game since its release.


Black bass

(Pocket Camp Complete)
All year
(Pocket Camp)
Currently available (since October 25, 2017)
Location Lost Lure Creek PC Map Icon.png Lost Lure Creek
Shadow size Large
Size 41.7 cm – 58.2 cm
Rarity ★★
Selling price  100 Bells
Version added 0.9.0
Villager gift data Tier: 2 (Uncommon)


In New Horizons[edit]


Black bass
"I caught a black bass! The most metal of all fish!"

Time of year North: All year
South: All year
Time of day All day
Location River
Shadow size Large
Rarity Common
Spawn requirement Appears from the start of the game
Selling prices  Nook's Cranny 400 Bells
 C.J. 600 Bells
Furniture size 1.0 x 1.0

Donating to the museum[edit]

As with all fish in the Animal Crossing series, the black bass can be donated to the museum by talking to Blathers, who will give some information on it.

In Wild World[edit]

When the player donates a black bass, Blathers will say this about it before thanking the player for their donation:

"In sport-fishing, the black bass is very often the main quarry... It's apparently a delicious fish, so I'd imagine some sport-cooking follows! Indeed, I suppose they would call that a catch-and-eat program! Hoo hoo!"

When the player donates a black bass, Blathers will say this about it before thanking the player for their donation dialogue.

In City Folk[edit]

"The black bass sports tremendous strength for its size, making it a popular catch in sportfishing. The bass is so popular that there are even fishermen who specialize exclusively in catching bass, eh wot? There are concerns about the effect of fishing on its habitat...but even so, this fish remains a favorite."

In New Leaf[edit]

Once the fish is donated, Blathers writes the information on it on a corresponding board in the museum.

"They get their name from their somewhat blackish bodies, though they have a green tint. They usually hide in weeds and wait until other fish approach before forcefully striking. Many people use lures to catch black bass because they are such strong fish. Black bass have a fierce image, as the males will scare off other fish to protect the fry in the nest. They are related to sea bass, so they make for a tasty dinner, though their skin has a very strong odor."

In New Horizons[edit]

When donating to Blathers or selecting "Tell me about this!" in New Horizons, he will provide the following information about the fish:

"The black bass is a formidably strong fish and, as such is a common target for sport anglers. In some areas, there are even those who professionally catch just black bass! Yet in other areas where they are NOT native, they are considered an ecological nuisance. Invasive, even. One cannot help but wonder who is to blame for their invasion, hoo."

Once donated to the museum, the black bass can be found in the recessed tank in the first fish exhibit room with the Koi and Carp.

Fishing Tourney[edit]

During a Fishing Tourney, when given a black bass, Chip will say the following dialogue.

In City Folk[edit]

"And just so you know, black bass is one fish you can't over-tartar-sauce! Nyuuuk nyuk nyuk nyuk!"

In New Leaf[edit]

"Well, if you're curious, black bass is really great fried, but cook it up à la meunière sometime! Tasty stuff! For me, I'll just be eating this guy as is, if you get my drift. YUM!"


Real-world information[edit]

A real-life Black Bass

The black bass is native to the Southern United States and comes in three varieties, by frequency: the largemouth bass and smallmouth bass followed by the rarer spotted bass. It has become one of the most popular fish for fishing as a sport, especially in the US, but around the world, it has been stocked and have been noted to grow to be over 3 feet (1 meter) long. The average one can expect to catch is up to 5 pounds (2 kilograms). More information on this topic is available at Wikipedia.

Names in other languages[edit]

Japanese ブラックバス
Black bass

Korean 큰입배스
From 큰입우럭 keuniburak (the usual name for black bass) and 배스 baeseu (from English "bass")

Simplified Chinese 黑鲈鱼
hēi lúyú
Black Bass

Traditional Chinese 黑鱸魚

Russian Большеротый окунь
Bol'sherotyy okun'
"Largemouth bass", another name for the black bass

Dutch Forelbaars Black bass (lit. "Trout perch")

German Barsch Perch

European Spanish Perca Perch

European French Bar Bass

Italian Boccalone Black bass


  1. Japanese: ブラックバス Hepburn: Burakku basu