
From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki

Artwork of Pompom the Duck
Species Personality Gender
Duck Peppy Female
Birthday February 11th Aquarius
Favorite saying "Happiness is a rainy day!"
Catchphrase "rah rah"
Clothing No. 4 shirt[nb 1]
Parka dress (Pink)[nb 2]
Umbrella Berry umbrella[nb 3]
Candy umbrella[nb 4]
Peach umbrella[nb 5]
Main appearances

Other appearances
Names in other languages
 のりっぺ[nb 6]
 주디[nb 9]
 海苔裴[nb 7]
 海苔裴[nb 8]
 Помпом[nb 10]
Phrase in other languages
 rah rah
 hup hup
 rah rah

Pompom is a peppy duck villager in the Animal Crossing series who appears in all games to date. Her name, personality, and catchphrase all relate to cheerleaders.

In New Horizons, Pompom has the music hobby and may sing anywhere without the need of a stereo.


Artwork of Pompom from Animal Crossing.


Pompom is a white duck with a bright yellow beak and orange webbed feet. She also has wide eyes with long lashes and chestnut hair.


Below is a brief description of the peppy personality. For more information, click here.

As a peppy villager, she will have the tendency to overreact in conversations about trivial subjects such as appearing in competitions and the chance of her losing. This sometimes triggers her to ask for a certain item of clothing or furniture which she needs to enter a competition. She, like other peppy villagers, will rarely be discouraged from doing anything, including the usual hobbies. She will also have a short attention span, which means she will soon forget arguments or tasks given to the player which were not completed. Pompom often asks; "Sooo, how am I dressed today?" The player is presented with a slide-bar indicating Kinda slobby... and Super formal!. Moving the bar close to Super formal! will make Pompom happy, thus giving a good chance of receiving her picture (in Wild World only). She will ask the player to get her lovely furniture.

Villager information[edit]

In Animal Crossing[edit]

Species Personality Catchphrase
Duck Peppy rah rah
Default clothing No.4 Shirt PG Model.png No.4 shirt
Default umbrella Berry Umbrella PG Model.png Berry umbrella
Doubutsu no Mori e+ traits
Star sign Aquarius Aquarius
Smallcheckmark.png Favorite style Fancy
Smallxmark.png Least favorite style Strange
Live song gift K.K. Jazz

In Wild World[edit]

This one goes out to all my fans!

Birthday Personality Catchphrase
February 11 Aquarius Peppy rah rah
Default clothing No. 4 Shirt WW Model.png No. 4 shirt
Default umbrella Candy Umbrella WW Model.png Candy umbrella
Smallcheckmark.png Favorite style Fancy
Smallxmark.png Least favorite style Funky
Default hobby Walk around
Furniture requests
Genre Lovely
Series Cabana Series / Asian Series
Category Instrument

In City Folk[edit]


Birthday Personality Catchphrase
February 11 Aquarius Peppy rah rah
Default clothing No. 4 Shirt CF Model.png No. 4 shirt
Default umbrella Candy Umbrella CF Model.png Candy umbrella
Smallcheckmark.png Favorite clothing style Stylish
Smallxmark.png Least favorite clothing style Strange
Favorite furniture styles Dignified and Retro
Favorite furniture color
Favorite series Cabin Series

In New Leaf[edit]

Happiness is a rainy day!



Birthday Personality Catchphrase
February 11 Aquarius Peppy rah rah
Default clothing No. 4 Shirt NL Model.png No. 4 shirt
Default umbrella Candy Umbrella NL Model.png Candy umbrella
Smallcheckmark.png Favorite style Cute
Smallxmark.png Least favorite style Rock 'n' roll
Favorite color
Siblings Third of 6 kids
Skill Trivia
Goal CEO
Halloween fear Werewolf Hood NL Model.png Werewolf hood
Coffee preferences
Type of beans Mocha
Amount of milk The regular amount
Amount of sugar Two spoonfuls

In New Horizons[edit]

Happiness is a rainy day!


Birthday Personality Catchphrase
February 11 Aquarius Peppy (B) rah rah
Default clothing Parka Dress (Pink) NH Icon.png Parka dress (Pink)
Other default clothing
  • During rain (if not using umbrella): Raincoat (Pink) NH Icon.png Raincoat (Pink) & Rain Hat (Pink) NH Icon.png rain hat (Pink)
  • During snow: Peacoat (Beige) NH Icon.png Peacoat (Beige) & Snowy Knit Cap (Pink) NH Icon.png snowy knit cap (Pink)
  • Sleepwear and if sick: PJ Outfit (Blue) NH Icon.png PJ outfit (Blue) & Terry-Cloth Nightcap (Pink) NH Icon.png terry-cloth nightcap (Pink)
  • While exercising: Athletic Jacket (Black) NH Icon.png Athletic jacket (Black)
  • While doing yoga: Tank (White) NH Icon.png Tank (White)
  • While sunbathing: Triangle Shades (Black) NH Icon.png Triangle shades
  • Fishing Tourney: Athletic Jacket (Black) NH Icon.png Athletic jacket (Black)
  • Bug-Off: Athletic Jacket (Black) NH Icon.png Athletic jacket (Black) & Straw Hat (Brown) NH Icon.png straw hat (Brown)
  • Bunny Day: Sky-Egg Outfit NH Icon.png Sky-egg outfit  & Sky-Egg Shell NH Icon.png sky-egg shell
  • Halloween: Flashy Animal Costume (Purple) NH Icon.png Flashy animal costume (Purple) & Flashy Pointy-Ear Animal Hat (Purple) NH Icon.png flashy pointy-ear animal hat (Purple)
  • Turkey Day: Straw Boater (Cream) NH Icon.png Straw boater (Cream)
  • Turkey Day (chef): Chef's Outfit (Red) NH Icon.png Chef's outfit (Red) & Chef's Hat NH Icon.png chef's hat
  • Toy Day: Santa Hat NH Icon.png Santa hat
  • Countdown: Satin Dress (Pink) NH Icon.png Satin dress (Pink)[nb 11]
  • Birthday & Wedding Season photoshoot: Satin Dress (Pink) NH Icon.png Satin dress (Pink) & Giant Ribbon (Pink) NH Icon.png giant ribbon (Pink)[nb 12]

  • Happy Home Paradise DLC exclusive clothing:
  • As a student for the school: School Uniform with Necktie (Navy Blue) NH Icon.png School uniform with necktie (Navy blue)
  • As the teacher for the school: Checkered Sweater Vest (Light Brown) NH Icon.png Checkered sweater vest (Light brown) & Rimmed Glasses (Black) NH Icon.png rimmed glasses (Black)
  • As the cashier/employee for the restaurant: Café Uniform (Black) NH Icon.png Café uniform (Black)
  • As the chef/apprentice for the restaurant: Chef's Outfit (Red) NH Icon.png Chef's outfit (Red) & Chef's Hat NH Icon.png chef's hat
  • As a staff for the café: Diner Apron (Pink) NH Icon.png Diner apron (Pink)
  • As the receptionist for the hospital: Nurse's Jacket (Pink) NH Icon.png Nurse's jacket (Pink)
  • As the doctor for the hospital: Doctor's Coat (Red Necktie) NH Icon.png Doctor's coat (Red necktie)
  • As a patient for the hospital: PJ Outfit (Blue) NH Icon.png PJ outfit (Blue)
  • As the shop manager for the apparel shop: Staff Uniform (Pink) NH Icon.png Staff uniform (Pink)
  • While practicing hula: Pineapple Aloha Shirt (Pink) NH Icon.png Pineapple aloha shirt (Pink) & Hibiscus Hairpin (Pink) NH Icon.png hibiscus hairpin (Pink)
  • While floating in the ocean: Leaf-Print Wet Suit (Light Blue) NH Icon.png Leaf-print wet suit (Light blue) & Retro Shades (Red) NH Icon.png retro shades (Red)
  • During DJ KK's concerts: Tropical Cut-and-Sew Tank (Pink) NH Icon.png Tropical cut-and-sew tank (Pink), Tropical Turban (Purple) NH Icon.png tropical turban (Purple), & Neon Shades (Light Blue & Pink) NH Icon.png neon shades (Light blue & pink)
  • Default umbrella Peach Umbrella NH Icon.png Peach umbrella
    Initial NookPhone  Default Phone Case (Pink) NH Model.png  Pink
    Final NookPhone  Phone Case (Checkered 1 - Fabric 2) NH Model.png  Checkered 1 - Fabric 2
    Favorite styles Cute and Simple
    Favorite colors
    Hobby Music
    Handheld items
    Bag Classy Bag NH Model.png Classy
    Book Music Book Interior NH Texture.png Music
    Food Sandwich Food NH Model.png Sandwich
    Drink Smoothie or coffee cup Drink NH Model.png Smoothie or coffee cup
    Popsicle Chocolate Popsicle NH Model.png Chocolate
    Ideal clothing for Pompom – Pink / Aqua Cute and Simple clothing
    Villagers prefer clothing that matches any one of their favorite colors or styles.
    For brevity, the following list only shows clothing that matches both favorite colors and one favorite style.
    Name Image Price Available from
    Dotted raincoat (Light blue) Dotted Raincoat (Light Blue) NH Icon.png  1,600 Bells  Mabel
     Able Sisters
    Dreamy sweater (Pink) Dreamy Sweater (Pink) NH Icon.png  1,440 Bells  Mabel
     Able Sisters
    Energetic sweater (Light blue) Energetic Sweater (Light Blue) NH Icon.png  960 Bells  Mabel
     Able Sisters
    Fancy kimono (Aqua) Fancy Kimono (Aqua) NH Icon.png  5,200 Bells  Able Sisters
    Fast-food cap (Pink) Fast-Food Cap (Pink) NH Icon.png  800 Bells  Able Sisters
     Apparel shop
    Fast-food uniform (Pink) Fast-Food Uniform (Pink) NH Icon.png  1,200 Bells  Able Sisters
     Apparel shop
    House-print dress (White) House-Print Dress (White) NH Icon.png  1,600 Bells  Mabel
     Able Sisters
    Kids' smock (Cherry blossom) Kids' Smock (Cherry Blossom) NH Icon.png  1,500 Bells  Able Sisters
    Madras plaid shirt (Pink) Madras Plaid Shirt (Pink) NH Icon.png  1,120 Bells  Mabel
     Able Sisters
    Mermaid fishy dress (Pink) Mermaid Fishy Dress (Pink) NH Icon.png Not for sale  Pascal
    Mermaid fishy dress (Light blue) Mermaid Fishy Dress (Light Blue) NH Icon.png Not for sale  Pascal
    Mermaid princess dress (Pink) Mermaid Princess Dress (Pink) NH Icon.png Not for sale  Pascal
    Mermaid princess dress (Light blue) Mermaid Princess Dress (Light Blue) NH Icon.png Not for sale  Pascal
    Paper restaurant cap (Pink) Paper Restaurant Cap (Pink) NH Icon.png  490 Bells  Able Sisters
     Apparel shop
    Star hairpin (Pink) Star Hairpin (Pink) NH Icon.png  350 Bells  Mabel
     Able Sisters
    More Pink Items
    More Aqua Items
    More Cute Items
    More Simple Items

    In Happy Home Paradise[edit]

    Thought bubble It'd be trés fab to have a yard with a pool for splashing!
    Client's vision A Fabulous Yard
    Required items Shower Booth
    Garden Faucet
    Plastic Pool
    Favorite song  K.K. Samba
    Unlocked items


    In Animal Crossing[edit]

    Pompom's house features the same furniture layout as Bella's in Doubutsu no Mori e+.

    In Wild World[edit]

    In City Folk[edit]

    In New Leaf[edit]

    In New Horizons[edit]

    In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, if Pompom is one of the villagers who moved in during the main storyline after the villager house development quest, her house will have a combination of non-craftable furniture, plus items crafted by players during the island development storyline, primarily from the Wooden Block Series. She cannot have her initial house interior unless she moves out of the player's island or the Happy Home Paradise DLC is purchased, in which either the player or Isabelle can reset the interior.

    Exterior of Pompom's house in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
    Interior of Pompom's house in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
    Shape: House shape #2
    Roof:  Yellow wooden-tile roof
    Siding:  White cobblestones
    Door:  Windowed door
    Wall:  Beaded-Curtain Wall
    Floor:  Green Retro Flooring
    Music:  K.K. Soul

    Other appearances[edit]

    In Happy Home Designer[edit]

    Happiness is a rainy day!

    Pompom's Happy Home Designer icon

    Example of Pompom's Happy Home Designer house
    Official example
    Birthday Personality Catchphrase
    February 11 Aquarius Peppy rah rah
    Default clothing No. 4 Shirt HHD Icon.png No. 4 shirt
    Umbrella Candy Umbrella HHD Icon.png Candy umbrella
    House request
    Thought bubble All I need is a modern garden where I can splash around whenever I want!
    Client's vision A splashy, modern garden.
    Required items Modern bench [nb 14]
    Garden faucet [nb 14]
    Modern clock
    Favorite song  K.K. Samba
    Unlocked items
  •  Modern wash station
  •  Bath set
  •  Garden faucet
  •  Modern bench
  •  Garden lantern
  •  Modern streetlight
  •  Modern clock
  •  K.K. Samba
  •  Pompom's pic
  • Interior:
  •  Manor wall
  •  Stripe wall
  • Clothing:
  •  No. 4 shirt
  • Starting house: Default exterior of Pompom's house in Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer

    In amiibo Festival[edit]



    Birthday Personality Catchphrase
    February 11 Aquarius Peppy rah rah
    Clothing No. 4 Shirt HHD Icon.png No. 4 shirt
    Umbrella Candy Umbrella HHD Icon.png Candy umbrella
    amiibo card traits
    Dice value 1
    Hand sign Scissors
    Desert Island Escape traits
    Movement Desert Island Escape movement icon.png ×5
    Hunger Desert Island Escape hunger icon.png ×1
    Vision Desert Island Escape vision icon.png ×1
    Favorite fruit Desert Island Escape favorite fruit icon.png Coconut

    In Pocket Camp[edit]

    Pompom was added to Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp on January 30, 2019.[1]

    Happiness is a rainy day!


    Birthday Personality Catchphrase
    February 11 Aquarius Peppy rah rah
    Default clothing No. 4 shirt
    Description Pompom loves nothing more than ordering stuff from catalogues. You know that feeling you get when you open up a package? Priceless!
    Preferred theme Hip
    Primary reward Steel
    Version added 2.1.0
    Date unlocked January 30, 2019
    How to invite  Blathers's Treasure Trek (map obtained on Big Top and Pals' Island)
    Friendship rewards
    Level 7 No. 4 shirt
    Sparkle stones
    Level 9 Sparkle stones
    Level 15 Crafting request:
    Garden faucet
    Level 20 Pompom's pic
    Sparkle stones
    Level 25[nb 15] Sparkle stones
    Related items for Pompom
    Scrapbook Memory appearances
    Name Image Required?
    Olive and the Mushroom Village Olive and the Mushroom Village PC.png No
    Relaxation Springs to Mind Relaxation Springs to Mind PC.png No
    Secret Scenic Picnic Secret Scenic Picnic PC.png No

    Card profiles[edit]

    Animal Crossing e-Reader card[edit]

    Main article: 083 Pompom (Animal Crossing-e)

    Animal Crossing-e 2-083 (Pompom).jpg

    Card back

    Animal Crossing-e 2-083 (Pompom - Back).jpg

    #083 Pompom - Series 2
    Gender: Female
    Sign: Aquarius
    Clothes: No.4 shirt
    Petphrase: rah rah
    Profile: Pompom gets incredibly excited over the smallest events. For instance, if she orders something from Nook's catalog, she waits by the mailbox every day. When it arrives, she pretends it's a surprise!
    Password: qzdGJsb3oJG2jf

    amiibo card[edit]

    373 Pompom amiibo card NA.png

    Card back

    Amiibo Card Back.png

    #373 Pompom - Series 4
    Star sign: Aquarius
    Birthday: February 11
    Dice value: 1
    Hand sign: Scissors



    Names in other languages[edit]

    Japanese のりっぺ
    From のりのり (norinori), meaning to be in high spirits, referencing her peppy personality

    Korean 주디

    Simplified Chinese 海苔裴
    Hǎitái péi

    Russian Помпом
    From English name

    Dutch Pompom Same as English name

    German Erika -

    European Spanish Flopi -

    European French Pompon From English name

    Italian Erica Heather in Italian

    See also[edit]


    1. Prior to New Horizons, formatted as "No.4 shirt" in Animal Crossing
    2. New Horizons
    3. Animal Crossing
    4. Wild World to amiibo Festival
    5. New Horizons
    6. Norippe
    7. Hǎitái péi
    8. Hǎitái péi
    9. Judi
    10. Pompom
    11. Pompom's headwear during the Countdown can either be the New Year's silk hat or the New Year's hat, each rotating every year. The hat's variation will vary depending on what variations Tom Nook is selling at his stand.
    12. If it is Pompom's birthday, her headwear will be replaced with the birthday hat (Blue variation).
    13. 13.0 13.1 Does not contain a stereo initially
    14. 14.0 14.1 This furniture is initially placed outside by default
    15. Repeats for levels 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, and 80


    1. Bri Bri (January 30, 2019). "10 New Animals Join Pocket Camp!". Japanese Nintendo. Retrieved October 27, 2020.