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[[File:NH Snooty 1.jpg|240px|thumb|right|[[Snooty (villager)|Snooty]] preparing to unpack in {{NH|short|nolink}}]]
'''Moving''' is a process [[villager]]s undertake in all games in the {{SER}}.
'''Moving''' is the process of a [[villager]] moving in or out of the [[player]]'s [[town]]. Whenever there is an available space in the player's town, a villager will move in. After a while, villagers start to move out.
Prior to {{NH}}, a villager may move away without notice. In {{NH|nolink}}, a villager will ask the player first before moving away. In games after {{DnMe+}}, villagers will be seen in their [[Villager house|house]] if they are moving in or out of the town. Their furniture is replaced with cardboard boxes. Each game has various methods of determining who will move out and who will move in.
==In ''Animal Crossing''==
==In {{PG|nolink}}==
[[File:Moving PG Icon.png|left]]
In {{PG}}, each town starts with six villagers, one of each personality type. There is a maximum of 15 villagers in a town.
Each {{PG}} town starts with six villagers. Over time, more move in until the maximum of 15 is reached. Once this occurs, the game will cycle out the 14th or 15th villager every ten days or so while keeping the initial 13 villagers intact. A villager may mention moving in a random [[conversation]] and ask the [[player]] for an opinion, but the player's response does not affect villager movement. A moving villager will not pack up prior to leaving; their home will simply be removed from the map upon game load and a goodbye [[letter]] is sent to the [[player]]'s [[mailbox]]. Unlike subsequent ''Animal Crossing'' titles, once a villager has moved out, another replaces them immediately.  
===Movement across Memory Cards===
The events of villagers moving in and out occur exclusively during the orange-text loading screens. As a result, there is no unpacking or packing up event for the player to witness. Villager houses simply appear and disappear.
Players are able to move their villagers to other ''Animal Crossing'' towns by speaking to [[Porter]] at the [[Train Station]]. Each time a player goes to visit another town, one of the traveling player's villagers is chosen at random to move out, and any time a town is visited by another player, that town will receive the resident from the visiting player's town. This is the only way to cycle out one of the 13 original villagers.
===Controlling villager movement===
===Moving in===
By taking advantage of the way villagers move across memory cards, the player can manipulate which villagers come and go. In order to do this, three memory cards are required: one with the primary town's ''Animal Crossing'' data, a second with space for travel data, and a third with a secondary town that will be used as a repository for unwanted villagers.
Once the first player has settled into their house at the beginning of the game, new villagers will begin to "naturally" move into the town.
====Removing unwanted villagers====
Because villagers are selected at random to move when visiting another town, moving out a specific villager is a matter of trial and error. The steps are as follows. To begin the process, the player must have three memory cards and seven or more villagers.
#Load up the town with the unwanted villager. This will be the "primary town."
#Talk to Porter and create travel data on a second  memory card.
#Remove the memory card with the travel data from the slot.
#Load up the primary town again using a secondary character (not the character used to create the travel data).
#Check the map to see which villager has moved out. Regardless of which one has moved, save and quit the game. If it was the correct villager, skip to the next set of steps. Otherwise, continue to step 6.
#Reinsert the memory card with travel data and then load the primary town. The player's character will return, along with the villager that had moved out.
#Repeat steps 2-6 until the desired villager moves out.
Once the desired villager has moved out, the player must successfully move them into the secondary town:
There is a chance for a new villager to move in each time the player's town is loaded, after the player chooses their name at the game load screen. Several criteria must be met:
* At least 24 hours must have passed since the last villager moved in.
* The chosen player must have spoken to all the villagers currently living in the town.
* A random chance based on the town's [[Environment rating|Field Rank]]. This has a 40% chance of succeeding at the lowest Field Rank and a 100% chance at the highest.
#Remove the memory card containing the primary town's data and insert the card containing a secondary town into slot A.  
The game tries to select a new villager of the personality type the town has seen the least, including both current and past residents. If the personalities of all current and past villagers are equally represented, then past villagers are ignored and only the personalities of current villagers are considered. If there is no least-represented personality among the current villagers, then the new villager can be from any personality group. Villagers who have never lived in the town before are prioritized over villagers who previously lived in the town. Once a villager moves out, they cannot move back in naturally until all 218 villagers have lived in the town at least once.
#Place the memory card with the travel data into slot B and load the town. The visiting player will arrive and the unwanted villager will move into the secondary town.  
#Have the player speak with Porter to save travel data onto the memory card in slot B.
#Remove the secondary town from slot A and insert the primary town's memory card in slot A.
#Load the primary town. The traveling player's character will return and the unwanted villager has been successfully removed.
This same process can be used in order to move in a desired villager from one town to another.
Certain villagers cannot be starting villagers in the player's town, instead having to move in later. These include all [[anteater]]s, [[kangaroo]]s, and [[ostrich]]es, as well as [[Coco]], [[Genji]], [[Kabuki]], [[Lucky]], [[Octavian]], [[Ribbot]], [[Rizzo]], [[Snake]], [[Stinky]], [[Tiara]], [[Velma]], and [[Woolio]].
====In {{DnMe+|nolink}}====
The [[E-Reader]] features of {{PG}} are expanded upon in {{DnMe+}} with the addition of 60 new [[villager]] cards as well as 18 new [[islander]]s. In addition to providing the player with items, scanning these cards will move the character featured on the card into the player's town. This feature is backwards compatible with the E-Reader cards released for {{DnM+}}, giving the player an additional 273 villagers to choose from.
In {{DnMe+}}, villagers can also move to town if their [[e-Reader card]] is scanned at the [[wishing well]]. For the 60 new villagers in {{DnMe+|nolink}}, this is the only way for them to move to town.
The game also includes an island for each playable character—however, unlike in ''Animal Crossing'', each island does not come with an islander by default. Instead, the player must scan one of the islander e-cards and the islander will wash up on the island's shore (like [[Gulliver]]) the next day.
==In {{WW|nolink}}==
[[File:Moving WW Icon.png|left]]
In {{WW}}, villagers attempt to move by packing their [[furniture]] up in boxes. While the villager is packing, the player can convince them to stay, although it may take several tries. If the villager is not convinced to stay, they will move away, leaving a [[signpost]] behind and sending a goodbye letter to the player's mailbox. Another villager (usually of the same gender) will move in to replace that villager within a week. The game will attempt move a villager out every two days. Additionally, convincing a villager to stay will cause them to forget their current [[hobby]] and switch to a different one.
===Moving In===
Due to {{WW|nolink}}'s small town size, there are only three villagers present at the start of the game. Over time, more villagers will move in until the town reaches its maximum of eight villagers.
===Ninth slot-in===
Within the game's code exists a space used to store incoming villager data received from other {{WW|short|nolink}} towns via WiFi or DS-to-DS local play; this is referred to by players as the 'ninth slot-in'. It can be compared to a waiting room where a villager received from another town will sit until there is space for them to move in. This villager will remain in the game's saved data indefinitely until it can move in, or is replaced by another villager. To override the villager in the ninth slot-in, the player must visit or host another player over WiFi or local play that has a villager waiting in their ninth slot-out. The villager in the other player's ninth slot-out will transfer to the player's ninth slot-in.
===Moving out===
===Moving out===
Once a town reaches its maximum villager limit, the game will choose a random latent villager to move out of town. A latent villager is one who is in-between [[Hobbies]]. The player can use this fact to their advantage and keep the unwanted villager in latency as often as possible by completing their requests, e.g. catching a bug, getting them a specific piece of furniture etc.
Once the maximum of 15 villagers is reached, villagers will begin to "naturally" move out at regular intervals to make room for new villagers. Unlike in later games, villagers do not let the player know they are leaving, and they do not pack up. When a villager moves out, they send the player a goodbye [[letter]].
===Ninth slot-out===
When the town is loaded, a villager will move out if at least 10 days have elapsed since the last villager moved out. When selecting the moving villager, the game tends to favor villagers who have seen the least interaction overall.{{Note|If the player never speaks to a villager, they will be the prioritized to move out. This mechanic can be exploited to indefinitely preserve 14 of the town's 15 villagers.}} Additionally, villagers who moved in naturally will be picked before villagers who moved in from a town on another memory card.
When a villager leaves town, their data is not immediately erased. Instead, it is stored in what is called the 'ninth slot-out', another space in the game's memory used to store villager data beyond the eighth villager. This data can then be exchanged with other players over WiFi or local multiplayer. In a case where two villagers move out one after another, the first villager's slot-out data would not be overridden. Some players theorize the second villager's data is deleted, while others believe it is stored in what might be called a 'tenth slot-out'—a backup slot used if the data from the ninth slot-out cannot be transferred to the receiving player. For example, if Player A's ninth slot-out is [[Bob]], but Player B already has Bob in their town, the game gives Player B the data from Player A's tenth slot-out, [[Olivia]].
It's also important to note that when interacting with other players, slot-out data always replaces slot-in data; it is not possible for players to exchange slot-out data for slot-out data or slot-in data for slot-in data. In cases where both players have slot-in and slot-out data, data is not exchanged at the same time, meaning that one player's slot-out data may override the other's slot-in data before a mutual exchange can occur.
Each time a villager moves out in this fashion, a new villager instantly moves in, during the game load screen.
===Moving specific villagers===
When speaking to villagers, there is a chance they will say that they are considering leaving town. Their fate is then left for the player to decide, who is presented with the choice of asking the villager to stay or encouraging them to leave.
In order to move in a specific villager, three requirements must be met:
#The villager must not be a current resident.
#The villager must not in the player's ninth slot-out.
#The villager must be in another player's ninth slot-out.
Even if the player does not have room in their town for an additional visitor, they can still receive the villager's data; it will simply override any existing data in their ninth slot-in. To receive the data, they must host or visit a player whose town contains ninth slot-out data for the villager the player wishes to receive.
====In {{DnMe+|nolink}}====
In {{DnMe+}}, the method of determining who moves out naturally is different from {{PG|nolink}}. The game initially chooses the villager who has gone the longest without speaking to a player; if the length is the same between all villagers, a random villager from the town's most populous personality type is chosen; if all personality types are equal, the villager with the lowest friendship between all players is chosen; if all villagers have the same friendship between all players, a random villager is chosen.
It is not known how the game handles data when interacting with more than one other player at a time.
If a villager is invited to move in via their e-Reader card while there are 15 villagers living in town, one will move out to make room using the same checks as if they were to naturally move out.
===Clearing slot-out data===
===Moving between towns===
As previously noted, a player's slot-out data is not overridden when another villager moves out. It can be removed in one of two ways: by being deleted, or by being transferred to another player.
[[File:AC Olivia Recalling player from previous town.png|200px|thumb|right|[[Olivia]] recalling a player from her previous town]]
When the player uses the [[train]] to visit a town on another Memory Card, one of the player's villagers is chosen to move out.{{Note|The villager is selected at random from any villager who has spoken to all players; if all villagers have spoken to every player or none have, a random villager is selected from all of them.}} This villager may then move into the visited town, but only if a player from the visited town uses the train to visit the initial town. This event bypasses the restrictions placed on moving in new villagers naturally.
To delete the data, simply enter [[Tag Mode]] with no other DS in range. This is useful when you want to assure that no one else will,receive your character data, if, for example. it contains a [[Villager_Modifier|glitched villager]] or a villager with an inappropriate [[catchphrase]]. It is not known whether data in the tenth move-out slot is deleted via the Tag Mode method (if a tenth slot exists at all).  
Villagers who move from one memory card to another retain certain memories of their life in their previous town. This includes the name of the town, the names of the town's four player characters, and the town's [[town tune|tune]]. When spoken to, these villagers may occasionally mention the name of one of their past town's players, express their good friendship together, sing their past town tune, and lament about losing touch with that player.
To transfer data to another player, simply visit or host another player over WiFi or local play. The only time data will not be transferred is if the villager already lives in the other player's town or if the data for that villager is in that player's move-out slot.
Within 60 days of moving out, a villager who moved between towns can show up in their original town as a visitor. They will appear in a random acre from 6 AM to 12 AM on weekdays, 6 AM to 7 PM on Saturdays, and 2 PM to 12 AM on Sundays. They cannot appear if Gulliver is visiting or Tortimer is visiting to build a bridge. After being spoken to once, the villager never appears again for that player. After speaking to all players in the town, the villager leaves town.
==In {{CF|nolink}}==
==In {{WW|short|nolink}}==
[[File:Moving CF Icon.png|left]]
In {{WW}}, each town starts with three villagers. Over time, more move in until the maximum of eight is reached.  
In {{CF}}, moving works similarly to {{WW}}, but rather than immediately packing their [[furniture]] in boxes, moving villagers will approach the [[player]] while outside and ask them whether they should move out or not. They can be convinced to stay, although it can take multiple tries. If five days have passed and the villager is not convinced to stay, they will pack their belongings. Once this happens, they cannot be convinced to stay; they will move out after two days and will send the player their departure letter.
Note that villagers cannot confess the player that they are planning to move out during most special events, or when they lost their [[key]]. Because of this, if the player has any villagers they would like to keep, it is recommended that they come back to the game in the next five days after the event and walk in front of all ten villagers outside to possibly stop any of their favorite villagers from moving out.
===Moving in===
When a villager moves out, their house is removed and a random new villager moves over a [[signpost]] within seven days.
As in {{PG}}, there are six villagers present at the start of the game, one of each [[personality]]. One villager will move in each day for the next three days. The villager maximum is ten, and the final villager can take up to a week to move in.
Certain villagers cannot be starting villagers in the player's town, instead having to move in later. These include all anteaters, kangaroos, [[octopus (species)|octopus]]es, ostriches, as well as [[Agent S]], [[Big Top]], [[Boone]], [[Bud]], [[Caroline]], Coco, [[Drift]], Genji, [[Jitters]], Kabuki, [[Kid Cat]], Lucky, [[Maelle]], Ribbot, [[Roscoe]], [[Rowan]], and Snake.
[[File:Friga Moves.jpg|left|300px|thumb|[[Friga]] preparing to move out in {{CF}}.]]
The six [[monkey]] villagers—[[Champ]], [[Elise]], [[Monty]], [[Nana]], [[Simon]], and [[Tammi]]—can only move in after being distributed from DS Download Stations via Tag Mode. This was the only way for them to move to the player's town. When received by the game, the villager instantly moved in and a Note in a Bottle containing a message from [[Katrina]]; if there were already eight villagers in the player's town, the villager would be added to a queue and would move in when another one moves out.
===Frozen villagers===
===Moving out===
When a villager moves out, their data is not immediately deleted. Instead, it is moved to a portion of the game's save data used to store villager data beyond the tenth villager. This is known as a frozen villager. Frozen villagers can be exchanged with other players through Wi-Fi, allowing past villagers from the player's town to move in to a friend's town, and vice versa.
Once the maximum of eight villagers is reached, a random villager who is in-between [[hobby|hobbies]]<sup>[''clarification needed'']</sup> will pack up their furniture in boxes. During this time, the player can ask them not to move, which may convince them to stay. Otherwise, the next day, the villager will move out and send a goodbye letter to the player.
While the process for moving villagers in and out is identical to {{WW|short|nolink}}, it is complicated by the ability of villager data to be sent to other players via [[WiiConnect24]]. This feature allowed players to receive villager data from a town they had never visited, similar to the SpotPass feature in {{NL|short|nolink}}. In order to maximize the chances of delivering or receiving villager data, it was recommended that the player turned off WiiConnect24 and removed all players from their friend list except the one they intended to trade villagers with. WiiConnect24 was discontinued on June, 2013, with [[Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection]] terminating in May of the following year. As the Wii does not allow for local multiplayer play, players are no longer able to exchange villager data without using replacement services such as [https://wiimmfi.de Wiimmfi] and [https://rc24.xyz RiiConnect24].
When a villager moves out, they are added to an internal one-villager queue where they can move to other another player's town via [[multiplayer]].
===Moving in specific villagers===
It is possible to move in specific villagers by doing what is known as the villager reset trick.
WW Moving Introduction.png|[[Tangy]] introducing herself after moving in
WW Moving Out In Boxes.png|[[Dotty]] letting the player know that she's going to move out
WW Letter Stitches Moving Out.png|[[Stitches]] letting the player know by mail that he has since moved out
In order to do this trick, the following requirements must be met:
==In {{CF|short|nolink}}==
#The town must have less than four human residents.
[[File:Friga Moves.jpg|thumb|right|[[Friga]] preparing to move out in {{CF|nolink}}]]
#The town must not have a frozen villager from another town.
In {{CF}}, each town starts with six villagers—one of each personality type. Over time, more move in until the maximum of ten is reached.  
#The town must not have two or more villagers of the same personality as the desired villager.
#The town must not have six or more villagers of the same gender as the desired villager.
The game always tries to keep a balance of personality types, so when a new villager moves in, it will be of a personality that the town currently lacks or has the least of. Because of this, in order to have the best chance of getting a specific villager, it is recommended to let go all villagers of the same personality as the desired villager. The player can also let go a villager of another personality, as long as that villager is not the only of that personality type, but it will not be as effective.
===Moving in===
The seventh, eighth, and ninth villagers move in over the next three days, and the tenth and final villager moves in up to a week after the ninth. When a villager moves out, their house is removed and a villager with a personality the town lacks or has the least of moves over a [[signpost]] within seven days.
The day after a villager moves out:
Certain villagers cannot be starting villagers in the player's town, instead having to move in later. These include all anteaters (with the exception of [[Antonio]]), kangaroos, monkeys, and octopuses, as well as Agent S, [[Ankha]], Big Top, Coco, Genji, [[Gigi]], Kabuki, Kid Cat, [[Knox]], Lucky, [[Marcel]], Ribbot, Snake, [[Sterling]], and Stinky.
#Start up the game as usual, but instead of selecting an existing resident, create a new one. (If the player accidentally selected an existing resident but still has not reached the "Preparing data" screen, simply reset and try again.)
#After the player responds to all of Rover's questions, he will show them the town map. Continue if there is a new house on the map, otherwise reset and try again.
#Once the player arrives in town, check the map and see which villager it is. If they are not the desired villager, reset and try again.
#Once the player gets the desired villager, go to the [[Town Hall]], choose a house for the new resident and save the game. The new resident can then be deleted and normal gameplay can be resumed.
The reason why it is so important to create a new resident rather than using an existing one is because of the way the game saves town data. When a town is loaded with an existing resident, the game prepares the town and then saves the data automatically. This means that if a villager moves in, the player will be stuck with that villager, even if they quit without saving.
===Moving out===
On the contrary, when a new resident is created, data is not saved until the player gets a house and saves the game. This allows the player to keep reloadng the town until they get the villager they want.
Once the maximum of 10 villagers is reached, a villager will approach the player and ask them if they should move out.{{Note|Villagers cannot inform the player about them moving out during certain [[event]]s or while a [[favor]] is being done for them.}} If they are not persuaded to stay, they will pack the furniture in boxes five days later and move out two days after that, and then they will send the player a goodbye letter.
In order to have more chances of getting a villager on each reset, it is recommended that the player waits at least four days after a villager moves out before doing this trick.
When a villager moves out, they are added to an internal one-villager queue where they could move to another player's town via the [[Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection]] or [[WiiConnect24]] before the services' discontinuations in 2013 and 2014, respectively.
If the player wants to wait but at the same time wants to keep playing without the risk of getting an undesired villager in the process, repeat steps 1 and 2 until there is not a new house on the map and then follow step 4. Note that by following this process the player will be unable to look for the desired villager until the next day.
If the player keeps getting the same villager every time, it is safe to say that the town has a frozen villager from another town. The only solution to this is let the villager move in and put off the trick until the town is back at nine villagers.
==In {{NL|short|nolink}}==
In {{NL}}, each town starts with five villagers, which can be any personality except [[smug]] and [[big sister]]. Over time, more move in until the maximum of nine is reached.
==In {{NL|nolink}}==
In {{NL}}, towns no longer feature permanent signposts marking possible villager plots. Instead, new villagers may move in anywhere there is space. Additionally, villagers will now tell the [[player]] the date that they will pack up their [[furniture]] and after leaving, and may send their [[picture]] along with their goodbye letter if the player has befriended them.  
===Moving in===
===Moving in===
Every town starts with just five villagers; their personalities will vary, but will never be [[smug]] or [[big sister]]. The day after a town is created, a new villager will begin the move-in process: a roped area of land will appear with a signpost noting the future villager's name. The following day, the villager's house will be constructed, and they will be unpacking their boxes. Isabelle will make a note on the startup screen that someone has moved in.
Once there are nine villagers living in the player's town, no more can move in naturally; a tenth villager can move in through one of the four methods detailed below. When a villager moves out, their house is removed and a villager with a personality the town lacks or has the least of moves in at a random location within seven days.
On the fourth day, a new area will be roped off, ready for another villager to move in. This constant move-in process will continue until nine villagers are reached, at which time no more villagers will move in without player intervention.
Once the [[Campsite (facility)|campsite]] is built, villagers will appear occasionally there, where they can be invited to move in after the player wins a game with them.
===Villager limit===
====Other players' towns====
A town with eight villagers or less is considered to be in a 'moving-in period'. During this time, no villagers will move out and the game will move in new residents at a constant pace. Once a town reaches nine villagers, it will naturally want to reduce the count back to eight. It will be at least three days, if not longer, before a villager decides to move. If desired, one last villager can be added to the town to bring the total to ten. This can be done in one of four ways:
If a villager in another player's town is moving out, the player can persuade them to move to their town if there are fewer than ten villagers already living in town. Additionally, villagers who recently moved out of another player's town and were not invited by any other player can move to the player's town when visiting or when passing by them via StreetPass.
#'''Invite a camper to stay.''' If the campsite public works project has been built, villagers will come and camp out from time to time. To get them to stay, the player must win a game of rock, paper, scissors, or charades. The player can keep trying until they win. However, it is impossible to invite villagers who are camping in other towns into one's own, nor can the player convince a camper to stay if they already have ten villagers in their town.
#'''Invite a villager who is moving out of another town.''' If a villager in someone else's town has packed up their boxes and is about to move out, that villager can be invited to come and stay in the player's own town. The player must travel to the friend's town through WiFi or local play. Once they talk to the villager, that villager will initiate a conversation in which the player can ask them to move to their town.
In the {{NLWa|short}} update, the player can scan a villager's [[amiibo]] card to have them move in. This is the only way for the villagers added in the update to move in.
#'''Pick up voided villagers.''' Villagers become 'voided' if they leave town without another player inviting them to their town. If a the player connects over WiFi with someone who has recently voided a villager of theirs, that villager can end up in the player's town if space is available.
#'''Pick up a villager from StreetPass.''' If the player passes another {{NL|short|nolink}} player who has StreetPass enabled, it is also possible for the player to receive one of their voided villagers.
===Moving in specific villagers===
Players seeking out a specific villager have a few options.
*'''Create a new town through deleting the current town or acquiring a second copy of the game.''' A randomized selection of five different residents will be generated each time a new town is created. This method will probably take the longest, as there are 333 different villagers total for the game to choose from.
*'''Cycle through villagers with the [[Campsite]].''' The campsite will generate a new villager daily. However, this also is based on luck, since any villager in the game may appear.
*'''Resetting by personality type.''' The game tries to maintain a balance of personality types, so when a new villager is generated, it will be of a type that the town currently lacks or has the least of. This can be used to one's advantage; the player can reset their game until it produces a desired villager of the personality type it is currently generating. (e.g. if the player is looking for a specific big sister villager and the game is currently generating that personality type, there is a 1/21 chance of getting the player's preferred villager, which is a better chance than 1/333). The following section covers this method.
===Villager resetting===
This method allows the player to cycle through possible move-in scenarios and pick the villager or house location that best suits their needs. In order to use this trick, the town must have less than four human characters created. Note that, to start this method, a villager must be moving in, meaning there are less than 9 villagers or a 10th villager method has been used.
On a day when a new villager will (or is suspected to) put down a house plot, begin the game by creating a new human character. After getting off the train, look around town with the new character to see if a new villager has set up a plot.
'''If there is no house plot,''' quit the game without saving and create another new character. After going through this process about three times with no luck, a villager will most likely not move in that day. To be safe, the player should choose a home location for the newly created human character, then save and quit. The new character can then be deleted (if they are unwanted/unneeded). It's recommended that the player always place a newly created character's home in the same spot, as the area where their home used to be will turn to dirt once the character has been deleted.
'''If there is a house plot,''' look and see who it is. If it is a desired villager, and/or if the villager's home is properly placed, choose a home location for the new human character, save, and quit. Otherwise, do not save, and keep creating a new character until a suitable villager and/or location is found. Take note of the personality of the villagers the town is generating—this will let the player know whether it is in their best interest to continue resetting, or if the personality generated will not result in the desired villager. Also of note is that, if a villager of a given personality type just left town, the next villager generated will never be of the same type (unless they are invited in or are received from the void).
The reason the player must create a new character rather than loading an existing character is due to how the game saves town data. When an existing character is selected, the game loads the town data, then it saves the game without any notification. That means that any villager plot seen while walking around town with a pre-existing character is permanently placed. Even if one were to quit without saving, the plot would remain and that villager will move in the next day. On the contrary, when a new character is created, the game loads the town, but does not save it until that new character has established a home and has finished registering with Isabelle. This allows the player to keep reloading the town data until an agreeable villager plot is generated.
===Villager home placement===
New villagers seem to want to move in close to where other villager and human character homes are placed. If there is an area the player wants villagers to move into, they should try placing all human homes in that area. In addition to this, new villagers like to set up their homes near the spot where the most recent (and sometimes second most recent) move-out was living. It should also be noted that they can and will move in on top of trees, bushes, flowers, and even dropped items. If the town has a police station these items will show up in the lost & found, otherwise they are gone for good.
With the {{NLWa}} update, villagers no longer move in on top of placed patterns.
A villager's home will never brush up against another permanent, immovable object (including the river). They require a buffer of one space to their left, right, and back, and a buffer of two spaces in front. Their home may be placed as close as two spaces away from the ledge separating the town from the beach and as close as one space away from the ledges on the Eastern and Western sides of town. Two homes can be as close as two spaces apart on the left and right sides and as close as three spaces apart on the top and bottom sides. They may be as close as one space apart from rocks, ponds, rivers or public works projects, but will never touch them diagonally. A villager's home will never block access to a ramp or bridge.
===Moving out===
===Moving out===
Once a town has reached nine or more villagers, it will be in a 'moving-out period'. During this time, the game will continually try to move villagers out—no villagers will move in unless they are acquired from any of the 10th villager methods.
Once there are nine villagers living in the player's town, a villager will move out. Before a villager moves out, they come up to the player and ask if they should move. If the player lets them move, they will pack up 10 days later (five before the {{NLWa|short|nolink}} update) and move out the day after. Other villagers can let the player know if a villager is thinking about moving out. After finally moving out, the villager will send the player a letter, and if their friendship is high enough, will attach their [[photo]].
The mechanics behind how the game chooses the next villager to boot are relatively random, with a few exceptions. The most recent villager to move in will never be the next villager to move out; it seems that villagers who have been in town the longest are more likely to leave than those who have recently moved into town. Ignoring villagers is not a surefire way to get them out, either; talking to unwanted villagers may work better. Because of this, a player will most likely have to deny moving requests from villagers they want to keep before the one they want gone will leave.
When a villager moves out, they are added to a 16-villager pool where they can appear on [[Main Street]] and cannot move back in. After more than 16 villagers move out, the oldest villagers start to be removed from this pool. If an amiibo card of a villager in the 16-villager pool is used to move in the villager, the 16-villager system will be ignored.
The moving out process works like this:
*'''Days 1-5:''' The villager will 'ping' and inform the player that they is leaving, and will tell them the date that they is leaving on. The player will have the choice of selecting not to leave, or to let the villager leave.
NL Curly Moving In Campsite.jpg|Asking a villager to move into their town
*'''Day 6:''' When the player loads the save data, the villager is packing up inside their house and will leave the next day. Even setting the internal clock back one day will count as going forward one day, so this state is permanent.
NL Moving Plot Reserved.jpg|A plot reserved for a villager who will be moving in the following day
*'''Day 7:''' The villager's house disappears from town, but is still stored in the game's save data if the villager is voided.
NL Ribbot Move In.jpg|A villager moving in who has yet to unpack
NL Merry Introduction.jpg|A villager introducing themselves, if they have yet to when they moved in
NL Avery Planning to Move Out.jpg|A villager expressing his intent to leave
NL Moving in Boxes.jpg|A villager about to move out who has already packed his belongings
NL Letter Fuchsia Moving Out.jpg|A goodbye letter from a villager
A villager will decide to leave up to five days (ten days in {{NLWa}}) before they actually pack up. During this time, the player can convince them to stay or tell them that they may leave. There are two ways to determine who is thinking of moving:
==In {{NH|short|nolink}}==
In {{NH}}, two villagers—one [[jock]] and one [[big sister]]—move to the deserted island with the player, and there is a maximum of ten villagers.
#'''The gossip method.''' If a player talks to a villager enough, they might fill them in on who is thinking of leaving. One way of obtaining gossip is to keep talking to three villagers until they refuse to talk anymore. When this happens, they will show a constant 'thinking' emotion. If a villager in town is thinking of leaving, one of these three will let the player know who. If they don't mention anyone, then no one has decided on a moving date yet.
===Moving in===
====Initial move-ins====
#'''The self-confessing method.''' Using this method, the villager will tell the player if and when they are moving. This information is not relayed through normal conversation, however; if a villager is thinking of moving, they will 'ping' the player (display a surprised emote and walk up to them). Press A to engage them in conversation, and they may mention moving. If they talk about anything else (e.g. change my catchphrase, etc.), then they are not interested in moving at this time.
The player can use [[Nook Miles Ticket]]s to go on [[Mystery Island Tour]]s where they can be invited to the player's island. At that time, only [[lazy]], [[normal]], and [[peppy]] villagers appear on Mystery Island Tours. Once a villager is invited, villagers of that personality can no longer appear at this time (they will later in the game).
A villager will only ping if the player is on 'speaking terms' with that villager, which can be determined by walking up to them and speaking to them. If they start off with a phrase like "I haven't talked to you in a while!", the player is not on speaking terms with them. After getting back onto speaking terms with a villager, the player can save/quit and reload the game and walk in front of them to see if they will ping.
Once a villager pings and informs the player they are moving, they will ask whether or not they should stay. However, even telling a villager to stay or leave may result in the opposite effect, as, occasionally, a villager will choose to move when a player tells them not to, or vice versa. There is no way to predict this, and it is rare that the moving conversation will occur again after the first ping, so if the villager is wanted, the player must reset. It is recommended to remain on speaking terms with the villager to prevent moving most efficiently; if the gossip method was used to figure out who was leaving, the ping method must still be used to possibly convince the villager to stay. Convincing a villager not to move also does not mean that they will never decide to move again sometime in the future.
The easiest way to make sure that nobody moves is to never allow the date to change. Prior to loading the game, set the system's internal clock back to the last date played. No villagers will ever leave. If a player is going to use this method, they have to remember that the game recognizes the start of a new day at 6 AM, not midnight, so they need to make sure the game is not powered on and loaded up when 6 AM rolls around.
In the case of wanting a villager to move, using the gossip method and ignoring pings is the best way to ensure that the unwanted villager will not change their mind. However, there is still a chance that the villager moving out may change their mind later on and decide to stay. They might reveal their change of heart sometime during conversation or even without telling anyone. To avoid this, the player can time travel to the villager's move-out date, thus ensuring that they will move out on time.
===Villager cycling===
Villager cycling is a term used to describe a fast and efficient method of generating move-out requests in order to remove a specific villager from town in the shortest amount of time. There are multiple methods used to cycle villagers, all of which involve [[time travel]]. As such, all of the normal time travel strategies and warnings apply. The town must also be in a move-out period (more than nine villagers).
#'''Make sure the player is on speaking terms with the villagers.''' Start off by loading up the game during a time when all villagers will be awake, then talk to all of them. If they are not outside or they can't be found, save, quit, then reload; the villagers that are wandering about outside will be cycled. Once the player has talked to all of the villagers once, save and quit the game. If a villager is sick or celebrating their [[birthday]], TT until this is not so.
#'''Walk in front of all the villagers.''' Reload the game and walk in front of all the villagers wandering about outside. Save & quit and reload to cycle villagers outside until the player has walked in front of everyone once. If none of them ping and ask to leave, then no one is thinking about moving just yet. TT one day ahead using the 3DS system settings and repeat this step until someone pings requesting to leave.
#'''Approve or deny the request to leave.''' If it is a villager the player wants to keep, deny their request to move, save and quit, then TT forward one month (yes one month). Load the game, then save and quit. TT back to the present date and then and go back to step three. If it is a villager the player wants to move, tell them to leave and go to step five.
#'''Time travel to their move-out date.''' Once an unwanted villager provides their move-out date, TT to that date immediately before they change their mind! (Remember that a villager is told to move but they change their mind the player can quit without saving and TT to their move-out date anyways.) Load the game on their move-out date, save, and quit. Then TT one day forward so that their house will disappear, load the game, save, and quit.
#'''Repeat the process as needed.''' Now that one villager has been moved out, the player can keep moving out villagers, but remember that the town must be in a move-out period to do so, so a villager may need to be moved in at this point. If the player doesn't care who moves in, TT forward 10 days and someone will likely move in. Remember that the villager reset trick can be used to choose their home's location.
#'''Getting back to the present.''' Once all villager cycling is done, the player will find themselves somewhere far in the future. To get back, repeat step three until someone asks to leave and deny their request. Then, save, quit, and TT back to the present.
===The 16-villager cycle===
After a villager leaves town (whether they are taken by another player or voided), their data is still stored in the game's memory to allow them to visit the town to shop on Main Street. The player will be unable to reacquire that villager until this data has been overridden. Once the data has been overwritten, it will be possible for the moved villager to move in again.
Once a villager has been sent off to a friend for safe keeping, the player should start keeping track of how many villagers have moved out of town. The villager cycling method outlined above can be used to move villagers out as quickly as possible. After 16 or more villagers have left town, the player will be able to go and pick their villager up again.
In {{NLWa}}, if the player scans a villager's [[amiibo]] card and convinces the villager to move in, the 16-villager cycle does not apply. This is the only way that the cycle can be skipped entirely.
====Going on hiatus====
If the player has gone on hiatus and wants none of the previous villagers to move, they must follow these steps:
'''Before going on hiatus'''<br/>
If the player knows they are not going to play for a while, the town should be set to the beautiful town ordinance. The process used to return involves a bit of time traveling and enacting this now will save flowers. Second, make a note of the date the player last saved/quit the game; this will be needed later. (If there is no paper/pen handy, go to the 3DS' home screen and then click the pencil icon at the top to write it in the game notes.)
'''Coming back from hiatus''' - ''The following must be done '''before''' loading the game!''<br />
#'''Change "Today's Date" in the 3DS' system settings so that it matches the last date played.''' If the player cannot remember the last date played they can look in the activity log and check their software library. When {{NL|short|nolink}} is selected it will note the last play date.<br />'''Note:''' If the player time travels often the activity log may not accurately reflect their play history. If the player is unsure of what to do, set the 3DS back to a date that is known to be BEFORE the last date played. It is better to choose an older date than it is to choose a date that is sometime after the last date played.
#'''Make sure the time is set to a time that all the player's villagers will be awake.''' If not, change it and then load the game.
If the game was loaded on the SAME DAY that the player last played, no villager loss should be experienced. If the game was loaded to anytime BEFORE that day, it is possible for a villager to move ''if they had already planned on moving''.
'''Getting back to the present'''<br />
To get back to the present day without having to time travel day by day, follow these steps:
#Talk to each villager one time to make sure the player is on speaking terms with them. The player and villager are on speaking terms if when spoken to the villager greets the player and then they are given the standard dialogue box (which is something like "What's new?" and "Nevermind.")
#Once this is done, save and quit the game. Then, reload the game (same day, don't change the time at all yet).
#Walk in front of the villagers that are strolling outside in town. There are usually 5 of these guys out and about. The player is looking for one of them to ‘ping'. That is, make a surprised emote and then run up to the player.
#If someone does run up, talk to them and see what they say. If they want to move, deny their request.
#If none of the five villagers that are outside run up to the player, then save and quit and reload the game to cycle the villagers that are in their homes.
#'''If the player has walked in front of ''all the villagers'' in town at least once, and none of them ping-''' save and quit, then time travel ONE DAY FORWARD and repeat the process of walking in front of all the villagers until they ping and one of them asks to move. Once this happens, deny the request.
Once the player has denied a request to move they are free to time travel forward as far as they'd like. So, after saving and quitting the game, go back to system settings and correct the date/time. Then, load the game and the player will be back to the present.
==In {{NH|nolink}}==
In {{NH}}, the island is initially deserted and lacks houses. Two villagers, one [[big sister]] and one [[jock]], join the player on the island and will set up tents with the player's help. The player can choose where these tents go, and will be rewarded regardless of whether the player manually chooses a location or they tell the villager that the location they chose is adequate. These tents will upgrade into houses along with the player's when certain conditions are met.
===Moving in===
After the player meets certain requirements, [[Tom Nook]] gives the Resident Representative three Housing Kits and a list of requested furniture for each. Once the Housing Kits are placed, the requested furniture must be placed around the plot or in the submission box in front of the plot.
Unlike with previous games, housing plots do not appear at random on the player's island in {{NH|short|nolink}}, allowing the player to remain with as many villagers as they choose. Instead, the [[Mayor|Resident Representative]] must purchase housing kits from [[Tom Nook]] and set up plots of land for villagers to occupy.
====Initial move-ins====
After the player placed the Housing Kits, villagers can now move to their island. If the player invited villagers before they placed the housing kits, those villagers will move to the player's island. If the player does not invite three villagers from Mystery Island Tours before providing the plots' requested furniture, a random villager will move in once per day in the order of the house plot number.
The first three plots are given to the Resident Representative for free by Tom Nook, after a few days. Once the plots are placed, the player(s) must craft specific furniture for each house. Before a villager can move in, they must place the exterior furniture around each house and place the interior furniture in a submission box at the front of the plot. Each housing plot is numbered 1 to 3.  
During this time, villagers will begin to appear on [[Mystery Island Tour]]s for the player to invite to live on their island, with one villager guaranteed to appear on each Mystery Island. During this quest, only [[Lazy]], [[Normal]], and [[Peppy]] villagers will be generated, and once an invite is made, no more villagers of that personality will be generated. If the player hasn't invited one villager of each of these personalities before providing the necessary furniture, each remaining house will each be sold to a random villager of the corresponding personality on that day. This is the only time that more than one villager can be invited at once per day, though they will move in one day at a time (in order of invitation, or in order of house number when assigned randomly).
The first house plot is always claimed by a lazy villager, the second a peppy villager, and the third a normal villager. (This is the number on the plot not the order they move in.)
House 1 will always be claimed by a lazy villager, House 2 a peppy villager, and House 3 a normal villager. Each of these houses will have a [[house (villager)#Interiors|generic interior]] making use of the furniture crafted after plot placement (with possible color customizations based on the character), not the more personalized interiors that subsequent villagers will have.
Each of the initial five villager houses has an interior based on the villager's personality rather than the villager's unique interior. All subsequent villagers will have their unique interior.
====Building the campsite====
====Building the campsite====
Once the [[Resident Services]] center is upgraded from a tent into a building, the option to craft a [[Campsite]] will become available. The Campsite requires building materials, and is the only project that does not cost any Bells. Once crafted, a plot will be given to the player and may be placed nearly anywhere the player wants. The campsite will be completed the following day. The day after the completion of its construction, a villager will begin to camp in the tent, and Tom Nook will ask the Resident Representative to convince the villager to move in. This villager is typically a [[Smug]] villager. Once a new plot is placed and the villager moves in, the option to sell plots of land with a 10,000 Bell processing fee becomes available to the Resident Representative. Neither this house nor any future houses will require the player to provide furniture, as they will already be furnished.
After the [[Campsite (facility)|campsite]] is built, a [[smug]] villager appears in it the next day. If this villager is not invited to move in, they will occupy the campsite indefinitely until invited to move in.  
====Assigned plots====
====Assigned plots====
Once the first camping villager moves in, players have the ability to place plots of land manually for a maximum of ten villagers. After this, the ability to set up further plots will be unavailable. If the player does not invite a specific villager, the housing plot will be claimed by a random villager the next day, though if the player doesn't have one of each personality, the game will choose a personality the player doesn't have on their island in order to create a balance between personalities. Each move-in will reward the Resident Representative with 1,000 [[Nook Miles]], however it should be noted that once all ten plots are placed, even if a plot becomes available and is filled, the player will not receive 1,000 Nook Miles for replacing a villager. From this point onwards, [[Cranky]] and [[Snooty]] villagers will be available.
Once a plot is placed for the campsite villager, the Resident Representative gains the ability to purchase Housing Kits for 10,000 Bells each. Up to ten houses can be on the player's island. If there is an empty house plot and a villager is not invited via one of the four methods detailed below, a random villager of a personality the island is lacking will move in each day. Each move-in until all ten plots are first filled will reward the Resident Representative with 1,000 [[Nook Miles]].
There are three options for inviting specific villagers to live on the player's island:
=====Option 1: The campsite=====
====Methods of inviting villagers====
The [[Campsite]] may be occupied by a villager on random days, or immediately occupied by scanning the desired ''Animal Crossing'' series [[amiibo]]. A villager will camp there for the whole day and disappear the next, though they can be made to camp on consecutive days with amiibo cards.  
After the initial campsite visitor moves in, villagers will appear occasionally at the campsite, where they can be invited to move in after the player wins a game with them. If there are ten villagers living on the island, the camper will choose a random resident to replace, and the player can choose to accept or reject them. The chosen resident will be locked until the villager leaves the campsite.
If the player has ten villagers already living on their island, [[Resident Services]] tells the camper that there is no more space for them. The camper may choose to convince one of the current villagers to leave so that they may move in, but the player may deny this option. In this case, the chosen villager will move out that day, and the camper will "buy" their plot the day after. The manner in which the camper appears will affect their interactions with the player and the method in which villagers can be made to leave:
If a villager's [[amiibo]] card is scanned at the Nook Stop in [[Resident Services]], they will instantly appear at the campsite. When spoken to, the villager will ask the player to craft them an item. If the player brings the requested item, then invites them again on two other days{{Note|The days do not have to be consecutive.}} and brings them their requested items, they ask the player if they should move in. If there are ten villagers living on the island, the player can choose a resident for the camper to replace.
* If the camper is a random camper that has not been invited by amiibo, they may be invited to move in on the same day as their visit. However, the player may need to either play a game with them and win, or lose multiple consecutive games until the camper feels bad for them before doing so. The camper will also pick a random villager to swap out with (if the town is already full). To change which villager is selected, the player must quit out before the game auto-saves, and they will have to play the villager's game again in order to get a new selection.
Inviting via amiibo is the only way for the [[Sanrio]] villagers to move to the player's island.
* If the camper is invited via amiibo, a single visit is no longer sufficient for convincing a villager to move in, unlike with {{NL|short|nolink}}. Three visits are required; on each visit, the camper will ask the Resident Representative to craft them something in exchange for a reward. This request will be for a random item, though if the player does not have the requested item's DIY recipe, the camper will give them the recipe upon accepting. After the third item is given to the camper, they will call [[Tom Nook]] and ask to move to the island. The player should not set up a housing plot until the third visit, as it may be claimed by an unwanted random villager before the camper moves to the player's island. However, if a villager has already moved into the plot, the amiibo villager will allow the player to choose which villager they will replace, so this may not be a problem.
=====Option 2: Mystery Island Tours=====
=====Mystery Island Tours=====
Villagers will only appear on [[Mystery Island Tours]] once an empty housing plot is placed. Talking to them twice is sufficient enough for an invitation. The player may choose to keep going on Mystery Island Tours to generate new villagers each time, provided they have the [[Nook Miles Ticket]]s to do so. However, the villager which appears is randomly chosen, sometimes leading to the same villager appearing more than once on one day. Only one villager may be invited at a time, after which no more villagers generate on these islands for the whole day.
If there is an open house plot, villagers will appear on [[Mystery Island Tour]]s. The villager that appears is randomly chosen; the game first selects a species, then a villager of that species. If the villager is not invited to move in, another random one will appear on each visit. Only one villager can be invited to move to the player's island per day, even if there are multiple open house plots.
=====Option 3: Inviting from another player's island=====
=====Other players' islands=====
Much like with {{NL|short|nolink}}, a player may convince a villager on another player's island to move to their own by talking to them while they're moving out. After the third conversation with another island's moving villager, they will call up the player's Resident Services and purchase an empty plot on the player's island. As such, the proposal will only be accepted if the player has any empty housing plots before their visit. The villager will move to the player's island the next day. This method will not work with another island's campsite villager.
If a villager on another player's island is moving out, the player can persuade them to move to their island if there is an open house plot. After the third conversation with the moving villager, they will call up the player's Resident Services and purchase an open plot.
====Housing placement====
Housing placement is no longer random, as the player decides where each housing plot should go. If the player decides they don't like where a villager's house is placed, they can request a relocation for that villager for a fee of 50,000 Bells. The villager in question is notified of the Resident Representative's decision, and the Resident Representative will be given a move kit to decide on a new spot for the house. The plot follows the same spacing rules as other building kits, meaning it cannot be too close to a ledge, water source, or building (including the original location of the house being moved). When the plot is placed, it will be occupied by the chosen house the next day, and the previous spot will be empty. The villager is not affected by this change in any way; they will simply appear in the new location the next day. Only one villager's house may be moved at a time, and empty plots or villagers in boxes (whether moving in or out) cannot be moved at all.
===Moving out===
===Moving out===
As it is in {{NL|short|nolink}}, a villager wanting to move out in {{NH|short|nolink}} is entirely random. However, rather than pinging the player, the villager wanting to move out will be displaying the "thinking" emote. If the villager has the low friendship with the player, it is very likely that said villager is planning to leave, though not a guarantee. Also, unlike the previous games, no villager will leave the island even if [[time travel]] is involved, unless permission is granted among  the player. If the player suggests to the villager that they should leave, they will be packed up the next day and gone the day after. [[Isabelle]] will announce the villager's intention to leave on the day that the villager is boxing up. At this point, the player can no longer use Time Travel to prevent them from moving.
====Natural move-outs====
Once there are six villagers living on the player's island, the villager with the lowest friendship among all players will ask to move out. When a villager wants to move out, a thought bubble appears above their head and they ask the player if they should move. If the player lets them move, they will pack up their belongings the next day and move out the day after. If the player does not interact with the villager with the thought bubble that day, the thought bubble can transfer to another villager.
If another player invites the villager to their island, once the online session ends, the villager will no longer be on the player's island or in their house, the latter of which will now be locked with an "I've moved out!" note on the door, as the villager will be in transit to the island of their future residence.  
Once a villager moves out, more villagers cannot ask to move out for 15 days, and if a villager asks to move out but stays, more villagers cannot ask to move out for five days. During a time when villagers can move out, the chance of one asking is higher if there are more villagers, and it increases by 1% each day no villager asks up to a maximum of 30%.
The house will disappear once it hits 5 AM the next day. Rather than the house leaving behind empty space as in {{NL|short|nolink}}, an empty housing plot will be left where the house was, much like in {{WW|short|nolink}} and {{CF|short|nolink}}. If a new villager isn't invited through one of the methods previously described, a random villager will "buy" the plot and move in the day after, unless the villager that left were replaced by a villager in the campsite, to which that villager immediately buys the plot after the house disappears. This plot of land cannot be demolished at all, nor can it be relocated while empty or during move-out or move-in, so if the player wants a certain number of villagers on their island, they must decide before making more than the six required plots.
A villager cannot ask to move out if they were the last to move in, the last to ask to move out, have a [[birthday]] in the next seven days, or are in the process of relocating their house.
There's a 15 days timeout after villager freed the plot when no one will ask about moving out. The same goes after the player persuades the villager to stay on the island after they ask about moving out, though it will take 5 days.
====Campsite move-outs====
If the player invites a standard campsite villager to move in while there are already 10 residents, a random villager will be chosen to move out to make room for them; if the player invites a villager via amiibo, they can select the villager to move out. If the camper is invited to move in, the chosen villager will pack up their belongings immediately, and they will move out the next day.
Villagers will not want to move out if their birthday is in 7 days or their house is being moved.
NH Campsite Interior.png|[[Peewee]] at the [[campsite (facility)|campsite]]
NH Moving Campsite Suggestion.jpg|[[Whitney]] suggesting that somebody move out for her
NH amiibo Camper Invitation.jpg|[[Margie]] being invited to the campsite via her amiibo card
NH Nana Invite Mystery Island Tour.jpg|[[Nana]] being invited to move to the player's island on a Mystery Island Tour
*The moving boxes are marked with a [[Tom Nook]] leaf, suggesting that Tom Nook also moves villagers in and out, not just the [[player]].
*In {{NH}}, it is possible for two villagers to simultaneously move out. This can be done when the town has 10 residents and one of the villagers randomly decides to move out of town, and then the following day, a villager camps at the [[Campsite (facility)|campsite]] and chooses a random villager to move out. This has been known to cause a glitch where one villager is packing up to leave indefinitely, until they are forced out via amiibo or another random camper.
*From {{WW}} onwards, moving villagers may move to another player's town provided there has been some form of contact between the two towns previously, even if the player visiting hadn't talked to them.
*In {{NH}}, if a villager who previously lived in the player's town is invited via their amiibo card to [[The Roost]], they will recognize the player and sometimes reminisce about when they lived in the town.
*In {{WW}}, the player can also move out by going at the [[Town Hall|Civic center]] and selecting "Moving".
*From {{WW}} onwards, when an animal is moving in, then they are under "[[house_(villager)|house]] arrest" until they unpack. The first time the player talks to them, they will introduce themselves and will be very pleased to meet them. The second time they talk to them, they will tell them to come back the following day as they are too busy unpacking.
*Prior to the 1.2.0 update of {{NH|short|nolink}}, a glitch that happened when adopting villagers meant that the "I've moved out!" house would appear on the island of the player receiving the villager instead of that of the player giving the villager away, and due to the villager having never lived on the receiver's island before, it appeared that the house could not be removed; however, there were conflicting reports on how to remove this glitched house. This glitch would also happen if another player's voided villager overwrote a villager that the player attempted to move to their island.
{{Note list}}
*In {{NH}}, it is possible for two villagers to simultaneously move out. This can be done when the town has 10 residents and one of the villagers randomly decides to move out of town, and then the following day, a villager camps at the [[Campsite (facility)|Campsite]] and chooses a random villager to move out.
{{Gameplay Elements}}
{{To-do|Expand intro|Verify and expand {{WW|short|nolink}}, {{CF|short|nolink}}, and {{NL|short|nolink}} info}}
{{Navbox Gameplay elements}}

Revision as of 14:02, May 6, 2024

Snooty preparing to unpack in New Horizons

Moving is the process of a villager moving in or out of the player's town. Whenever there is an available space in the player's town, a villager will move in. After a while, villagers start to move out.

Prior to Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a villager may move away without notice. In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a villager will ask the player first before moving away. In games after Doubutsu no Mori e+, villagers will be seen in their house if they are moving in or out of the town. Their furniture is replaced with cardboard boxes. Each game has various methods of determining who will move out and who will move in.

In Animal Crossing

In Animal Crossing, each town starts with six villagers, one of each personality type. There is a maximum of 15 villagers in a town.

The events of villagers moving in and out occur exclusively during the orange-text loading screens. As a result, there is no unpacking or packing up event for the player to witness. Villager houses simply appear and disappear.

Moving in

Once the first player has settled into their house at the beginning of the game, new villagers will begin to "naturally" move into the town.

There is a chance for a new villager to move in each time the player's town is loaded, after the player chooses their name at the game load screen. Several criteria must be met:

  • At least 24 hours must have passed since the last villager moved in.
  • The chosen player must have spoken to all the villagers currently living in the town.
  • A random chance based on the town's Field Rank. This has a 40% chance of succeeding at the lowest Field Rank and a 100% chance at the highest.

The game tries to select a new villager of the personality type the town has seen the least, including both current and past residents. If the personalities of all current and past villagers are equally represented, then past villagers are ignored and only the personalities of current villagers are considered. If there is no least-represented personality among the current villagers, then the new villager can be from any personality group. Villagers who have never lived in the town before are prioritized over villagers who previously lived in the town. Once a villager moves out, they cannot move back in naturally until all 218 villagers have lived in the town at least once.

Certain villagers cannot be starting villagers in the player's town, instead having to move in later. These include all anteaters, kangaroos, and ostriches, as well as Coco, Genji, Kabuki, Lucky, Octavian, Ribbot, Rizzo, Snake, Stinky, Tiara, Velma, and Woolio.

In Doubutsu no Mori e+

In Doubutsu no Mori e+, villagers can also move to town if their e-Reader card is scanned at the wishing well. For the 60 new villagers in Doubutsu no Mori e+, this is the only way for them to move to town.

Moving out

Once the maximum of 15 villagers is reached, villagers will begin to "naturally" move out at regular intervals to make room for new villagers. Unlike in later games, villagers do not let the player know they are leaving, and they do not pack up. When a villager moves out, they send the player a goodbye letter.

When the town is loaded, a villager will move out if at least 10 days have elapsed since the last villager moved out. When selecting the moving villager, the game tends to favor villagers who have seen the least interaction overall.[nb 1] Additionally, villagers who moved in naturally will be picked before villagers who moved in from a town on another memory card.

Each time a villager moves out in this fashion, a new villager instantly moves in, during the game load screen.

When speaking to villagers, there is a chance they will say that they are considering leaving town. Their fate is then left for the player to decide, who is presented with the choice of asking the villager to stay or encouraging them to leave.

In Doubutsu no Mori e+

In Doubutsu no Mori e+, the method of determining who moves out naturally is different from Animal Crossing. The game initially chooses the villager who has gone the longest without speaking to a player; if the length is the same between all villagers, a random villager from the town's most populous personality type is chosen; if all personality types are equal, the villager with the lowest friendship between all players is chosen; if all villagers have the same friendship between all players, a random villager is chosen.

If a villager is invited to move in via their e-Reader card while there are 15 villagers living in town, one will move out to make room using the same checks as if they were to naturally move out.

Moving between towns

Olivia recalling a player from her previous town

When the player uses the train to visit a town on another Memory Card, one of the player's villagers is chosen to move out.[nb 2] This villager may then move into the visited town, but only if a player from the visited town uses the train to visit the initial town. This event bypasses the restrictions placed on moving in new villagers naturally.

Villagers who move from one memory card to another retain certain memories of their life in their previous town. This includes the name of the town, the names of the town's four player characters, and the town's tune. When spoken to, these villagers may occasionally mention the name of one of their past town's players, express their good friendship together, sing their past town tune, and lament about losing touch with that player.

Within 60 days of moving out, a villager who moved between towns can show up in their original town as a visitor. They will appear in a random acre from 6 AM to 12 AM on weekdays, 6 AM to 7 PM on Saturdays, and 2 PM to 12 AM on Sundays. They cannot appear if Gulliver is visiting or Tortimer is visiting to build a bridge. After being spoken to once, the villager never appears again for that player. After speaking to all players in the town, the villager leaves town.

In Wild World

In Animal Crossing: Wild World, each town starts with three villagers. Over time, more move in until the maximum of eight is reached.

Moving in

When a villager moves out, their house is removed and a random new villager moves over a signpost within seven days.

Certain villagers cannot be starting villagers in the player's town, instead having to move in later. These include all anteaters, kangaroos, octopuses, ostriches, as well as Agent S, Big Top, Boone, Bud, Caroline, Coco, Drift, Genji, Jitters, Kabuki, Kid Cat, Lucky, Maelle, Ribbot, Roscoe, Rowan, and Snake.

The six monkey villagers—Champ, Elise, Monty, Nana, Simon, and Tammi—can only move in after being distributed from DS Download Stations via Tag Mode. This was the only way for them to move to the player's town. When received by the game, the villager instantly moved in and a Note in a Bottle containing a message from Katrina; if there were already eight villagers in the player's town, the villager would be added to a queue and would move in when another one moves out.

Moving out

Once the maximum of eight villagers is reached, a random villager who is in-between hobbies[clarification needed] will pack up their furniture in boxes. During this time, the player can ask them not to move, which may convince them to stay. Otherwise, the next day, the villager will move out and send a goodbye letter to the player.

When a villager moves out, they are added to an internal one-villager queue where they can move to other another player's town via multiplayer.

In City Folk

Friga preparing to move out in Animal Crossing: City Folk

In Animal Crossing: City Folk, each town starts with six villagers—one of each personality type. Over time, more move in until the maximum of ten is reached.

Moving in

The seventh, eighth, and ninth villagers move in over the next three days, and the tenth and final villager moves in up to a week after the ninth. When a villager moves out, their house is removed and a villager with a personality the town lacks or has the least of moves over a signpost within seven days.

Certain villagers cannot be starting villagers in the player's town, instead having to move in later. These include all anteaters (with the exception of Antonio), kangaroos, monkeys, and octopuses, as well as Agent S, Ankha, Big Top, Coco, Genji, Gigi, Kabuki, Kid Cat, Knox, Lucky, Marcel, Ribbot, Snake, Sterling, and Stinky.

Moving out

Once the maximum of 10 villagers is reached, a villager will approach the player and ask them if they should move out.[nb 3] If they are not persuaded to stay, they will pack the furniture in boxes five days later and move out two days after that, and then they will send the player a goodbye letter.

When a villager moves out, they are added to an internal one-villager queue where they could move to another player's town via the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection or WiiConnect24 before the services' discontinuations in 2013 and 2014, respectively.

In New Leaf

In Animal Crossing: New Leaf, each town starts with five villagers, which can be any personality except smug and big sister. Over time, more move in until the maximum of nine is reached.

Moving in

Once there are nine villagers living in the player's town, no more can move in naturally; a tenth villager can move in through one of the four methods detailed below. When a villager moves out, their house is removed and a villager with a personality the town lacks or has the least of moves in at a random location within seven days.


Once the campsite is built, villagers will appear occasionally there, where they can be invited to move in after the player wins a game with them.

Other players' towns

If a villager in another player's town is moving out, the player can persuade them to move to their town if there are fewer than ten villagers already living in town. Additionally, villagers who recently moved out of another player's town and were not invited by any other player can move to the player's town when visiting or when passing by them via StreetPass.


In the Welcome amiibo update, the player can scan a villager's amiibo card to have them move in. This is the only way for the villagers added in the update to move in.

Moving out

Once there are nine villagers living in the player's town, a villager will move out. Before a villager moves out, they come up to the player and ask if they should move. If the player lets them move, they will pack up 10 days later (five before the Welcome amiibo update) and move out the day after. Other villagers can let the player know if a villager is thinking about moving out. After finally moving out, the villager will send the player a letter, and if their friendship is high enough, will attach their photo.

When a villager moves out, they are added to a 16-villager pool where they can appear on Main Street and cannot move back in. After more than 16 villagers move out, the oldest villagers start to be removed from this pool. If an amiibo card of a villager in the 16-villager pool is used to move in the villager, the 16-villager system will be ignored.

In New Horizons

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, two villagers—one jock and one big sister—move to the deserted island with the player, and there is a maximum of ten villagers.

Moving in

Initial move-ins

The player can use Nook Miles Tickets to go on Mystery Island Tours where they can be invited to the player's island. At that time, only lazy, normal, and peppy villagers appear on Mystery Island Tours. Once a villager is invited, villagers of that personality can no longer appear at this time (they will later in the game).

After the player meets certain requirements, Tom Nook gives the Resident Representative three Housing Kits and a list of requested furniture for each. Once the Housing Kits are placed, the requested furniture must be placed around the plot or in the submission box in front of the plot.

After the player placed the Housing Kits, villagers can now move to their island. If the player invited villagers before they placed the housing kits, those villagers will move to the player's island. If the player does not invite three villagers from Mystery Island Tours before providing the plots' requested furniture, a random villager will move in once per day in the order of the house plot number.

The first house plot is always claimed by a lazy villager, the second a peppy villager, and the third a normal villager. (This is the number on the plot not the order they move in.)

Each of the initial five villager houses has an interior based on the villager's personality rather than the villager's unique interior. All subsequent villagers will have their unique interior.

Building the campsite

After the campsite is built, a smug villager appears in it the next day. If this villager is not invited to move in, they will occupy the campsite indefinitely until invited to move in.

Assigned plots

Once a plot is placed for the campsite villager, the Resident Representative gains the ability to purchase Housing Kits for 10,000 Bells each. Up to ten houses can be on the player's island. If there is an empty house plot and a villager is not invited via one of the four methods detailed below, a random villager of a personality the island is lacking will move in each day. Each move-in until all ten plots are first filled will reward the Resident Representative with 1,000 Nook Miles.

Methods of inviting villagers

After the initial campsite visitor moves in, villagers will appear occasionally at the campsite, where they can be invited to move in after the player wins a game with them. If there are ten villagers living on the island, the camper will choose a random resident to replace, and the player can choose to accept or reject them. The chosen resident will be locked until the villager leaves the campsite.


If a villager's amiibo card is scanned at the Nook Stop in Resident Services, they will instantly appear at the campsite. When spoken to, the villager will ask the player to craft them an item. If the player brings the requested item, then invites them again on two other days[nb 4] and brings them their requested items, they ask the player if they should move in. If there are ten villagers living on the island, the player can choose a resident for the camper to replace.

Inviting via amiibo is the only way for the Sanrio villagers to move to the player's island.

Mystery Island Tours

If there is an open house plot, villagers will appear on Mystery Island Tours. The villager that appears is randomly chosen; the game first selects a species, then a villager of that species. If the villager is not invited to move in, another random one will appear on each visit. Only one villager can be invited to move to the player's island per day, even if there are multiple open house plots.

Other players' islands

If a villager on another player's island is moving out, the player can persuade them to move to their island if there is an open house plot. After the third conversation with the moving villager, they will call up the player's Resident Services and purchase an open plot.

Moving out

Natural move-outs

Once there are six villagers living on the player's island, the villager with the lowest friendship among all players will ask to move out. When a villager wants to move out, a thought bubble appears above their head and they ask the player if they should move. If the player lets them move, they will pack up their belongings the next day and move out the day after. If the player does not interact with the villager with the thought bubble that day, the thought bubble can transfer to another villager.

Once a villager moves out, more villagers cannot ask to move out for 15 days, and if a villager asks to move out but stays, more villagers cannot ask to move out for five days. During a time when villagers can move out, the chance of one asking is higher if there are more villagers, and it increases by 1% each day no villager asks up to a maximum of 30%.

A villager cannot ask to move out if they were the last to move in, the last to ask to move out, have a birthday in the next seven days, or are in the process of relocating their house.

Campsite move-outs

If the player invites a standard campsite villager to move in while there are already 10 residents, a random villager will be chosen to move out to make room for them; if the player invites a villager via amiibo, they can select the villager to move out. If the camper is invited to move in, the chosen villager will pack up their belongings immediately, and they will move out the next day.


  • In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, it is possible for two villagers to simultaneously move out. This can be done when the town has 10 residents and one of the villagers randomly decides to move out of town, and then the following day, a villager camps at the campsite and chooses a random villager to move out. This has been known to cause a glitch where one villager is packing up to leave indefinitely, until they are forced out via amiibo or another random camper.
  • In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, if a villager who previously lived in the player's town is invited via their amiibo card to The Roost, they will recognize the player and sometimes reminisce about when they lived in the town.


  1. If the player never speaks to a villager, they will be the prioritized to move out. This mechanic can be exploited to indefinitely preserve 14 of the town's 15 villagers.
  2. The villager is selected at random from any villager who has spoken to all players; if all villagers have spoken to every player or none have, a random villager is selected from all of them.
  3. Villagers cannot inform the player about them moving out during certain events or while a favor is being done for them.
  4. The days do not have to be consecutive.

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