
From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki

Artwork of Hopper the Penguin
Species Personality Gender
Penguin Cranky Male
Birthday April 6th Aries
Favorite saying "Always have a comeback."
Catchphrase "slushie"
Clothing Dragon suit
Umbrella Flame umbrella[nb 1]
Bat umbrella[nb 2]
Main appearances

Other appearances
Names in other languages
 ダルマン[nb 3]
 달만이[nb 6]
 达满[nb 4]
 達滿[nb 5]
 Хоппер[nb 7]
Phrase in other languages

Hopper is a cranky penguin villager in the Animal Crossing series who appears in all games to date. He also appears as a minor character in 🎬 Gekijōban Doubutsu no Mori. He is the only cranky penguin in the series. His name likely comes from the rockhopper penguin, which he resembles.

In New Horizons, Hopper has the music hobby and may sing anywhere without the need of a stereo.


Artwork of Hopper from Animal Crossing.


Hopper is a black and white crested penguin, with a yellow beak and long, straw-like eyebrows, resembling a rockhopper penguin or a macaroni penguin. He has red, slanted eyes with black pupils.


Below is a brief description of the cranky personality. For more information, click here.

As a cranky villager, Hopper will appear mature compared to other personality types. This will make him appear belittling and insensitive to other villagers, including the player. Despite this, he will learn to confide in the player, considering them his only friend. He will enjoy the usual hobbies, but for relaxation and peace than competition. He will find it difficult to socialize with peppy villagers, who he will criticize when talking to other villagers. He will get along with normal and snooty villagers, as well as other cranky villagers, who he will share deeper conversations with. He will, on occasion, annoy a normal villager, usually when being mean about something or someone.

Villager information[edit]

In Animal Crossing[edit]

Species Personality Catchphrase
Penguin Cranky slushie
Default clothing Dragon Suit PG Model.png Dragon suit
Default umbrella Flame Umbrella PG Model.png Flame umbrella
Doubutsu no Mori e+ traits
Star sign Aries Aries
Smallcheckmark.png Favorite style Refined
Smallxmark.png Least favorite style Cute
Live song gift Lucky K.K.

In Wild World[edit]

In Animal Crossing: Wild World, Hopper's starting hobby is fishing. This is referred to in Gekijōban Doubutsu no Mori, where Hopper spends most of his time fishing.

This is my good side.

Birthday Personality Catchphrase
April 6 Aries Cranky slushie
Default clothing Dragon Suit WW Model.png Dragon suit
Default umbrella Flame Umbrella WW Model.png Flame umbrella
Smallcheckmark.png Favorite style Severe
Smallxmark.png Least favorite style Cute
Default hobby Fish
Furniture requests
Genre Old-school
Series Ranch Series / Asian Series
Category Painting

In City Folk[edit]


Birthday Personality Catchphrase
April 6 Aries Cranky slushie
Default clothing Dragon Suit CF Model.png Dragon suit
Default umbrella Flame Umbrella CF Model.png Flame umbrella
Smallcheckmark.png Favorite clothing style Refined
Smallxmark.png Least favorite clothing style Cute
Favorite furniture styles Dignified and Retro
Favorite furniture color
Favorite series Cabin Series

In New Leaf[edit]

Always have a comeback.



Birthday Personality Catchphrase
April 6 Aries Cranky slushie
Default clothing Dragon Suit NL Model.png Dragon suit
Default umbrella Flame Umbrella NL Model.png Flame umbrella
Smallcheckmark.png Favorite style Rock 'n' roll
Smallxmark.png Least favorite style Modern
Favorite color
Siblings Eldest of 2 kids
Skill Mental math
Goal Firefighter
Halloween fear Monster Mask NL Model.png Monster mask
Coffee preferences
Type of beans Mocha
Amount of milk Lots
Amount of sugar Three spoonfuls

In New Horizons[edit]

Always have a comeback.


Birthday Personality Catchphrase
April 6 Aries Cranky (B) slushie
Default clothing Dragon Suit NH Icon.png Dragon suit
Other default clothing
  • During rain (if not using umbrella): Raincoat (Yellow) NH Icon.png Raincoat (Yellow) & Rain Hat (Yellow) NH Icon.png rain hat (Yellow)
  • During snow: Down Jacket (Yellow) NH Icon.png Down jacket (Yellow) & Knit Hat (Red) NH Icon.png knit hat (Red)
  • Sleepwear and if sick: PJ Outfit (Red) NH Icon.png PJ outfit (Red)
  • While exercising: Athletic Jacket (Red) NH Icon.png Athletic jacket (Red)
  • While doing yoga: Tank (Red) NH Icon.png Tank (Red)
  • While sunbathing: Triangle Shades (Black) NH Icon.png Triangle shades
  • Fishing Tourney: Athletic Jacket (Red) NH Icon.png Athletic jacket (Red) & Denim Cap (Light Blue) NH Icon.png denim cap (Light blue)
  • Bug-Off: Athletic Jacket (Red) NH Icon.png Athletic jacket (Red) & Denim Cap (Light Blue) NH Icon.png denim cap (Light blue)
  • Bunny Day: Earth-Egg Outfit NH Icon.png Earth-egg outfit  & Earth-Egg Shell NH Icon.png earth-egg shell
  • Halloween: Flashy Animal Costume (Red) NH Icon.png Flashy animal costume (Red) & Impish Horns (Red) NH Icon.png impish horns (Red)
  • Turkey Day: Straw Boater (Cream) NH Icon.png Straw boater (Cream)
  • Turkey Day (chef): Chef's Outfit (Yellow) NH Icon.png Chef's outfit (Yellow) & Chef's Hat NH Icon.png chef's hat
  • Toy Day: Santa Hat NH Icon.png Santa hat
  • Countdown: Tweed Jacket (Berry Red) NH Icon.png Tweed jacket (Berry red) & Star Shades (Yellow) NH Icon.png star shades (Yellow)[nb 8]
  • Birthday & Wedding Season photoshoot: Tweed Jacket (Berry Red) NH Icon.png Tweed jacket (Berry red) & Star Shades (Yellow) NH Icon.png star shades (Yellow)[nb 9]

  • Happy Home Paradise DLC exclusive clothing:
  • As a student for the school: School Uniform with Necktie (Navy Blue) NH Icon.png School uniform with necktie (Navy blue)
  • As the teacher for the school: Checkered Sweater Vest (Light Brown) NH Icon.png Checkered sweater vest (Light brown) & Rimmed Glasses (Black) NH Icon.png rimmed glasses (Black)
  • As the cashier/employee for the restaurant: Café Uniform (Red) NH Icon.png Café uniform (Red)
  • As the chef/apprentice for the restaurant: Chef's Outfit (Yellow) NH Icon.png Chef's outfit (Yellow) & Chef's Hat NH Icon.png chef's hat
  • As a staff for the café: Diner Apron (Yellow) NH Icon.png Diner apron (Yellow)
  • As the receptionist for the hospital: Nurse's Jacket (Blue) NH Icon.png Nurse's jacket (Blue)
  • As the doctor for the hospital: Doctor's Coat (Red Necktie) NH Icon.png Doctor's coat (Red necktie)
  • As a patient for the hospital: PJ Outfit (Green) NH Icon.png PJ outfit (Green)
  • As the shop manager for the apparel shop: Staff Uniform (Yellow) NH Icon.png Staff uniform (Yellow)
  • While practicing hula: Pineapple Aloha Shirt (Red) NH Icon.png Pineapple aloha shirt (Red) & Hibiscus Hairpin (Yellow) NH Icon.png hibiscus hairpin (Yellow)
  • While floating in the ocean: Leaf-Print Wet Suit (Yellow) NH Icon.png Leaf-print wet suit (Yellow) & Pilot Shades (Gold) NH Icon.png pilot shades (Gold)
  • During DJ KK's concerts: Tropical Cut-and-Sew Tank (Orange) NH Icon.png Tropical cut-and-sew tank (Orange), Tropical Turban (Green) NH Icon.png tropical turban (Green), & Neon Shades (Pink & Yellow) NH Icon.png neon shades (Pink & yellow)
  • Default umbrella Bat Umbrella NH Icon.png Bat umbrella
    Initial NookPhone  Default Phone Case (Yellow) NH Model.png  Yellow
    Final NookPhone  Phone Case (Traditional 1 - Fabric 17) NH Model.png  Traditional 1 - Fabric 17
    Favorite styles Cool and Simple
    Favorite colors
    Hobby Music
    Handheld items
    Bag Paper Bag NH Model.png Paper
    Book Music Book Interior NH Texture.png Music
    Food Lollipop Food NH Model.png Lollipop
    Drink Soda can Drink NH Model.png Soda can
    Popsicle Ramune-soda Popsicle NH Model.png Ramune-soda
    Ideal clothing for Hopper – Yellow / Red Cool and Simple clothing
    Villagers prefer clothing that matches any one of their favorite colors or styles.
    For brevity, the following list only shows clothing that matches both favorite colors and one favorite style.
    Name Image Price Available from
    Attus robe (Red) Attus Robe (Red) NH Icon.png  2,520 Bells  Able Sisters
    Cavalier hat (Red) Cavalier Hat (Red) NH Icon.png  1,600 Bells  Able Sisters
    Cavalier shirt (Red) Cavalier Shirt (Red) NH Icon.png  2,080 Bells  Able Sisters
    Dance-team jacket (Red) Dance-Team Jacket (Red) NH Icon.png  1,680 Bells  Mabel
     Able Sisters
    Dynamic tank top (Dark red) Dynamic Tank Top (Dark Red) NH Icon.png  800 Bells  Able Sisters
     Apparel shop
    Hyacinth crown Hyacinth Crown NH Icon.png Not for sale  Crafting
    Lily crown Lily Crown NH Icon.png Not for sale  Crafting
    Long chenille cardigan (Mustard) Long Chenille Cardigan (Mustard) NH Icon.png  2,000 Bells  Mabel
     Able Sisters
    Matanpushi (Red) Matanpushi (Red) NH Icon.png  880 Bells  Able Sisters
    Mum crown Mum Crown NH Icon.png Not for sale  Crafting
    Ogre costume (Red) Ogre Costume (Red) NH Icon.png  1,600 Bells  Able Sisters
    Oilskin coat (Red) Oilskin Coat (Red) NH Icon.png  1,400 Bells  Mabel
     Able Sisters
    Old commoner's kimono (Golden yellow) Old Commoner's Kimono (Golden Yellow) NH Icon.png  1,920 Bells  Mabel
     Able Sisters
    Rose crown Rose Crown NH Icon.png Not for sale  Crafting
    Sea captain's coat (Red) Sea Captain's Coat (Red) NH Icon.png Not for sale  Gullivarrr
    Tiny party cap (Red) Tiny Party Cap (Red) NH Icon.png  560 Bells  Able Sisters
     Apparel shop
    Tulip crown Tulip Crown NH Icon.png Not for sale  Crafting
    Warrior armor (Gold) Warrior Armor (Gold) NH Icon.png  2,080 Bells  Able Sisters
     Apparel shop
    More Yellow Items
    More Red Items
    More Cool Items
    More Simple Items

    In Happy Home Paradise[edit]

    Thought bubble Swimming safety is important, so I'd like to be a lifeguard.
    Client's vision A Lifeguard's Lodgings
    Required items Rescue Mannequin
    First-Aid Kit
    Favorite song  Go K.K. Rider
    Unlocked items
  •  Basic School Chair
  •  Garden Chair
  •  Lawn Chair
  •  Office Chair
  •  Box-Shaped Seat
  •  Lecture-Hall Bench
  •  Garden Table
  •  School Desk
  •  Sturdy Office Desk
  •  Basic Teacher's Desk
  •  Lecture-Hall Desk
  •  Hospital Bed
  •  Exam Table
  •  Gurney
  •  Beach Chair
  •  Beach Towel
  •  Beach Chairs with Parasol
  •  Short File Cabinet
  •  School Locker
  •  Tall File Cabinet
  •  Medicine Chest
  •  Curtain Partition
  •  Hospital Screen
  •  Palm-Tree Lamp
  •  Projection Screen
  •  Whiteboard
  •  Operating-Room Cart
  •  IV Drip
  •  EKG Machine
  •  Anatomical Model
  •  Stall
  •  Wave Breaker
  •  Yacht
  •  Lighthouse
  •  Lifeguard Chair
  •  Surfboard
  •  Sand Castle
  •  Life Ring
  •  Shaved-Ice Maker
  •  Coconut Juice
  •  Tablet Device
  •  Laptop
  •  Tape Deck
  •  Cassette Player
  •  Book
  •  Book Stands
  •  Clipboard
  •  Homework Set
  •  Beach Ball
  •  Hopper's Photo
  •  Wall Clock
  •  Bulletin Board
  •  Formal Paper
  •  Hopper's Poster
  •  Fluorescent Light
  • Interior:


    In Animal Crossing[edit]

    Exterior of Hopper's house in Animal Crossing
    Interior of Hopper's house in Animal Crossing
    Wall:  Cabin Wall
    Floor:  Cowhide Rug
    Music: No music

    In Wild World[edit]

    In City Folk[edit]

    In New Leaf[edit]

    In New Horizons[edit]

    Exterior of Hopper's house in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
    Interior of Hopper's house in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
    Shape: House shape #4
    Roof:  Black stone roof
    Siding:  Yellow stucco exterior
    Door:  Rustic door
    Wall:  Iceberg Wall
    Floor:  Iceberg Flooring
    Music:  Comrade K.K. [nb 10]

    Other appearances[edit]

    Gekijōban Doubutsu no Mori[edit]

    Hopper plays a minor role in 🎬 Gekijōban Doubutsu no Mori. He is seen fishing all year round in the same spot, near the bridge by the river. He seems to always get distracted by loud noises which scare the fish.

    In Happy Home Designer[edit]

    In Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer, Hopper's Daruma-themed client's vision is based on his Japanese name, Daruman (ダルマン).

    Always have a comeback.

    Hopper's Happy Home Designer icon

    Example of Hopper's Happy Home Designer house
    Official example
    Birthday Personality Catchphrase
    April 6 Aries Cranky slushie
    Default clothing Dragon Suit HHD Icon.png Dragon suit
    Umbrella Flame Umbrella HHD Icon.png Flame umbrella
    House request
    Thought bubble I'd feel luckier if I had some dharma dolls in my home.
    Client's vision A dharma dream.
    Required items Dharma
    Mini dharma
    Favorite song  K.K. Rally
    Unlocked items
  •  Large tea table
  •  Floor seat
  •  Potbelly stove
  •  Ball return
  •  Bowling pins
  •  Snowman
  •  Matryoshka
  •  Daimyo's tray
  •  Mini dharma
  •  Giant dharma
  •  Dharma
  •  K.K. Rally
  •  Hopper's pic
  • Interior:
  •  Gold screen wall
  •  Red-carpet floor
  •  Tatami
  • Clothing:
  •  Dragon suit
  •  Red riding dress
  •  Flame umbrella
  • Starting house: Default exterior of Hopper's house in Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer

    In amiibo Festival[edit]



    Birthday Personality Catchphrase
    April 6 Aries Cranky slushie
    Clothing Dragon Suit HHD Icon.png Dragon suit
    Umbrella Flame Umbrella HHD Icon.png Flame umbrella
    amiibo card traits
    Dice value 5
    Hand sign Rock
    Desert Island Escape traits
    Movement Desert Island Escape movement icon.png ×6
    Hunger Desert Island Escape hunger icon.png ×2
    Vision Desert Island Escape vision icon.png ×1
    Favorite fruit Desert Island Escape favorite fruit icon.png Lychee

    In Pocket Camp[edit]

    Hopper was added to Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp on June 27, 2022.[citation needed]

    Always have a comeback.


    Birthday Personality Catchphrase
    April 6 Aries Cranky slushie
    Default clothing Dragon suit
    Description Before you ask, he's tried eye drops, and no, they don't help. It's just a thing we all have to live with when he comes around, staring at us.
    Preferred theme Cool
    Primary reward Cotton
    Version added 5.1.0
    Date unlocked June 27, 2022
    How to invite  Blathers's Treasure Trek (map obtained on Caroline and Pals' Island)
    Friendship rewards
    Level 7 Dragon suit
    Sparkle stones
    Level 9 Sparkle stones
    Level 15 Crafting request:
    Level 20 Hopper's pic
    Sparkle stones
    Level 25[nb 11] Sparkle stones

    Card profiles[edit]

    Animal Crossing e-Reader card[edit]

    Main article: 171 Hopper (Animal Crossing-e)

    Animal Crossing-e 3-171 (Hopper).jpg

    Card back

    Animal Crossing-e 3-171 (Hopper - Back).jpg

    #171 Hopper - Series 3
    Gender: Male
    Sign: Aries
    Clothes: dragon suit
    Petphrase: slushie
    Profile: Animals constantly ask Hopper how he got his name, and he tends to make up long, absurd stories about wild things he did as a baby. The fact of the matter is, his parents just wanted to name him "Hopper".
    Password: snfdRumKUlKpf%

    amiibo card[edit]

    179 Hopper amiibo card NA.png

    Card back

    Amiibo Card Back.png

    #179 Hopper - Series 2
    Star sign: Aries
    Birthday: April 6
    Dice value: 5
    Hand sign: Rock



    Names in other languages[edit]

    Japanese ダルマン
    May be derived from Bodhidharma, better known in Japan as "Daruma," the founder of Zen Buddhism

    Korean 달만이
    Similar to Japanese name

    Simplified Chinese 达满
    Dá mǎn
    Similar to Japanese name

    Traditional Chinese 達滿

    Russian Хоппер
    Same as English name

    Dutch Hopper Same as English name

    German Hauke -

    European Spanish Güiñón Portmanteau between "pingüino" (penguin) and "gruñón" (grumpy, which fits with his behavior)

    European French Victor -

    Italian Pinguaio Portmanteau between "pinguino" (penguin) and "guaio" (trouble, which is a synonym of annoyance, to fit with his behavior)

    See also[edit]


    1. Prior to New Horizons
    2. New Horizons
    3. Daruman
    4. Dá mǎn
    5. Dá mǎn
    6. Dalmani
    7. Khopper
    8. Hopper's headwear during the Countdown can either be the New Year's silk hat or the New Year's hat, each rotating every year. The hat's variation will vary depending on what variations Tom Nook is selling at his stand.
    9. If it is Hopper's birthday, he will also wear the birthday hat (Blue variation).
    10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Does not contain a stereo initially
    11. Repeats for levels 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, and 80