
From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki

Artwork of Peewee the Gorilla
Species Personality Gender
Gorilla Cranky Male
Birthday September 11th Virgo
Favorite saying "Look behind you."
Catchphrase "li'l dude"[nb 1]
"li'l bitty baby"[nb 2]
Clothing Five-ball tee[nb 3]
Umbrella Leaf umbrella[nb 4]
Bat umbrella[nb 5]
Main appearances

Other appearances
Names in other languages
 ダンベル[nb 6]
 덤벨[nb 9]
 哑铃[nb 7]
 啞鈴[nb 8]
 Пиви[nb 10]
Phrase in other languages

Peewee is a cranky gorilla villager in the Animal Crossing series who appears in all games to date. His name may be a joke on his size and personality—peewee usually indicating size with relation to youth, when Peewee is in fact large. Both of his catchphrases, "Li'l dude" and "Li'l bitty baby," also relate to this.

In New Horizons, Peewee has the fitness hobby and will wear sporty shades and lift heavy dumbbells while exercising.


Artwork of Peewee from Animal Crossing.


Peewee is a gorilla with grayish-blue skin and navy blue fur. He has large nostrils and a furrowed brow.


Below is a brief description of the cranky personality. For more information, click here.

Peewee is a cranky villager, which means he is stubborn and easily annoyed when things are not going his way. He will appear rude and belittling towards the player, but will eventually warm up to them, considering them his only friend. He will find the usual hobbies of fishing, bug catching, fossil hunting, fashion, and furniture collecting considerably more interesting compared to other village types, adding more reason behind the hobbies than other villagers, and will often ask players to catch something for him. He will get along with other cranky villagers and snooty villagers, who share the same interests and meaningful discussions. He will often suggest spreading rumors on peppy and normal villagers when no interesting events are happening in the town.

Villager information[edit]

In Animal Crossing[edit]

Species Personality Catchphrase
Gorilla Cranky li'l dude
Default clothing Five-Ball Shirt PG Model.png Five-ball shirt
Default umbrella Leaf Umbrella PG Model.png Leaf umbrella
Doubutsu no Mori e+ traits
Star sign Virgo Virgo
Smallcheckmark.png Favorite style Cool
Smallxmark.png Least favorite style Fresh
Live song gift K.K. Casbah

In Wild World[edit]


Birthday Personality Catchphrase
September 11 Virgo Cranky li'l dude
Default clothing Five-Ball Shirt WW Model.png Five-ball shirt
Default umbrella Leaf Umbrella WW Model.png Leaf umbrella
Smallcheckmark.png Favorite style Cool
Smallxmark.png Least favorite style Charming
Default hobby Fish
Furniture requests
Genre Chic
Series Asian Series / Regal Series
Categories Instrument / Houseplant

In City Folk[edit]


Birthday Personality Catchphrase
September 11 Virgo Cranky li'l dude
Default clothing Five-Ball Shirt CF Model.png Five-ball shirt
Default umbrella Leaf Umbrella CF Model.png Leaf umbrella
Smallcheckmark.png Favorite clothing style Cool
Smallxmark.png Least favorite clothing style Fresh
Favorite furniture styles Dignified and Trendy
Favorite furniture color
Favorite series Classic Series

In New Leaf[edit]

Look behind you.



Birthday Personality Catchphrase
September 11 Virgo Cranky li'l dude
Default clothing Five-Ball Tee NL Model.png Five-ball tee
Default umbrella Leaf Umbrella NL Model.png Leaf umbrella
Smallcheckmark.png Favorite style Sporty
Smallxmark.png Least favorite style Official
Favorite color
Siblings Third of 6 kids
Skill Karaoke
Goal Pro wrestler
Halloween fear Monster Mask NL Model.png Monster mask
Coffee preferences
Type of beans Blend
Amount of milk A little bit
Amount of sugar One spoonful

In New Horizons[edit]

Look behind you.


Birthday Personality Catchphrase
September 11 Virgo Cranky (B) li'l bitty baby
Default clothing Five-Ball Tee NH Icon.png Five-ball tee
Other default clothing
  • During rain (if not using umbrella): Raincoat (Black) NH Icon.png Raincoat (Black) & Outdoor Hat (Orange) NH Icon.png outdoor hat (Orange)
  • During snow: Down Jacket (Orange) NH Icon.png Down jacket (Orange) & Knit Hat (Ochre) NH Icon.png knit hat (Ochre)
  • Sleepwear and if sick: PJ Outfit (Navy Blue) NH Icon.png PJ outfit (Navy blue)
  • While exercising: Athletic Jacket (Blue) NH Icon.png Athletic jacket (Blue) & Sporty Shades (Black) NH Icon.png sporty shades (Black)
  • While doing yoga: Tank (Navy Blue) NH Icon.png Tank (Navy blue)
  • While sunbathing: Triangle Shades (Black) NH Icon.png Triangle shades
  • Fishing Tourney: Athletic Jacket (Blue) NH Icon.png Athletic jacket (Blue) & Denim Cap (Blue) NH Icon.png denim cap (Blue)
  • Bug-Off: Athletic Jacket (Blue) NH Icon.png Athletic jacket (Blue) & Denim Cap (Blue) NH Icon.png denim cap (Blue)
  • Bunny Day: Wood-Egg Outfit NH Icon.png Wood-egg outfit  & Wood-Egg Shell NH Icon.png wood-egg shell
  • Halloween: Raggedy Outfit (Orange) NH Icon.png Raggedy outfit (Orange) & Mage's Striped Hat (Orange) NH Icon.png mage's striped hat (Orange)
  • Turkey Day: Straw Boater (Brown) NH Icon.png Straw boater (Brown)
  • Turkey Day (chef): Chef's Outfit (Orange) NH Icon.png Chef's outfit (Orange) & Chef's Hat NH Icon.png chef's hat
  • Toy Day: Santa Hat NH Icon.png Santa hat
  • Countdown: Tweed Jacket (Blue) NH Icon.png Tweed jacket (Blue) & Star Shades (Yellow) NH Icon.png star shades (Yellow)[nb 11]
  • Birthday & Wedding Season photoshoot: Tweed Jacket (Blue) NH Icon.png Tweed jacket (Blue) & Star Shades (Yellow) NH Icon.png star shades (Yellow)[nb 12]

  • Happy Home Paradise DLC exclusive clothing:
  • As a student for the school: School Uniform with Necktie (Navy Blue) NH Icon.png School uniform with necktie (Navy blue)
  • As the teacher for the school: Checkered Sweater Vest (Light Brown) NH Icon.png Checkered sweater vest (Light brown) & Rimmed Glasses (Black) NH Icon.png rimmed glasses (Black)
  • As the cashier/employee for the restaurant: Café Uniform (Green) NH Icon.png Café uniform (Green)
  • As the chef/apprentice for the restaurant: Chef's Outfit (Orange) NH Icon.png Chef's outfit (Orange) & Chef's Hat NH Icon.png chef's hat
  • As a staff for the café: Diner Apron (Blue) NH Icon.png Diner apron (Blue)
  • As the receptionist for the hospital: Nurse's Jacket (Blue) NH Icon.png Nurse's jacket (Blue)
  • As the doctor for the hospital: Doctor's Coat (Red Necktie) NH Icon.png Doctor's coat (Red necktie)
  • As a patient for the hospital: PJ Outfit (Navy Blue) NH Icon.png PJ outfit (Navy blue)
  • As the shop manager for the apparel shop: Staff Uniform (Blue) NH Icon.png Staff uniform (Blue)
  • While practicing hula: Hula Top (Orange) NH Icon.png Hula top (Orange) & Hibiscus Hairpin (Yellow) NH Icon.png hibiscus hairpin (Yellow)
  • While floating in the ocean: Horizontal-Striped Wet Suit (Blue) NH Icon.png Horizontal-striped wet suit (Blue) & Round Tinted Shades (Brown) NH Icon.png round tinted shades (Brown)
  • During DJ KK's concerts: Paradise Planning Event Tee (Red) NH Icon.png Paradise Planning event tee (Red), Tropical Turban (Green) NH Icon.png tropical turban (Green), & Neon Shades (Orange & Lime) NH Icon.png neon shades (Orange & lime)
  • Default umbrella Bat Umbrella NH Icon.png Bat umbrella
    Initial NookPhone  Default Phone Case (Black) NH Model.png  Black
    Final NookPhone  Phone Case (Cool - Fabric 9) NH Model.png  Cool - Fabric 9
    Favorite styles Active and Cool
    Favorite colors
    Hobby Fitness
    Handheld items
    Bag Veggie-print Bag NH Model.png Veggie-print
    Book Fitness Book Interior NH Texture.png Sports
    Food Chocolate donut Food NH Model.png Chocolate donut
    Drink Tea can or yellow mug Drink NH Model.png Tea can or yellow mug
    Popsicle Orange Popsicle NH Model.png Orange
    Ideal clothing for Peewee – Orange / Blue Active and Cool clothing
    Villagers prefer clothing that matches any one of their favorite colors or styles.
    For brevity, the following list only shows clothing that matches both favorite colors and one favorite style.
    Name Image Price Available from
    Basketball tank (Orange) Basketball Tank (Orange) NH Icon.png  1,120 Bells  Mabel
     Able Sisters
    Cool hyacinth crown Cool Hyacinth Crown NH Icon.png Not for sale  Crafting
    Madras plaid shirt (Blue) Madras Plaid Shirt (Blue) NH Icon.png  1,120 Bells  Mabel
     Able Sisters
    Pullover jacket (Navy blue) Pullover Jacket (Navy Blue) NH Icon.png  1,680 Bells  Mabel
     Able Sisters
    Safety vest (Orange) Safety Vest (Orange) NH Icon.png  1,200 Bells  Able Sisters
    Samurai shirt (Golden yellow) Samurai Shirt (Golden Yellow) NH Icon.png  6,720 Bells  Able Sisters
    Samurai shirt (Blue) Samurai Shirt (Blue) NH Icon.png  6,720 Bells  Able Sisters
    Sombrero (Orange) Sombrero (Orange) NH Icon.png Not for sale  Gulliver
    Track jacket (Blue) Track Jacket (Blue) NH Icon.png  910 Bells  Mabel
     Able Sisters
    More Orange Items
    More Blue Items
    More Active Items
    More Cool Items

    In Happy Home Paradise[edit]

    Thought bubble I want to work out in a gym that caters to elite athletes!
    Client's vision Elite Sports Gym
    Required items Weight Bench
    Exercise Bike
    Favorite song  K.K. D&B
    Unlocked items
    Other items:


    In Animal Crossing[edit]

    Exterior of Peewee's house in Animal Crossing
    Interior of Peewee's house in Animal Crossing
    Wall:  Concrete Wall
    Floor:  Concrete Floor
    Music: K.K. Casbah

    In Dòngwù Sēnlín[edit]

    Exterior of Peewee's house in Dòngwù Sēnlín
    Interior of Peewee's house in Dòngwù Sēnlín
    Wall:  Concrete Wall
    Floor:  Concrete Floor
    Music: K.K. Casbah

    In Wild World[edit]

    In City Folk[edit]

    In New Leaf[edit]

    In New Horizons[edit]

    Exterior of Peewee's house in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
    Interior of Peewee's house in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
    Shape: House shape #1
    Roof:  Gray striped roof
    Siding:  White striped siding
    Door:  Gray common door
    Wall:  Steel-Frame Wall
    Floor:  Concrete Flooring
    Music:  K.K. Rock

    Other appearances[edit]

    In Happy Home Designer[edit]

    Look behind you.

    Peewee's Happy Home Designer icon

    Example of Peewee's Happy Home Designer house
    Official example
    Birthday Personality Catchphrase
    September 11 Virgo Cranky li'l dude
    Default clothing Five-Ball Tee HHD Icon.png Five-ball tee
    Umbrella Leaf Umbrella HHD Icon.png Leaf umbrella
    House request
    Thought bubble I'd prefer an elite gym to a basic newbie one.
    Client's vision A fancy gym.
    Required items Butterfly machine
    Lat pulldown machine
    Favorite song  K.K. D&B
    Unlocked items
  •  Exam table
  •  Milk carton
  •  Bananas
  •  Soda case
  •  Water cooler
  •  Medicine chest
  •  Tennis racket
  •  Tennis table
  •  Skateboard rack
  •  Butterfly machine
  •  Lat pulldown machine
  •  Exercise bike
  •  Treadmill
  •  Barbell
  •  Weight bench
  •  Unicycle
  •  K.K. D&B
  •  Peewee's pic
  • Interior:
  •  Exhibit-room wall
  • Clothing:
  •  Black track jacket
  •  Green warm-up jacket
  •  Red warm-up suit
  •  Green gym tee
  •  Blue gym tee
  •  Five-ball tee
  •  Beatnik tee
  •  Green gym shorts
  •  Blue gym shorts
  •  Green warm-up pants
  •  Blue warm-up pants
  •  Black track pants
  •  Running pants
  •  Football helmet
  •  Sporty shades
  •  Climbing shoes
  •  Leaf umbrella
  • Starting house: Default exterior of Peewee's house in Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer

    In amiibo Festival[edit]



    Birthday Personality Catchphrase
    September 11 Virgo Cranky li'l dude
    Clothing Five-Ball Tee HHD Icon.png Five-ball tee
    Umbrella Leaf Umbrella HHD Icon.png Leaf umbrella
    amiibo card traits
    Dice value 4
    Hand sign Rock
    Desert Island Escape traits
    Movement Desert Island Escape movement icon.png ×3
    Hunger Desert Island Escape hunger icon.png ×2
    Vision Desert Island Escape vision icon.png ×2
    Favorite fruit Desert Island Escape favorite fruit icon.png Lemon

    In Pocket Camp[edit]

    Peewee is one of the 40 villagers in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp who have been in the game since its release.

    Look behind you.


    Birthday Personality Catchphrase
    September 11 Virgo Cranky li'l dude [nb 13]
    li'l bitty baby [nb 14]
    Default clothing Five-ball tee
    Description You know how some people aren't as strong as they look? Yeah, that doesn't apply to Peewee.
    Preferred theme Sporty
    Primary reward Steel
    Version added 0.9.0
    Date unlocked October 25, 2017
    How to invite Required friendship level: 7

    Sleek chair
    Djimbe drum
    Sleek closet
    Drum set

    Friendship rewards
    Level 7 Five-ball tee
    Sparkle stones
    Level 9 Sparkle stones
    Level 15 Crafting request:
    Butterfly machine
    Level 20 Peewee's pic
    Sparkle stones
    Level 25[nb 15] Sparkle stones
    Related items for Peewee
    Scrapbook Memory appearances
    Name Image Required?
    Peewee and Hamlet's Big Race Peewee and Hamlet's Big Race PC.png Yes

    Card profiles[edit]

    Animal Crossing e-Reader card[edit]

    Main article: 110 Peewee (Animal Crossing-e)

    Animal Crossing-e 2-110 (Peewee).jpg

    Card back

    Animal Crossing-e 2-110 (Peewee - Back).jpg

    #110 Peewee - Series 2
    Gender: Male
    Sign: Virgo
    Clothes: five-ball shirt
    Petphrase: li'l dude
    Profile: Do you know what a dumbbell is? Sometimes, it's something heavy you lift to build muscles. Sometimes, it's Peewee. He's not a bad guy, though. He's just...enthusiastic.
    Password: E%qmbF44HH9ePM

    amiibo card[edit]

    346 Peewee amiibo card NA.png

    Card back

    Amiibo Card Back.png

    #346 Peewee - Series 4
    Star sign: Virgo
    Birthday: September 11
    Dice value: 4
    Hand sign: Rock



    Names in other languages[edit]

    Japanese ダンベル

    Korean 덤벨

    Simplified Chinese 哑铃

    Traditional Chinese 啞鈴

    Russian Пиви
    Same as English name

    Dutch Peewee Same as English name

    German Manfred -

    European Spanish Lotar -

    European French Gogo Derived from gorille ("gorilla")

    Italian Kong From the movie King Kong

    See also[edit]


    1. Prior to New Horizons
    2. New Horizons onwards
    3. Called "five-ball shirt" prior to New Leaf
    4. Prior to New Horizons
    5. New Horizons
    6. Danberu
    7. Yǎlíng
    8. Yǎlíng
    9. Deombel
    10. Pivi
    11. Peewee's headwear during the Countdown can either be the New Year's silk hat or the New Year's hat, each rotating every year. The hat's variation will vary depending on what variations Tom Nook is selling at his stand.
    12. If it is Peewee's birthday, he will also wear the birthday hat (Blue variation).
    13. Before version 3.3.0
    14. Since version 3.3.0
    15. Repeats for levels 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, and 80